Arcturian Transmission: States of Consciousness. Channelled by Suzanne Lie, September 22, 2014.
We ask you all to go into the Core of your physical form, which will change according to your bodily needs. Your Earth vessels are beginning to transmute in earnest now. Therefore, your Earth vessel will need the attention of your ever-expanding consciousness.
You see it has taken a long “time” for your body to become familiar enough with this higher energy field that it could begin to accept this frequency of light as beneficial as opposed to damaging.
This experience is much like stepping into cold water or a hot bath. At first the “temperature” is uncomfortable, but as your body adapts to the new temperature, it becomes more “normal.” It is the same with the temperature/frequency of Light that is increasingly penetrating the body of Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants.
Just as you need to take some “time” before you become accustomed to the water that was too hot or too cold, your consciousness and your body need to “take some time” before you could fully accept this higher frequency of Light. The members of our Away Team who are awakened to their Mission have been the first Ones to openly accept and surrender to the process of transmutation that this higher Light offers.
To our volunteers, this Light is similar to a “memory from Home” in which reality was brighter, more transparent and easily transmuted via their thoughts and emotions. Those of you wearing Earth vessels, human or otherwise, who can remember your true SELF are not frightened by this Light. Therefore, you do not resist it. Instead, you can remember to surrender into it.
The memory of your higher dimensional expressions of SELF reminds the expression of YOU wearing an Earth vessel that this higher Light is familiar. At first your human consciousness resists the Light because it feels unfamiliar. Since “what you resist persists,” the more you identify your feelings as “uncomfortable”the more you will resist them. Then, the sense of discomfort will persist.
On the other hand, if you maintain a constant connection with your higher states of consciousness, you will remember the “feel” of your Lightbody. Then, you will remember that this higher frequency Light is a reminder of Home, and you will be able to surrender into the sensations of your body transmuting into a higher frequency.
One of the main symptoms of transmutation is fatigue. In fact, while you are just sitting still or relaxing, your body is “working” as hard as if you were running a race. In a way, you are running a race to remember who you are so that YOU can surrender into this process. We remind you that different components of your physical vessel will transmute at different “times”.
Your Earth vessel is still a “time vessel,” which means that it is a vessel trapped in time. Since this vessel is trapped in time it ages, gets tired, needs to eat on a routine basis and gets overwhelmed by all it must DO within given timelines. On top of all these time restrictions, your body is undergoing a major transmutation while you simultaneously must use, care for and live within your extremely limited and ever-changing Earth vessel.
Do you understand now why you are often so uncomfortable? You are “in-between.” Many of you have not yet fully remembered your true Multidimensional SELF. Hence, you cannot keep your primary state of consciousness within the fifth-dimensional band of your Multidimensional consciousness.
While you are still wearing an Earth vessel we recommend that your primary consciousness remain within your fifth-dimensional Lightbody, as your sixth-dimensional “Body of Light” would burn out your physical form. In other words, that state of consciousness would be like running sophisticated software on an old DOS computer.
Hence, while on your inter-dimensional journey via your consciousness, leave an inner fifth-dimensional guardian to care for your Earth vessel. The Ascended Masters had physical people who watched over their Earth vessel while they returned Home to visit and to receive new information.
In your present day, you will need to assign an inner expression of your SELF to guard your Earth vessel until you have fully remembered the art of bi-location. Once you consciously remember how to bi-locate, YOU are the inner guardian while you also journey inter-dimensionally. In this manner, YOU are both the guardian and the one who is traveling.
However your physical brain, being much like an old DOS computer, cannot compute that information and will go into adrenaline alert. This adrenaline alert can be damaging to your Earth vessel because the hormones of a “fight/flight” response can be dangerous unless your body is active and properly circulating the adrenaline.
Therefore, you need to activate your Multidimensional consciousness so that your higher dimensional consciousness can overlight and protect your third dimensional consciousness. In this way, your Multidimensional SELF can teach you to “stretch the limits” of your consciousness to include the higher dimensions.
You may or may not be consciously aware of the myriad “test runs” into higher dimensions that you take every day. You may even ask, “Why am I so tired? It does not appear that I have done very much at all. I used to be able to do these things without such fatigue. Am I getting older?”
Our answer is, “No! Dear volunteers for Gaia’s Ascension, you are leaving time. Since your body is a time vessel, it becomes very confused and disrupted without a physically perceivable time-bound schedule of activities.”
“But what can I do about that?” you ask. “I want to return Home, but I still need to function here on 3D Earth. Don’t I?”
“Yes,” we respond, “You are correct that you still need to function on Earth, as your mission has not yet been completed. In fact, to the perception of your 3D earth vessel, the Multidimensional element of your mission is just beginning. Fortunately, your higher expressions of Multidimensional SELF are free of all limits of time.
Once free of the separation and limitation of your 3D time/space consciousness, you can return to your Multidimensional Starship or Homeworld and/or visit myriad realities, then return to your Earth vessel a second after you left.”
We see that many of you are experiencing these “glitches in time.” You walk into a different room, or change to a different chair, and wonder why you chose to do so and why you feel so disoriented. Allow us to explain.
Since your third-dimensional brain has not yet fully merged with your Multidimensional mind, there is a “skip in time.” When YOU left your body, leaving your inner guardian in charge, YOU skipped out of your vastly limited third-dimensional brain and into your timeless and limitless Multidimensional mind.
Your third dimensional brain can only perceive a brief experience of “leaving time.” Then, in what your third-dimensional Beta wave consciousness computes as a second later, you return back into your time-vessel. Once you are fully merged with your Multidimensional mind, you will be able to remember the messages, experiences and adventures of your Multidimensional SELF.
These memories need the carrier wave of Theta wave consciousness. Theta wave consciousness has been called the “Shamans Consciousness,” as it allows a conscious experience of your inter-dimensional journeys. Alpha wave consciousness assists you to remember your fourth-dimensional dreams and your Delta wave consciousness allows you to remember your excursions into the highest dimensional formless worlds.
We speak a moment now about your brainwaves and states of consciousness:
Brainwaves, like all waves, are measured in two ways. The first is frequency, or speed of electrical pulses. Frequency is measured in cycles per second (cps or HZ), ranging from .5cps to 38cps. The second measurement is amplitude, or how strong the brainwave is.
There are four categories of brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. When you are accessing your Multidimensional SELF, you are able to use a combination of all four brainwaves.
Beta Brainwaves represent your ability to consciously process your thoughts. You spend most of your waking moments in Beta wave consciousness, in which your brainwaves pulsate at between 13 and 39 cycles per second. In this state, your attention is focused on the day-to-day outside world.
While in this state of consciousness, you are largely focused on the logical, sequential activity of the left hemisphere, as the brain is busy processing myriad information that has arrived through your five physical senses.
With these brainwaves, your primary state of consciousness is within your third dimensional physical body and reality.
Alpha Brainwaves have a bridging capacity between your conscious and/or your unconscious or superconscious mind. Alpha waves often create vivid images and a relaxed, detached awareness. When you completely relax, you shift into Alpha waves, which are between 8 and 12 cps. Alpha waves are slower in frequency than Beta, but have greater amplitude.
A person who takes time out to reflect, meditate or takes a break from daily activity often goes into Alpha state of consciousness. While in Alpha consciousness you are aware of both your right and left brain. Therefore, you can experience “whole brain thinking,” which allows you to have creative ideas while you also document them and/or put them into action.
With these brainwaves, your primary state of consciousness is usually in the fourth dimension and/or you are totally focused on a creative endeavor.
Theta Brainwaves are your unconscious creativity, inspiration and spiritual connection. Theta waves, 4 to 7 cps, are associated with the deepest experiences of meditation and creativity. Theta waves are even slower than Beta or Alpha and are typically of even greater amplitude. When you narrow your focus primarily to your inner Self, you can go into Theta waves.
In this state it is difficult for your third-dimensional awareness to maintain conscious contact with your physical body, as well as with the outside world. To maintain this state of consciousness you must keep your body still. You are so focused on your inside world, that it would not be safe to move around in the physical world. While in this state of consciousness you are able to merge your third-dimensional brain with your Multidimensional mind.
With these brainwaves, your primary state of consciousness is usually with your fifth dimensional Lightbody.
Delta Brainwaves are your superconscious empathy, interaction and full connection with the perceptions of your Multidimensional SELF. Delta waves are of the greatest amplitude and the slowest frequency. They usually range from 0.5 or 4 cps. If your brainwaves go down to zero, you would likely be diagnosed as brain dead. However, practiced Yogis can consciously achieve this state of consciousness.
In this state of consciousness your bodies are in hibernation mode. In fact, Delta brainwaves are often associated with one being in a coma. While in Delta brainwaves consciousness you can regulate your body temperature and heart rate. You may even appear to be dead, but you are able to revive yourself.
You have these great abilities because your primary state of consciousness is within the spectrum of your Multidimensional SELF.
(For more about states of consciousness please click: )
We conclude our transmission for today with the reminder that YOU are creator of your state of consciousness. Furthermore, your state of consciousness largely dictates the reality that YOU are creating.
Blessings to you all! We shall return, for we will NEVER leave.
Your Arcturian Family