Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The stories of this Resurrection phase are something we’ll really enjoy sharing – later. The message to go silent has presented again, just when things are getting gorgeously surreal.
I highly recommend that anyone who is experiencing the multidimensional merge sequences, transformation activations, or revelatory cosmic embodiment experiences (a.k.a. the Resurrection Phase of Ascension) do their best to put aside extraneous activities, simplify as much as possible, and focus on this monumental unfoldment of Christed embodiment.
We are embodying several dimensional layers in a fully conscious process, and yes – things get incredibly and beautifully intense. Keep your psyche, heart and body well cared for, Beloveds. Write down the experiences, interaction, different races, messages and guidance for later. We’ll be assisting the next wave – later.
The Tribe will be fine, and we need to unify in showing them this is not busy-ness as usual. For now, everyone upstairs is saying to step away and focus. They are also advising getting away from interference (extended internet/wireless exposure, digital media, etc.). This is an organic Mastery process; apply that wisdom as necessary. If you’re in this phase, you get it.
By/near January 17 many of us will have entered a completely new phase of our journey. Remember this is an important part of the 2016 unfoldments; it provides a vastly higher vibration upon Gaia. The New Christed grid system came online in December. Remember when the merge of grids happened in late November 2014?
Now the old one has dropped. Gone. Many adjustments were made mid-December (rough week for Gatekeepers), and we have a much easier multidimensional access now. Experiences may get stranger, clearer, for many of you. You may also see new guides, other races, things Gatekeepers have been interacting with as everything accelerates.
If you’re not in this phase, support those who are by staying heart-centered, kind, compassionate, and calm. Stop any negative recurring thoughts in their tracks and focus on love, peace, and positive creations. It’s important to keep the vibe up there, Beloveds. Serve the Ascension as best you can.
I love you all so very much! Let us show HUmanity what is possible. Happy New Year, what an amazing way to begin.
In Love, Light and Service,
“This Transformation will take all of your focus. Now.,” by Sandra Walter, December 27, 2015, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: December 27, 2015