City of Light Update: A Universal Set Up…Now, as received by Genii Townsend, July 26, 2014 –
It is somewhat of a miracle that once more I am asked to re-enter the City. So through a meditative state of consciousness, here I go to another City of Light visit. At this point it is unseen in the physical, but it is God’s intention to bring it forth into our third dimension.
It really has to be a Universal set up! We cannot build such an fantastic edifice ourselves and it is far beyond my imagination.
To enter into such a place for any human condition that needs a healing, and from my point of view seeing what I see, it is no easy task. But God can do anything and is about to prove it!
Why me? I have asked myself many times only to be informed that this is my mission this lifetime to report on this magnificent global event. So I return with thanks, for these precious moments beyond time and space, into the City Embassy of Peace to meet once more those who are bringing it forth..
Through this meditative state, I re-enter into a City consciousness beyond the normal life that I live in every day, and I see myself (like watching a movie that I have no control over), re-entering through one of the five story high City Gates with an angel statue looking down in welcome. (or is she a statue?)
Many people are excited to get inside this miracle of God’s historic event. Could one of them be someone who is reading this right now? Why not? It is open and free to everyone. As excitement fills the air, chatter is in the disbelief, but yet it cannot be denied. Oh my God!
Stepping into this City of God’s vision, one feels all the love they may have ever wanted to feel in one split second. THIS IS REAL LOVE! No pretense, nothing asked for, just feeling the love attached no matter where one looks, or who is next to them. What a fantastic feeling and the healings begin.
Stepping inside the Gate, I am met by 2 of my Guides, (City) La-Luke and (Cosmic) Ya-fu-fus ‘Ya’ for short, who I met in the Embassy of Peace and who teaches me ‘Jedi’ ways of love and light and reminds me, “YOU ARE JEDI” if I forget.
Moving right along … a quick left turn takes us through the Relaxation Park. Oops! No time to sit on one of the massage benches provided, but we stopped where a City trolley slides in near us to pick us up. The trolleys have no wheels or driver. Pure fun.
We hop aboard and head for the Embassy of Peace that is quite a show in itself, like an extra big theater that pastor Joel Osteen might speak from. But this one is filled with guess what … Extraterrestrials from all over the universe. They have been the supporting teams to bring forth this miracle, and with so much light that they carry, I can hardly see each one individually, but hope to one day. This is so exciting!
Note: These far-out friends from the universe are family. We really need to get past all these dumb movies putting us in fear of being taken over by some strange what-evers.
As one space Intelligence said to me, “What is to take over? To concur? What have You done with your planet? Your forests? Your animals? Each other?
Please … take a look at what you are afraid of. Your planet needs all the help we can bring. In the love of God, pay attention to what the darkness of thoughts may have led you to believe. If you are the only life in the universe, what do you have? Any disclosure that we exist, is for the betterment of all life on your planet.”
Disclosure? How about a City of love and healing for a disclosure? Get the picture? E.T. comes home. Are space ships being seen around Sedona and other locations? Dah! Yes of course. They help bring in the Light of the City and in whatever location the next thirteen Cities will magically appear as well.
Meanwhile at the Embassy building door we enter onto the huge stage through the back stage curtains, and we are met by the leader of this fantastic assembly, Ooo-lon, who has 4 fancy looking seats already set up for some conversation, of I know not what …
Ooo-lon: “Welcome back Lady of Light, and we see you have brought your daily guidance along as well. That is good.”
Genii: “They brought me through the crowds outside. Wow! and they actually keep me on my City mission constantly!”
O: “This invitation to return is important as your years of constant visits may soon become as live human visits as one who has spoken the truth of this appearance. The people of your earth realm will head in your direction to verify this by the thousands and to see for themselves what has been said of something never before seen on your planet”
G: “What are you suggesting?”
O: “That your pre-entrance visits into the City may be about over as the demonstration will be seen.. We are quite aware that you in the 3rd dimension use what you call a ‘Time-Line’ in which you humans set pre-plans in advance. Next step … I am happy to report that starting immediately, you are requested to stay in the ‘NOW’ moment!”
G: “I somehow have gotten an inkling of this and it puts me into an interesting position as our 3rd dimension demands we stay there, and when we leave the daily demands resting into ‘NOW’ centered consciousness or a quiet state, can cause a struggle.”
O: “Precious moments are these ‘NOW’ moments as it brings faster and better demonstrations like what is NOW desired. As time has slipped away, this quiet dimension of ‘Knowing’. The more you are in this space the faster the results. You have been saying, “A Divine Done Deal!” Precious moments are these ‘Now’ moments and the more it is used like making a wish? Bingo … it is done. The old saying. Be careful what you wish for? Indeed in this Now state. ”
G: “That sounds good because at the current time, people are doing awful things to others, animals, and themselves reported by the media. But thank God, on the other hand there are dedicated Light Workers doing what they can to bring love and balance in peacefully.”
O: “And so has it always been wars and killings, and fighting has been the way people of your world use ignorance and the darkness of negativity to get what they want. Dear one, no one wins in such cases. No one! So then, changes are about to take place unknown to most, unless they have peeked into your book Something’s Coming! on this subject. Then they would have a handle on what is in process through all your reports from this City Embassy of Peace, and it represents just that … Peace! Money is usually behind most of this concept with King Greed leading the parade, when actually there is plenty for everyone. No one should be without.”
G: “I expect with this first City to appear on this planet, all this will change especially with 13 more Cities to appear in various locations.?”
O: ” What really should change, is the consciousness that made it the problem in the first place. ‘Oh my God’ are the words you heard just outside of the Gate. These are precious moments for all the attention is on this interesting happening and nothing else is important … nothing! So it is ‘OMG’ Time. what else could be uttered? The time line shortens as’ NOW’ is the key word and love is the intent. You are well aware of Love which has brought you into the knowing of this place to come to pass and in your time as predicted so many years ago.
“When people finally get the idea that LOVE is the answer and use that God feeling to bless everyone of your world, it will be totally healed and people will be open to enjoy friends from outer space with advanced technology to move this planet forward. See it happening NOW! The new advances in your current technology, where do you think it originated from? It had to be mentally implemented through various people who were open to receive, thus thinking they invented it. Really? God works in God’s ways, they just get the credit.
“Take for instance a 5 year old child who can play a concerto of the finest kind brilliantly, and the parents beam for they have a genius in a small suit. How is this possible? There is more going on here on your planet than even you can imagine. Not seen maybe, but quite lovingly supported
“This City of Light is a dream in a ‘NOW’ process coming into physical vision and people wonder how? God-how … that’s how … NOW! Tag any name on this creator, the answer is the same.
“You see the audience here? Each one containing distant light to bring forth to your planet the cleansing needed to bring peace through healing the mind, emotions, body and the spiritual areas that are amiss. They are to be applauded and loved just as you do with those who guide you. When your people finally get the idea of that love, and use that feeling, to bless every one, your world will be healed universally (uni- meaning one).
“Those here in the audience … here from places unknown to you … all have come from the universe to bring you what you are sitting in right NOW! Is this not a precious moment?”
G: “Of course this has been quite an adventure.”
O: “You get also to share through your public appearances and your City of Light book, “Something’s Coming!” as you right this minute NOW are experiencing. You as this City’s spokesperson have been given large doses of information which is valuable to be known.
“Have not your sessions called ‘4 Keys to Light’ grown as people seek higher teachings that work well for them? By bringing forth the personal inner guides, and Light Linking that opens a contact corridor, plus giving the universal sound of God in action, you are helping people to get ready for the City!
“We as space travelers have been constant in our work of this love and peace and will continue to make the connection that we ARE all one, in space or in your third dimension.
G: “Oh Yes!”
O: “Then so be it! Expect the unexpected and enjoy the NOW for that is all there is … imagine that! We have enjoyed these precious moments.”
And as he stood up he hugged me for the first time; Wow! What an electrical connection of love. ‘God is Good!’, I thought. as I stood back and waved good-bye to the audience. Then I was escorted out through the curtains again as YA took my hand, and back we went to the Gate of entrance and back home to capture all this on computer and hug my furry puppy Light.
Just another precious ‘NOW’ moment, somewhere in time.
Genii Townsend