In a new weekly message, we will be looking into the 13 blessings and virtues or divine qualities given to us from the Council of Love.
These ways of being are the foundation of Nova Being and Nova Earth, enabling us to complete our mission of service to others. Each blessing and virtue is birthed from Love and a gift to the heart.
The first one, we will look at is Humility. The traditional dictionary definition — modesty, meekness and humbleness — is quite different from the vital, action oriented definition given by the Council of Love:
“Twin of piety (reverence for all things). The ability to be truly grateful for the many blessings bestowed upon each of us. The knowledge that alone we are incompetent but united with One we are All. Humility is necessary for all works and sharing of service.
“It’s color is red. Humility brings vitality, being an action blessing and virtue.” (1)
On Heavenly Blessings, April 23, 2013, Ascended Master, Lao Tzu, spoke of Humility in this way:
“Humility is the ability to serve and it is the ability to serve in whatever capacity and in whatever role, not only that you decide and determine, but that is open to you.
“Humility is to know that you are an instrument of Love and in making that heart commitment and body commitment to be an instrument of Love.
“But it matters not because the reward of service, is the service itself; it is the willingness of your Being to extend yourself to others realizing that in that you are simply extending yourself to All.” (2) 
Lao Tzu carries a gnarled stick with him, reminding us of the importance of balance, and that it is a privilege to serve, not a duty or a responsibility, but an honor. Here he explains how compassion and Humility are interconnected:
“They are very connected and it is essential because part of what Humility is, is not only not putting yourself above, or just as importantly, below others, it is putting yourself with others.
“So it is not only serving, it is allowing yourself to be served as well.
“It is very irritating, is it not?, when you have received a gift, be it of healing, of friendship, of support, it matters not what it is, and then you wish to return the favor, the service, not in like kind, but simply as an expression of your gratitude and the person says to you, ‘Oh, no, no, don’t bother, I don’t need anything.’
“And it hurts your heart because you have not been permitted to give back. So the balance is broken, my stick is on the ground, and that is humiliating.” (2)
So Humility, like all the blessings and virtues, is the balance, that is deeply embedded our heart consciousness. When we give it is also important to be able to receive and vice-a-versa.
This blessing and virtue is also the knowing that we are all brothers and sisters, on this journey together, as Lao Tzu says here:
“So when you come in a place of Humility, it is a unifying force, it is a force that says ‘I am your brother and sister and that we are in this journey together so I will serve you because otherwise I am not fulfilling my soul purpose and mission, and then you will serve me so that you can fulfill your heart’s desires, and then we will both go and serve another and another and so it grows.’
“This is how you very clearly create the New Way, the way of change and the way of Christ Consciousness and Love.
“Jesus Sananda, the Master, is very humble and he knew exactly what it meant to walk barefoot and dusty and to share whatever food he had. It has been the same for thousands and tens of thousands of years.” (2)
Lao Tzu says that this exchange, this sharing, raises our frequency to the vibration of Love and inside that Love is acceptance of our intrinsic value, our worth.
“… it brings the vibration of Love and inside that Love, with joy and gratitude, is acceptance and acceptance is part of Humility as well.
“Part of what you yearn for, each of you, and I know this because I, as human, have also yearned for it — is this deep yearning to be accepted for who you are — to be seen and to be known, and in that knowing, to be cherished, to be valued.
“Because the starting point is to accept. And it is not to say that ‘I accept the reality’, because what is reality anyway? It is to accept the possibility.
“This is where I have always started with my students: ‘Can you accept the possibility of Love and of your value?
“Not that it is a given or a proven but just the possibility.
‘When that crack of the door is open, you are home.’” (2)
Here Lao Tzu speaks of himself, when he walked the Earth, sharing his insights:
“… when I have walked in form as Lao Tzu, I did not think of myself as a Master. Now to call someone a Master in that time of China, was also a sign of respect.
“I had these flashes of enlightenment but I only assumed that these insights were given to me so that I could share them.
“That is Humility; it is not the feeling that you are so special that something is given only to you. That is not of truth.
“And the insights and the understanding, the energy that is given to each of you, right now on Earth, is given to you to share.
“And each of you, all of you who listen, I see you and I see your wonder, not only your capacity to Love, but that you do Love, that you do walk in service.”  (2)
In the future, Lao Tzu explains we may have some intense work, helping shift the planet to a place of balance and Love, but if done in unity and equality, all will be attended to, no one will go hungry, as the riches are shared:
“Now you are being given some very strong situations in which to clear out, in service, in Humility, the old ways of violence, of hatred, of greed and financial greed and control. And these are important steps and understand, it is no different than my going to serve the Emperor or working in the field.
“My friends, you do both and you are richly compensated for both; perhaps not in money but in shifting your planet to a place where the money is not the issue because in unity and equality all are attended to, no one goes hungry and the riches are shared.
“This is also what Gaia teaches you. She does not just share her riches with some and not with others. She is truly generous with all of you. All you need to do is to look, observe, see, accept, receive, and then give back.” (2)
As we see, there is vitality in the conscious awareness of Humility. And service, balance, equality and gratitude for All, for as Lao Tzu says, it’s all about the Love:
“And so it was important that I be able to serve the poorest and the richest, the most powerful and the most meek.
“And I would tell you that my joy came from serving those in the villages because they would listen to me, not simply to listen to my words, but listen to my heart and to truly receive what I had to offer, which was Love; for the healing energy of all things is Love.
“How can one not fall down in awe and joy and reverence in the presence of Love?” 
Channeling by Linda Dillon © 2013 Council of Love
(1) The New You, by Linda Dillon, 2013, page 254
(2) Heavenly Blessings Radio Show
Transcript of radio show