Stephen: Genii has been busy this past week. This is her third session with her City of Light guides in five days – which could well mean things are ‘ramping UP’. This message contains some idea of what the world can expect when the city in Sedona finally comes into our view.
City of Light Update: Preview of Coming Attractions as received by Genii Townsend: February 8, 2014 –
City of Light, Sedona:
Genii: As the City of Light comes into public viewing and we can enter, what can we expect to take place?
Answer: Disbelief and Pandemonium! As the word spreads across the planet from country to country especially due to the internet and the news media, people will look for answers to the never-before witnessed phenomenon.
Only guesses as to what has taken place, will rise to the surface in questions, as people will look for immediate answers. Those who have read your book (or at least have heard of it) will become aware that indeed this must be what was written about the first incoming City of Light.
It could be nothing less, for it has been prophesied long since due to the predictions that most turned away from … such nonsense, the idea of such a thing taking place now … have found that indeed it was very correct in its announcement.
It will clear the current news media on every program, as this turns out to be the most news-worthy event ever. As people spread the words, ” Oh My God!” in their astonishment, they are right at this point, and questions will be brought to the clergy and the holy priests including the Pope. People need answers…now!
As churches pick up through the news, spiritual leaders of all denominations will look within for answers, as thoughts of the Second Coming has arrived, will fill every heart, and prayers of thanksgiving will pour forth, or whatever a person deems to do.
Is “Peace on Earth” that has long since been in prayers on the way? As things settle down in the awesome feeling of love that is being felt (that comes with the City appearance) … and is what is seen with everyone’s eyes as truth, now unbelievable? Peace on Earth is the main reason for the City manifestation. Healing the mind heals the body as well, and upsets and wars cannot do that … no one wins … no one, in any war of conflicts as this holy event will show.
What follows will be looking for truth-answers and nothing less. The little children will be delighted about this place and think that it must be God’s magic … and it is. They will plead with their parents to go see it in person.
Is it real? So real that people will drop everything possible to see what just magically appeared for themselves. This is not just an illusion.
But it also cannot be denied. Those who live close to the amazing event will be on the phones and internet to friends and family not in the vicinity to tell of what they have witnessed in full view for themselves.
Planes will fill to overflowing and head for the Arizona border. Cars will gas up, and any mode of transportation available will head into the closest Arizona entrance such as Phoenix and Flagstaff, Tucson etc.
Is this just a dream?, A fantasy? Am I going crazy? It was a dream in the mind of God and now is seen as a 3D edifice that people can walk into and get healed with light technology from outer space. Love being the energy force for appearance. How did it get here? Who is responsible for this beautiful world wonder appearing on this planet?
Somebody call President Obama please!
We have sung the hymn many times, “Let there be peace on earth” and now Mother Earth has brought forth her own way of healing. From now on, we will indeed be healed, and we will also be friends with other planets who know what real love is.
Somewhere in time it was spoken of … now that time has happened. So dear ones be prepared to see in person and walk into the unbelievable, for it has arrived with no fanfare and indeed it is the greatest show this earth has ever…ever seen. God thinks really big and you are the receivers and get front row seats. Imagine that! ”
So love it be!