In Canada, it is time for a federal election. We head to the polls October 19th with four political parties to vote for: Conservative, Liberal, NDP and the Green Party.
Many would like our present leader, Stephen Harper, to be voted out of office but the interesting part is we may well end up with a minority government where no one is clearly in power.
Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party, explains at the beginning of this television interview how a minority government could bring about a productive, respectful parliament and how she would like all the leaders of the parties and members of parliament to get along and work together. She, herself, is an extraordinary leader who openly speaks of her party being “fuelled by Love” not money, not corporate interests but Love.
In the last few minutes of the YouTube below, at 22:22, Elizabeth talks of her party being a movement:
“Yes, we are a political party but we are not seeking power for ourselves. . . We are about bringing power back to citizens, back to our communities and back to the fundamental things that make us Canadian which has more to do with taking care of each other than fearing each other, more to do with a safety net that keeps people from falling through the cracks than exploiting the fear that one day it could be them falling through those cracks so they are afraid to reach out and help, and they become more insular. . . .
“We reject the fear and we embrace the hope. We have the hammer of justice, we have the bell of freedom and we have a song to sing about the Love between our brothers and our sisters all over this land because the Green Party isn’t fuelled by money and the Green Party isn’t fuelled by corporate interest and I’ve never said it before out loud but here you go — the Green Party is fuelled by Love!”
Elizabeth May’s 4-year anniversary as MP for Saanich Gulf Islands
Could a minority government in Canada be an example of a higher dimensional way of being — a circle of leaders working together for change, for the good of all? In the higher realms there is no control. As we consciously eliminate control in our own lives, this way of being can come into being everywhere, internally and externally.