Heavenletter #5028 We Are Talking about Love, August 31, 2014 https://heavenletters.org/we-are-talking-about-love.html
God said:
Your heart is not meant to be kept under wraps, shy-like in a corner. Your heart is not a pet rabbit that you only let out sometimes and under guard. Your heart is not meant to stay in the bush, watchful as it nibbles on a carrot. Your heart is not meant to be kept in an envelope that you open later. Your heart is meant to be like the bright sun, ever shining on the world.
Your heart is not on a fool’s errand. Your heart is meant to do what hearts do, and that is to love. Now, love is not a show. Love is not a deed, although a deed may reveal love certainly. Love itself is not an action. It is an ever-present presence. Love is Being. It is a State of Existence. Love is Myself reflected in you.
Everyone has the full power of Being within and, therefore, love. No exceptions. Some of My children allow more of their Being (My Being) to shine. Some hoard it within for safe-keeping. That is the same as keeping your heart prisoner.
Of course, I encourage you to love yourself. Value yourself enough so that you can let go of all-consuming love for yourself. When you truly love yourself, you don’t have to think about loving yourself any longer. When you truly love yourself, you are on automatic, as it were. You are simply love without thinking about it.
Perfume does not have to remind itself that it is lavender or verbena or rose. A dandelion doesn’t have to remind itself that its leaves are green. A heart doesn’t have to remind itself that it is love. A heart doesn’t have to practice love, to exercise its capacity to love, to train itself to love nor to over-extend its love. No, a heart simply has to be allowed to love. Your heart already knows how to love. Your heart needs no cautions or restraints or effort from you.
A heart is like a lamp that is lit. Once lit, a lamp needs no instruction from you. Consider your heart a lit candle. You do not have to remind a lit candle to give light. You don’t have to remind your heart of anything. If your heart were a horse, you would simply let it out of the barn and allow it into the pasture. The horse can gallop, leap over fences. Everyone loves to see a horse roam free. Everyone will stop to look at the horse enjoy, and everyone is heartened.
So your heart is like a horse and like a candle. Once lit, what does a candle have to do? Nothing. It is lit, and it sheds light. A horse that is free doesn’t have to be told he is free. He is free.
Or We can look at your heart like a key that opens all doors. We can look at a heart like a door-less room, wide open, where everyone can be renewed. We can look at your heart as a ceiling-less room open to the sky and beyond where all are welcome and no one kept out. There are no padlocks, no windows to close, no barriers to knock down or jump over.
Love rides in the open range, and you ride on love.
No matter how sad or bitter you may feel, your heart beats. Your heart knows what to do. Open your heart. Let go of restrictions. Do not bind your heart to your predictions for it. Have no fear. Open the world to your heart. Let your heart out. This will not make you helpless. This will make you powerful and strong. You will not love carelessly. You will not love recklessly in abandon. We are talking of more than personal love. We are talking about love that emanates from you and holds no prisoners. We are talking about love that frees you and everyone and makes the world an easier place to share love.