The formidable purpose and unwavering courage of the Indigos strike again!
Why is North Korea hacking into Sony Corp? I believe it’s because a movie, The Interview, was poorly depicting North Korea and their culture. The movie was rather upsetting for them and they stood up to Hollywood; they actually did something about it to prevent Sony from releasing the movie. Bravo! Independent of the hackers reportedly being from North Korea, I credit the act of standing up to the machine: Having their voice heard far enough to gain the attention of the big kahuna money-makers!
As an editor (and advocate for global change), it’s my job to make the connections that may not be easily observable –yet are clearly there with the proper prescription of our societal lenses. The crossover here is politics and North Korea’s relationship with the US, specifically with Sony Corp, where hacktivists have given Sony, and Hollywood in general, a shrewd warning.
I think that North Korea used their mad hacktivist skills to stifle Sony, and if I may …to stop Hollywood in its tracks. As I see it, Seth Rogen and James Franco are pure beautiful Indigos, and in their typical envelop-pushing and comedic brilliance, starred in a film that put North Korea on the offensive. Effectively, demanding that Sony/Hollywood not release this movie (The Interview), or else fall prey to the exposure of more private info from the Sony database.
Who are the Indigos? They are a generation of kids that started sprinkling in during the 1950s & ’60s –and en masse in the 1970s & ’80s– called “Indigos” due to the color of their auras. They have a Soul Contract (what you agreed to do in this lifetime here on Lady Gaia) to shake things up around the world. In other words, to bring Light to… corruption, scandal, and all-things out of integrity.
With single-minded focus “to challenge and change the world,” their personalities are strong, determined and even forceful (when needed) in the most divine ways. Because of their courage to say “this is not okay,” we as a society began shifting status quo and revising the world around us. Their intention is drastic change by making the world a more energetically suitable place for spiritual development to blossom.
Much has been written of the Indigo Children… both of their abundant gifts and their herculean challenges. The Indigos blazed into our world full-steam ahead with an unmatched zeal driving to question the dictates of society and to confront our many institutions and policies. Whether you agree or disagree with the actions of Edward Snowden, he’s another perfect example of a contemporary Indigo, as evidenced by him exposing and bringing to Light the hidden agenda of the NSA of spying on unsuspecting citizens.
This “army” of youth (now turned adults) has been most impressive, glorious and successful in ushering in a new way. Their Soul Mission, as a generation, is for the good of mankind: To eradicate the old systems of our world that no longer work, to show new ways, and to insist upon global change. They give their all with unwavering passion. Because of their selfless drive, for example, school systems have changed, ways of parenting have changed, and what was once taboo is now being addressed and a “changing of the guard” is whole-heartedly embraced by the ever-growing number of awakening Souls around our planet.
So what’s the big deal? Well, I’m of the impression that Sony/Hollywood represents the cabal. “Why do I think that?” you ask. They are essentially the maintainers of the apocalyptic fear-mongering (along with mainstream news, of course). Consider the numerous movies that provoke fear regarding extraterrestrials, doomsday and the end of the world, vampires & zombies… and all the “breaking news” featuring ebola and bird flu, terrorism and war, etc etc etc.
Hollywood perpetuates fear –they carry and spread the darkness– and as a result of the pressure on Sony to not release The Interview, Hollywood must now re-assess how to move in this world. Thank Goddess, they got the message: Hollywood understands they are being watched from around our planet and are being forced to change their ways, forced to be respectful of others, and forced to change the way they communicate their message. Ultimately, they will change their message once they can create on their own, without being spoon-fed movie concepts just like mainstream news is fed stories on which to report. I look forward to the day when Hollywood will turn its back on the Dark Side and realign with the Force.
Truth be told, Seth Rogen and James Franco may or may not be aware of the term “Indigo” nor that they are serving as ones within Hollywood, and yet they still hold the energy of helping to breakdown the systems which maintain the illusion in which we live. Thank you Seth. Thank you James for the role you played in a most famous movie that never even made it to the light of day –now that’s true Indigo Spirit through and through!
Obama Vows U.S. Response to North Korean Hacking Attack on Sony by Chris Strohm. Bloomberg News.
Even if your current situation is heavy, please remember that this too shall pass.
We Are All One
My first mention of the Sony hacktivist issue occurs here: Golden Gaia News Roundup: December 8, 2014.
News Roundup Co-editor, Alex, has also mentioned this hot topic 11 days later: Golden Gaia News Roundup: December 19, 2014.
Seth Rogen’s ‘Interview’: Inside the Film North Korea Really Doesn’t Want You to See.
What Seth Rogen and Edward Snowden Chatted About Right Before the Sony Hacks.