Wholeness of mind, body and spirit includes a healthy body. As you are no doubt aware, organic foods are body-friendly, while so-called ‘conventional’ produce often comes with a high toxicity load for your body.
Non-organic foods may come with one or more of the following challenges to your body’s ability to maintain your health.
1. Genetically-modified foods are currently being tested by the public for side-effects, even though people don’t know that they are being used as guinea pigs. Genetic engineering produces higher crop yields and tougher fruits that get damaged less in shipping. Because of the higher profits these modified foods are being supplied for public consumption without as much as a “May we?” being asked of the public.
2. Pesticides are deadly poisons. They are highly toxic to your body as well as to the bugs that they kill. Pesticides also kill the healthy microorganisms in the soil, the ones that enable many nutrients to form in the plants.
3. The latest additive to some foods is radiation from nuclear waste. In order to give these foods longer shelf life, every last living microorganism in the food is zapped dead by nuclear radiation. Yum, yum!
The alternative to genetically modified, poisoned and irradiated food is organic food. It is no surprise that the organic foods movement is growing by leaps and bounds.
Organic fruits and vegetables contain twice the beneficial trace minerals, according to a 1993 study in the Journal of Applied Nutrition comparing organic to conventional produce. In overall nutrition, organic produce has four to ten times more value than conventional produce. And that’s not even the important difference. The amount of life energy in fresh organic fruits and vegetables compared to conventional ones is like the difference between night and day. You can see the difference show up in Kirlian energy photography, or you can ask a monkey…
Ask a monkey?
Really! In 2002, keepers at a Copenhagen zoo began offering 10% organic fruits to animals. The chimpanzees surprised the keepers by actively choosing organic bananas over the conventional ones with pesticides. Furthermore, when they had organic bananas to eat, the chimpanzees would eat the skins as well, but they would take the peel off the conventional bananas before eating them! As you can tell, those chimps don’t monkey around when it comes to organic bananas!
Your food is a source of, not just food and nutrients, but of life energy. Life energy fills the air that you breathe, it is in natural spring water and it is a vital part of the food that you eat. When people’s skin looks pale or undernourished, it isn’t so much the nutrients that they are missing, as the life energy in their food. Living foods, like raw fruits and mixed green salads, do more for your overall health than any multivitamin pills ever could. Raw, organic foods are filled with vital, life energy. Try adding more raw, organic fruits and mixed salads full of raw, organic vegetables to your diet today.
Store Wars – a hilarious spoof of Star Wars
The Organic Trade Association has come out with an informative and very entertaining spoof on the original movie Star Wars, where the leading roles are played by talking, organic vegetables!
The original 1977 Star Wars movie has since been repackaged under the name “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.” Ask any kid about the Star Wars series of movies. They are hugely popular. All the better for showing kids the organic foods spoof on Star Wars.
As you probably know, the story line goes like this. Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Luke Skywalker learned to use “the Force” and became a Jedi knight under the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi. In a smoke-filled bar full of outlaws at Mos Eisley spaceport, they recruit Han Solo and his sidekick Chewbacca to fly them and their robot droids – C3-PO and R2-D2 – in their ship, the Millennium Falcon, to the Alderan system. Their ship arrives, but gets pulled inside the Empire’s most ominous weapon, a massive, spherical space station called the Death Star.
Here, Luke discovers and rescues the captive Princess Leia. Obi-Wan fights with the evil Lord Darth Vader, who represents the dark side of the Force, using laser light sabers. Meanwhile, the others engineer their escape. Joining the Rebel Alliance, Luke succeeds in destroying the Death Star after being prompted by the mentoring voice of Obi-Wan, who urges him to, “Stretch out with your feelings, Luke. Use the Force!”
The organic foods spoof of all this, which runs for just five minutes, is called Store Wars, as it is set in a supermarket-sized grocery store. Cuke Skywalker is played by a talking cucumber, who is trained by Obi-Wan Cannoli, played, naturally, by a cream cheese-filled Italian dessert!
Darth Tater is a large, talking potato who has misused the Field and gone over to the dark (non-organic) side of the farm. Darth tries to prevent the rescue of Princess Lettuce, while Ham Solo and Chewbroccoli engineer their escape from the Death Melon, along with their droids, C3-Peanuts and Tofu-D2. The movie ends with sage advice from the Yoda-like character, Yogurt, which is played by an open tub of green, frozen yogurt, complete with big ears!
In conclusion, the cast wishes you well by saying, “May the Farm be with you, always!”
This hilarious spoof is great for educating Star Wars fans of all ages into the benefits of fresh, organic produce. You can watch the 5-minute Store Wars movie on Youtube here:
“Organic Foods: Some Facts, Some fun and a 5-Minute Movie”, by Owen Waters, April 19, 2015 at www.SpiritualDynamics.net