When we begin our gifting, who should we begin with? Lightworkers?
Archangel Michael: The work is not simply for Lightworkers. It is to bring those who think that they are alone, isolated and forgotten and to bring them to the warmth of Gaia’s hearth fire. (1)
Can you be more specific about who you’re referring to?
AAM: Begin at home and get your feet wet. Begin with the disenfranchised adults, women, then men, then children, because the children will benefit right off the bat regardless, and then extend yourself to what you have thought of as the marginalized populations – yes, criminals, those who have been locked up because people label them mentally ill. Then spread your wings across the globe. (2)
What do financial wayshowers need to keep in mind as they approach this work?
AAM: We don’t want what you would call tools ever again to be put in the wrong hands. So the clarity of those leading the charge with me has need to be 20/20. (3)
My beloved friends, there are a number of things I am asking you, each of you, to do that are very practical.
First, detach from any form of fear, trepidation, concern, because these also reflect lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, lack of trust. Detach from that level of anxiety that so many of you [are feeling]. Yes, it is absolutely correct and certainly acceptable and allowed to be excited, to anticipate, to plan. This is part of creation work and it is part of what you are doing.
And whether you understand it or not, when you stay in that frame of mind and in that frame of heart, what you are doing is energizing the movement of this process. Send energy, and continue to send, and of course I am very partial to gold. But whatever energy you feel like that you are inspired to send, send it to those who are the ground crew, the people at the teller wickets, at the ATMs, on the worker level of bringing this to fruition. Because this is a massive, massive undertaking.
Now, there have been many dramas that have been humanly concocted. Some are real; some are simply full illusion that try to distract individuals and groups from this process. Do not buy into this. Hold the space for the fulfillment of this undertaking. Simply know that you, each and every one of you, are in a position to give and to receive, to receive and to give.
So, in terms of what remains to be done, what I say to you is precious little. Simply hold the space and allow. And yes, I will repeat what my colleague has been saying, and I do say ‘colleague’. Silence is golden. (4)
AAM: We would all ask you to continue to work on those belief systems, and the release, complete erasure of those belief systems and embracing at the same time the replacement, which is the confidence and the knowing that not only are you powerful creators of abundance but that you live, you thrive, and you welcome an abundant, equitable universe. (5)
AAM: Make your plans of what you are going to create and do, because this is where lightworkers are being given the opportunity to demonstrate, in physicality, what creation of Nova Earth looks like. I cannot be more clear than that. (6)
Are you watching to see how we do?
AAM: Humans have a tendency to change with incredible abundance. …
But we are very aware of human history and how people have a tendency, even with the purest of hearts, to shift and perhaps even go a little crazy. So do not think that everything needs to be in place. There will be what you think of as little gaps and holes.
Simply know that, where there are gaps and holes, we are waiting to see how the shift is affecting the collective of humanity and the collective of the foundations and the various groups.
So stand back. Be the observer. See the unfoldment as it occurs. This is not about grasping. This has never been about scurrying. This has always been about understanding the spiritual currency of self and others and simply knowing that you and we are putting people where they need to be. (7)
AAM: One of the benefits of what you think of as delays is that you have been getting used to being an incredibly wealthy person.
So it has given several of the key players the chance to do the adjustment. It is important that this is you getting used to your spiritual currency. (8)
Am I correct in thinking that those people who cultivate generosity will be used as channels for further abundance?
AAM: Yes, that is correct. Understand: love begets love; generosity begets gratitude, begets generosity; joy begets generosity, begets gratitude. You are absolutely correct. You see, one of the starting points of the density of the old Third was this issue of hoarding and greed. I will hoard what I have and I will not share.
So it is like having a campfire to cook meat on and not being willing to share an ember with your neighbor. Well, you already have your campfire. Why would you not share? Is it as if someone is stealing your power? That is absurd. The hoarding is the root [of the old Third], because it is fear-based. It is the belief that you are not taken care of.
So to hoard, whether it is new wealth — and there are people all over your planet who become, through circumstance or what you believe is luck, instant millionaires. And then in those groupings there are those that become benevolent and generous, and then there are those who choose to maintain the old paradigm and hoard. What you are doing is setting the new paradigm, and that is that unity is important (9)
What can we hold onto and what must we let go of in the new world the Reval brings into being?
AAM: We will tell you very clearly. Your Earth — the systems, the planet — is not going to remain status quo. It cannot. And very rarely will you hear me use these words. It cannot remain the same because that is not the unfoldment of the plan of the Mother.
Have there been flexibility and adjustment to accommodate the desires and the heart yearnings of the collective human race? Of course.
But let us be clear. The old 3rd, of what we have been talking about, of false masks — for systems, for governments, for people — is going. Now, it can go smoothly, because as you disintegrate your mask, you do so for many, or it can be rather abrupt. It matters not. It is going. (10)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 6, 2013.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) “Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage, Nov. 8, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/notes-from-archangel-michaels-discussion-of-sacred-partnership/ https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/notes-from-archangel-michaels-discussion-of-sacred-partnership/.
(4) “Sanat Kumara: Silence is Golden Part 1/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 9, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/sanat-kumara-silence-is-golden-part-12/https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/sanat-kumara-silence-is-golden-part-12/ .
(5) “Archangel Michael’s Counsel on the Reval,” Sept. 17, 20-13, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/17/archangel-michaels-counsel-on-the-reval/.
(6) “Archangel Michael: It is Time to Awaken Fully Now – Part 2/2,” June 11, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/archangel-michael-it-is-time-to-awaken-fully-now-part-22/https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/archangel-michael-it-is-time-to-awaken-fully-now-part-22/ .
(7) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 11, 2013.
(8) Loc. cit.
(9) “Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 30, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/archangel-michael-welcome-to-this-time-of-re-awakening-part-2/https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/10/archangel-michael-welcome-to-this-time-of-re-awakening-part-2/ .
(10) “Archangel Michael on the Reval, NESARA, Putin and the Boston Bombings,” May 14, 2013, https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/archangel-michael-on-the-reval-nesara-putin-and-the-boston-bombings/https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/archangel-michael-on-the-reval-nesara-putin-and-the-boston-bombings/ .