Thanks, everyone, for the lively discussion that resulted from the posting of the allegedly-photoshopped UFO photo that has apparently worked its way globally around the Net.
Our policy in situations like that is to take down anything whose authenticity is disputed.
The cabal itself is known to circulate images of UFOs and other objects to create confusion. The cabal itself then “exposes” the images as fake. (1)
The best of the photos you’ve sent in has come from Erica in Cape Town. Lenticular clouds, hiding UFOs (some camouflage), above that city, taken today (Nov. 8, 2015.)
(1) The best example of this is President Obama’s birth certificate. It was a forgery, but it wasn’t President Obama who forged it; it was the cabal. They then exposed the forgery, attributing it to President Obama, as the Divine Mother confirmed on An Hour with an Angel, Oct. 2012.
Steve Beckow: Just before turning to the Plan a few questions down the line, was Barack Obama’s birth certificate doctored?
Divine Mother: Yes.
SB: So the accusations against Barack Obama that his birth certificate is false, they really do apply to the people who actually doctored the certificate to give rise to these suspicions. Is that true?
DM: That is correct. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at