Credit: loveproblemsolutionuk.com
I’d like to discuss some matters related to financial wayshowing over the course of a few articles.
Not on financial matters per se, on which subject I’m not qualified to comment, but on us as wayshowers – our attitudes, our issues, the open and closed doors.
The first thing I’d like to discuss is how the mind can prevent the financial wayshower from having their money make a difference. By “making a difference” I mean having an impact in the building of Nova Earth.
There are halting movements behind the scenes, which I’m not at liberty to comment on, which nonetheless have me feel a need to accelerate our discussions of financial wayshowing.
The prospect of acquiring some wealth evokes an immediate desire to be generous.
However, almost as soon as generous words are out of the lightworker’s mouth, a second reaction may come up and the individual may begin backing away from the original intention of generosity. They may even seem non-plussed at what they’ve just done.
What happened?
Financial wayshowers having fears and second thoughts is a common and predictable reaction among lightworkers. You don’t see it among the cabal because they don’t respond from generosity. In my experience, it’s usually only seen among newly-wealthy servers of the Light.
To answer why it happens we have to look at the way the mind works. Then we need to see how to get around it if we’re to succeed in our missions as lightworkers, distributing the Mother’s abundance to others, as well as ourselves.
The mind works to ensure the survival of us and everything we identify as important to our survival – spouse, children, job, house, car, etc.
It operates by making itself right and others wrong, judging and avoiding being judged, and dominating and avoiding being dominated. It carries the burden of a long list of perpetrations against others and failures to assist. Guilt, shame, low self-esteem, etc., commonly result.
Now to pick up with our example: When the individual, in touch with the divine quality of generosity, promises to make a generous offering, contributing from the abundance achieved, the mind kicks in a short while later to cast doubt on the wisdom of the gesture, to recoil from the amount promised, or to back peddle and put in reservations and riders.
In the growth movement, this back-peddling would have been called “having a mind attack.” We also call it a snapback, a recoil, a change of heart, etc.
The mind will say, “I don’t have enough,” “I’m going to run out,” “They never did anything for me. Why should I do something for them ?” “No, I want to enjoy myself first. Then I’ll see to others.” These are all issues (or “vasanas”) born of upsets and other traumatic circumstances that happened way back when.
One of the recommendations I’ve followed, which came from the Breakthrough Foundation many years ago, was to ask the heart what figure it wanted to contribute and then to stay with that figure whatever it was and whatever arose later.
Stay with it past the mind’s rebellion. Stay with it past the remorse, regret and second-guessing that goes on. And stay with it to deliver on our promise. This calls for faith that everything will work out and the courage to keep our word whether it works out or not – in fact, even if it doesn’t; especially if it doesn’t.
The more I do that, the stronger my word becomes and the stronger is my experience of both integrity and generosity.
The mind’s fear, reneging or veto is a circumstance the financial wayshower will face every day. We must distinguish between what comes from the heart or Self (they are the same) and what comes from the mind and no longer consent to be enslaved by the mind’s propensities.
We can do some of the brush-clearing of concern by putting aside enough money for taxes, a contingency fund, our own and our family’s well-being and future needs, and our own personal gifting. We then know how much disposable income we have to work with.
We’re digging our way out from under the mind’s control. After the heart opens, and love flows through us, the work will become easier.
I’ll discuss in my next article how to do our work before the heart opens, when we’re not swept along in and buoyed up by the flow of love.