With John Smallman’s permission, I continue with the series of imaginary interviews with Jesus. All quotes are from his site at https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com. Thanks to John for such clear and full channelings.
Interviewer: What is causing the illusion to collapse?
Jesus: The foundations and underpinnings of the illusion are collapsing because all of you have chosen to engage with Love – Love is Real, the illusion is not – which is all that exists. Within the illusion the awakening to Love started like a little snowball released to roll downhill, and like a snowball It has been added to and added to as It has rolled. (1)
I: There certainly appears to be a lasting change in so many social structures.
J: You have realized that without love, forgiveness, and compassion that lasting peace is impossible. This realization has become apparent and is being acknowledged in personal relationships, has spread to families, to small social groups and organizations, and the wisdom and knowledge it demonstrates is now starting to be put into practice on a much wider scale.
You are changing the world one person at a time, and that is the only way that lasting change can occur. Each one of you has to embrace and demonstrate love, honesty, integrity, and trust, and each day more and more of you are doing just that. A major turning point in humanity’s spiritual evolution has been reached, and there truly is only spiritual evolution, any other form is of the illusion and does not last. (2)
I: Can you relate this process of social transformation to our missions as lightworkers?
J: You are each Divine Beings of immense power and you can, as individuals, change your beliefs, letting go of all those that no longer serve you, and by doing so, change the collective intent and change the world.
That is why you chose to be on Earth at this time in her evolution. You came here as Love, because that is what you are, to demonstrate Love in action – millions and millions of you – and you had forgotten that but are now remembering. (3)
As Light-bearers and Wayshowers, like the loving guides and teachers of previous eras, you are here on Earth to demonstrate Love in action, and as you do so you demonstrate that It works. Your history and your own observations have shown you that nothing else does.
It does take courage, which you have in abundance, but it also takes a willingness to learn from your own errors and from those of others. Not by judging, but by observing and then apologizing for your own errors and by forgiving those that others make. (4)
You all chose to be here at this time to help humanity (which naturally includes all of you) change course. And that is what is happening as Love blossoms and entrances those with whom It connects, enticing them to engage with It and release all within them that is not in harmony or alignment with It.
And that is what you are doing – aligning, harmonizing, and engaging with your true nature. And nothing could be more natural, more appropriate, or more satisfying. At first you are a little nervous because it feels unfamiliar, strange, even unwise after eons of distrust and betrayal, but as you find others doing likewise and experience the shared joy of trust and co-operation, your confidence in the rightness of the path you are following grows.
There will still be instances where you experience attitudes that are unloving, even hurtful, but because you are now choosing to accept the incontrovertible fact that you are beings of Light, permanently in communion with the divine field of Love which embraces you, you will recognize these instances as calls for Love to which you will find the strength and confidence to respond lovingly.
Already many of you are doing this, and as others observe you, they too are finding the courage to recognize attacks as calls for love and to respond accordingly. Your path to awakening has been firmly established and recognized, and more people are turning to follow it daily, and your arrival there remains divinely assured. (5)
I: How do we best do our work as lightworkers?
J: Be uplifted! Be inspired! Then share your energy and your Love with enthusiasm wherever you are and in whatever you are doing, and be aware of it being returned to you intensified and with boundless gratitude. You are beings of Love, and although that Love has lain seemingly hidden and unrecognized within you as you searched for It outside yourselves, It has always been there awaiting your choice, your decision to recognize and engage with It. (6)
I: Will I run out of love if I love more and more people?
J: Love is yours in abundance; you possess an inexhaustible supply. The more freely and abundantly you offer It, the more It fills you, bringing peace and joy in its wake, and an enormous increase in your own awareness and ability to accept that you are truly divine beings on a mission to Earth to assist her and humanity in the awakening process. Do not attempt to estimate how powerful you are because you will hugely misjudge your effect!
Just intend – each time you think about it during the day – to send Love wherever It seems to be most needed and God will use you as a channel for His divine Purpose. When you awaken you will be astonished when you learn what you have been doing so successfully during your seemingly long and grueling earthly sojourn. (7)
I: When we come into conflict, we have to have a means of resolution. What is the best means?
J: Wherever Love is dismissed conflict ensues – always. (8)
Love is the only means of resolution, and It is completely effective because It embraces all unconditionally without judgment of any kind. The prospect of offering only Love regardless of the situation is very scary for humans because they look all the time – constantly, in fact – at the unreal and believe it to be real. In Love, in Reality, there is no conflict; all is in Divine and perfect harmony, and for you to awaken you need to embrace and share Love inclusively and indiscriminately.
“But,” you ask, “how can that possibly work? I surely must defend myself and my Loved Ones from those who would attack us and destroy us?” Well. . . all are One, and what you do to others you do to yourselves. So stop doing to others what you do not want them to do to you. Stop it now. The longer you continue with attack or defense the longer you will remain unawakened. (9)
While you are experiencing life in the illusion the most satisfying and beneficial way to go about it, the best path to follow, for everyone concerned, is to respond lovingly, always, without exception, no matter how counter-intuitive it may appear to be at the time.
That is the main lesson for humanity, and many of you are teaching it by demonstrating it in your daily lives; and for that you are eternally honored. Attack and defense result in the meeting of counterparts, leading to waves of conflict, whereas Love is as oil on troubled waters, calming and soothing. Eventually everyone will learn this. (10)
You have come to realize that Love works, that It is the only thing that works because It is the only thing. All that you have to do is to allow It, and, as you do, humanity’s intent to awaken intensifies. That intent is now very intense! It will not be overridden by any contrary intents that some – trying to hold on to the illusion and the seeming power that it gives them – are still holding. (11)
I: The human collective for millennia seems to have preferred to remain behind the imaginary veil of things like wealth, sex and power.
J: Now the collective has changed its mind and is choosing to remove the imaginary veil which has kept Love hidden from you. As the veil is rolled back, letting in the Light, a marvelous clarity is developing in your minds as you recognize the insanity of so many of your long-accepted and basically traditional common attitudes and behaviors which encouraged mistrust, division, and conflict, and that you now realize were utterly unnecessary and extremely damaging for you all.
Love always envelops you because It is the Divine field of creation in which all that is has its eternal existence. Humanity chose to ignore the loving field of energy in which it is enfolded, to imagine itself unloved, abandoned, and even unlovable, and then spent its time seeking Love from others who were also experiencing themselves as unloved, abandoned, and unlovable.
Naturally that did not work.
Now, since the arrival of the New Golden Age, the Divine field of Love has greatly strengthened and intensified because humanity has collectively become aware and decided that the only way forward is through Love. That collective and, I assure you, irreversible decision is providing you with boundless and inexhaustible assistance from your own hearts, and from all the neighboring realms that are lovingly watching over you, so you continue to make progress, powerfully and resolutely, along the highway to awakening – and to the intense joy that your arrival Home will deliver.
Love is what you are. You do not need to go looking for It elsewhere. You do, however, need to release all those negative self-judgments which clutter your minds and sit like dirty dust-sheets covering your essential nature: Love. Love has always been your nature, and It is unchanging and unchangeable; you only have to acknowledge and accept It. (12)
I: We seem to have made some incredibly bad choices in our history, not like I understand exactly how or why.
J: Your views – of the world, of people, of issues, of religious or political beliefs – are choices that you have made and that you can change. Mostly they are judgments! When you realize that you have made a judgment, stand back from it. Reassess it. Is it prejudice? habit? animosity? discomfort? For whatever it may be, it sets you up for conflict, and expecting conflict tends to attract conflict. (13)
Only Love exists. But within the illusion your belief in Love became more and more restricted as your fear grew and persuaded you that Love was weak, and that you could only survive by rejecting It and allowing fear to guide you through the vast maze of dangers with which the illusion had presented you.
To develop and encourage personal physical strength and mental acuity became the aim of nearly every individual, because it appeared that those characteristics were the only ones that would make survival possible. Then the need to prove that you were superior to another, could not be destroyed or defeated by him, led to your present state of destructive competition in which humanity has been engaging for so long. (14)
Instead of perceiving situations or events as calls to judgment, make the decision to perceive them as calls for love. When you do that, you can let go of the involuntary stress or tension that results as soon as you became aware of the situation or event, and you can center yourself, observe what is happening, and make a loving decision, a loving choice about how to respond.
Seeing a call for love instead of a call to judgment is the basic change in perception that is necessary, that is essential, and that is now leading you collectively towards your awakening. And because so many Light-bearers and wayshowers have made this change in perception, the energy of it, the energy of positive, loving change is growing and spreading like the incoming tide, washing over all in its path.
Add your intent to be loving in every situation in which you find yourself to the collective intent to do so, and watch as miracles occur! (15)
All quotes are taken from the First Contact wiki, managed by Brian R., here: https://goldengaiadb.com/The_New_Paradigm_is_the_Divine_Qualities#Love.
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) June 3, 2014.
(2) January 8, 2014.
(3) August 23, 2013.
(4) August 16, 2013.
(5) May 26, 2013.
(6) May 26, 2013.
(7) May 24, 2013.
(8) Jan. 2, 2013.
(9) September 8, 2013.
(10) June 30, 2013.
(11) June 23, 2013.
(12) July 10, 2013.
(13) May 22, 2013.
(14) May 15, 2013.
(15) May 22, 2013.