I asked Andrew Eardley if he’d permit me to post some excerpts from his recent (March 16, 2016) reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon.
I’m happy that, after protestations, he’s allowed me. Some of you know Andrew as Commander of the scientific starship, the Pi. Others may know him as a reincarnation of the prophet Elijah. I playfully call him “Cap’n.”
Who among lightworkers signed up to live a reclusive and “private” life? Some of us, perhaps, but probably very few. Andrew in his wanderings has been called previously by AAM a lamplighter and here a butterfly or bee that pollinates.
Again, I could have posted just the absolute minimum of things, but the reading is so rich and the subject matter so engaging that I asked Andrew to let me post generously. Here it is.
Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of news. Welcome – welcome, beloved brother. Welcome to this Council and to this Circle of Love, to this Circle of Peace, to this Circle of Oneness. Welcome home.
Let us begin by the deeper anchoring, not only of our union, of our friendship, of our sacred mission and purpose, but also, beloved One, of the deeper anchoring of you in You. …
We tell you, we share with you, we guide you – again and again. We speak of your magnificence, your capacities, your capabilities, your mission, and you have never shied away.
Quite the contrary, my dear brother, you have quickly embraced everything that is part of this mission and purpose. And when we say that, we do not simply mean Elias, (1) the Pi, even the Trident part of your mission. (2)
We mean the human incarnation and work that you are doing in this beloved planet, in the Cities of Light, of being like the beautiful butterfly or bumble bee that goes and spreads pollination – and sweetness – wherever you land.
We know that in many ways this sense of travelling without a homebase from place to place to place is challenging and exhausting – even while it is exhilarating and exciting. We know of your soul weariness – beloved One, do not fret – you will have your homebase. (3)
Why I bring this up is not simply to reassure you about having a home, but that you will know the value of what you are doing in human form, and that that work – because it is work – is known and acknowledged, appreciated and valued by this side.
We can not do what you do. We work – we operate – in a myriad of ways, but seldom do I assume form and even when I do it is only for a few minutes here and there. (4) And so I want you to know that our hearts are filled with love and appreciation for how you are conducting yourself and that what often feels like endurance is also known.
My Brother, I have worked, we have worked, many of us – above and below – have worked on the anchoring of Love, the anchoring of peace on this beautiful Gaia for tens and tens and tens and tens of thousands of years – eons.
I know the meaning of endurance, and I also know that endurance, stamina, patience, require the deepest compassion. Admiration, yes – but compassion and gratitude, and you have this from us, so when you feel – and we know you have felt at moments that the ‘well is dry’ – turn to me my beloved brother.
Let me quench your thirst, let me fill the well, let me attend to you. Yes, the Mother attends to you constantly, but as your brother, your ally, your friend, I can do more than hold the sword and shield. I can assist you. So I want to start there – I want you to know how much you are cherished and valued. …
[In answer to a question about combining healing efforts in a collective meditation:]
Where two or more are gathered, there is an implosion/explosion effect. It is as if you are amplifying the invocations – the Healing energy etc., etc., etc. – and you know this to be true, and you have witnessed this to be true many many times, both in this lifetime and other lifetimes, both upon planet – Gaia – and elsewhere.
Elias: I am wondering if I am meant to embark upon a mission – similar perhaps to Steve’s West Coast Express of 2014 – where I might travel around Europe, or perhaps globally, to meet up with local lightworker groups and explain to them what I know about our future missions with starship Pi, our bridging mission, the global Festival of Music, planetary nuclear cleansing, involvement in the raising of Atlantis and Lemuria, etc.
Indeed I tend to get very enthusiastic when talking about such matters to people, even though I run the risk of being considered ‘crazy’! But I feel that this is my mission at this time, and I am very conscious of your advice in one of the Hour with an Angel programs earlier last year where you advised us to ‘stop hiding our light under a bushel basket’ and to ‘come out of the cave’. Can you advise me about this?
AAM: You are absolutely correct. And the awakening of humanity – globally, individually, collectively – to who they truly are is not simply . . . either voluntary or desirable – it is critical and necessary. Many, each in their own way, are stepping forth in the fulfilment of this transition work – and it is exciting, rewarding, exhilarating work, and it is also filled with gratitude when people wake up and say, “Oh – my gosh, I had no idea!”
Now, is there always the downside that people dismiss you or think you’re crazy? Yes – and to which we say, “So what!” You know there have been many adepts who have seen star beings, angels, miraculous events who have been dismissed and dismissed and dismissed again and again, and then in the light of history – and history can be a day or an eon – people say, “Oh – you were right!”
What you are doing is planting the seed – you are putting your hand upon their shoulders, literally and etherically, and gently saying, “Wake up – the world, your experience, Gaia, the kingdoms, the galaxy – is far more fabulous and exciting than you are paying attention to. So there is a whole realm of discovery that you are simply denying!”
And when you do that for others, it is miraculous. And let us be clear, that is the step before the full engagement with your star brothers and sisters – it has to be for most people because the awakening is to their own capacity, their own design, their own next chapter. It’s not simply about external catalysing them into awakening – that will come. But it is the internal light, it is the internal spark, it is the internal awakening so that it can accept and meet and acknowledge and see what is occurring in the external.
So to answer your question, yes, this is part of what is open to you, and we are encouraging it.
Elias: Right. Yes. If I am to embark upon such a mission, which would involve much travel, I feel that it would need to be after the Reval, as my present financial constraints would effectively prohibit such a plan. I also wonder if I will have to embark on such work alone, or if there is anyone I can turn to as a travelling companion to share this work? I wonder if you can enlarge on this and advise me.
AAM: Yes. There will be a small cadre, and it is . . . think of it in this way – think of a group of about ten people, but not always or all ten present and accounted for, so some join for one leg, some join for another, so there is generally about three or four of you together. So you are correct, and yes, it will be after you have – how shall we say – the ‘wherewithal’ to do this.
Elias: Yes, and no doubt I’ll get some advice then at a later stage on how to go about it.
AAM: But in that you will also have the gift of a ‘homebase’ because this level of engaging can be exhausting, and so while it is exhilarating and fulfilling, it can also be tiring. So it will be important for you – and for your family – to have this homebase.
(1) The prophet Elijah.
(2) Private, post-Reval project – for now.
(3) Andrew has his future home in England already selected and AAM is keeping it off the market, pending the Reval.
(4) Steve: He assumed form for a few seconds outside my apartment one day. When I turned to look again, he had vanished. He assumed form when KW was walking across the street and more or less “moon-walked” around her, completely wowing her. Again in Portland, when KW and I were walking in the downtown area, he assumed form for a few seconds as a homeless person. (He later confirmed in all instances that it was him.) As Hebrews 13:2 says: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”