Military Irresponsibility: US Government may have lost $500 mil of weaponry to Al-Qaeda.
Did I mention that the Pentagon states it may have lost a half billion dollars in weapons to Al-Qaeda? (1) “Whatever.” That’s all I can say… well, that’s the first thing that I can say –me without an opinion is most unusual! 😉 This reminds me of Donald Rumsfeld telling us on September 10th, 2001, they’ve misplaced $2.3 tril: “According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” (2)
Did you notice when Rumsfeld told us they “lost” $2.3 trillion? That’s “T” …trillion, not “M” for million. 2.3 trillion… I must laugh, or else I’d cry! Our government LOST $2.3 trillion on the day before the infamous 9/11. If you’re a regular here on Golden Age of Gaia, then you know the story behind this: 9/11 was an inside job, executed by US government and by US companies doing the cabal’s bidding.
Further, our government hoped that China would “forgot” about the gold that was due them on September 12, 2001, resulting from the terrorism that struck the World Trade Center.
Is this all mere coincidence, those events on each date: Reported losing $2.3 trillion on Sept 10th; Travesty hits on Sept 11th; and the US due to repay China on Sept 12th?
Rumsfeld told America they had misplaced 2.3 trillion –OMG, every time I write this, I cannot stop laughing. This is ludicrous –and they are in charge of a country …losing $2.3 trillion??? How come they just weren’t fired for such a faux pas?
Such a wonderful daydream: “Excuse me sir, excuse me (Secret Service tapping him on the shoulder). Hello, hello… Yes you, George W… you’re fired. Take all your henchmen, head over to the courtroom, where you’ll be tried for blatant incompetency as the Commander in Chief, and then for crimes against humanity.”
So, 14 years later, we ‘re faced with the same: $500 million of military weaponry “lost” to Al-Qaeda. Wow. Here’s what we lost:
• 1,250,000 rounds of ammunition,
• 200 Glock 9 mm pistols,
• 200 M-4 rifles,
• 4 Huey II helicopters,
• 2 Cessna 208 transport and surveillance aircraft,
• 2 coastal patrol boats,
• 1 CN-235 transport and surveillance aircraft,
• 4 hand-launched Raven drones,
• 160 Humvees,
• 250 suits of body armor. and
• 300 sets of night-vision goggles. (1)
Did you notice we “lost” four helicopters? How does anyone lose a helicopter? No seriously, how does one misplace a single copter, much less four of them: Ludicrous. Did you also read that we lost 160 Humvees? Unreal.
Hiding 160 Humvees is harder than hiding 4 helicopters, isn’t it? You need much more space to hide 160 Humvees than you do to hide four helicopters, and yet it has happened …right under our noses. Can you say, “Incompetent”? Or they are just lying through their teeth again… what’s your gut tell you?
David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, right? I wonder how much he charged our government to vanish all of this weaponry …go USA! I’ll bet he charged $2.3 tril (wink wink)… At least now we can tell Rumsfeld to where the money disappeared!
I’ve mentioned many times before that one of our government’s best tactics is relying upon people’s inability to recall history. We resemble the phenomenon called “object permanence”: Newborns cannot cognitively understand that if you hide behind your hands that you are still right in front of them. Rather, they look around in confusion, and often begin to cry, until you mysterious re-appear when removing your hands: “Peek-a-boo!”
“In 2007, accounting from the DOD Inspector General’s office estimated 500,000 weapons went missing in Iraq. Auditors were unable to determine whether those weapons remained with Iraqi units or fell into the hands of the insurgency. In 2004, 380 tons of high-grade explosives disappeared from a facility supposedly under American control. Multitudinous examples of mammoth fraud, waste, and abuse abound stemming from the failed Iraq venture, a fact that has quietly spiralled down the media memory hole. It would appear that the last thing the GOP would want is to rehash the colossal sums of taxpayer money squandered in the failed war on Iraq.” (1)
Dear beloved brothers and sisters of the world: You know we are being punked, right? Our corporate cabal who’s running our world’s governments have enough rope to hang themselves, so stand strong, sweet grasshopper …we don’t have much longer before their gig is up, and we’ll be free from this debt slavery.
And as these revelations continue to be revealed, know in your heart of hearts that we are being protected by a power much greater than the self-righteous arrogance and heinous acts of our controlling corporate cabal. Freedom is just around the corner.
Economy: Is the Fed profiting or pretending?
Where do I began with this story? I, like most people, want to believe that the Fed is profiting. In other words, our financial institutions are making money, yet this is quite the conundrum, don’t you think? Our mainstream media has a sophisticated way of making us believe just about anything, and this is no different.
“According to figures released Friday, the Fed reported net income of $101.3 billion. That’s an increase of nearly 30% from 2013. …The Fed also ended 2014 with nearly $4.5 trillion in assets — up from about $4 trillion in 2013.”
I want our banking system to be successful. I want our banks to be strong and a leader in the world. I imagine that everyone can say the same of their own economy, right? We all want our financial institutions to be successful, helpful, forthright, and honest. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Healthy competition encourages us all to put our best foot forward, to be all we can be …and as such, this pulls up everyone. We all gain from each of us supporting and encouraging us to strive toward bettering our selves and our world.
“So where’s the conundrum?” you ask. Is this believable? Is this real? Is the Fed really making $101 billion in profits with nearly $4.5 trillion in assets? Is this a ploy that they do time and time again to manipulate us –and the world– into believing that the economy is turning around? Is this another lie, which people want to readily believe?
We want to give our financial institutions the benefit of the doubt. We do not want to believe the system is bad. We do not want to believe there actually is a controlling corporate cabal (aka, most of the privately owned banks of the Federal Reserve Banking System) working desperately to stay in power –at whatever the cost, which includes the cost of our freedom, our health, and even our lives.
We have a tendency to forget unscrupulous acts from just last week, once another story hits mainstream news. Adults have a worse case of having non-object permanence than newborns. Alternative news continues to tells that our cabal is on the downfall.
Does that mean they still have lots of money, such as $101 billion? I don’t know. But I do know that they own the public media companies, such as CNN Money. This means that they can print and publish untruths, in an effort to manipulate, as they’ve been guilty of time and time again. “Peek-a-boo!”
Fed’s Profit Jumps 30% to $101 Billion by Paula R. La Monica. CNN Money.
Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.