The Masters are very specific about wording as these messages are encoded with energies that the reader receives. The specific words used, the punctuation, and even the spaces between the words all carry encoding and energies…. what Archangel Michael called “the space between the spaces.” (1)
6/23/24 Information received from Beloved Quan Yin
Greetings Beloved Ones
A new day has been birthed on planet earth
Your intuition your discernment grows stronger
Allow your higher light to flow through you with ease and grace
Walking in nature will uplift you
Observe the beauty and sounds of life in all its grandeur
Appreciate and give gratitude to the Creator all that is for this journey
Be at peace
The unseen Forces of Light walk beside you
6/28/24 Information received from Beloved Melchizedek
Greetings Beloved Ones
Be at peace
In the days and weeks ahead Freedom is to come to planet earth
The divine plan is unfolding
Continue to maintain your vibration at the highest possible level
Walk in nature
Breath deeply the essence of the LIGHT of who you are
It is time to acknowledge the power and love of you
Your strength and love will serve you well in the days ahead
The Unseen Forces of Light are with you every step of the way
7/1/24 Information received from Beloved Metatron
Greetings Beloved Ones
In the days and week ahead rapid change is to come to planet earth
The dark is in retreat
Never again will they hold power over mankind
Allow the new you to emerge in your higher light and love
It will be trans formative for Beloved Gaia and all who dwell upon her
Acknowledge your Light your love your Power and live it
Be ever cognizant of thought word and desire
Your ability to manifest grows stronger each day
The Unseen Forces of Light walk in Oneness with you
(1) Archangel Michael: We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source. … Yes, it is bigger than you think. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at