When I had a reading with Sue Lie’s Arcturians on Nov. 8, 2013, they said:
“As you have felt, the energies of your months of October were very intense. They will only intensify as you move though the remainder of your ‘time.’ …
“Hence our leaders are having to totally hone this mastery of energy NOW.” (1)
Archangel Michael also predicted that:
“As you have discovered, as you have been filled with the higher frequencies, with the endless downloads, it is not a matter of a download here, a download there, a frequency adjustment and attunement.
“You have been penetrated 24/7 for years, and it is only increasing. It is only going to continue to increase. The clarity gift is one of many. So yes, get ready.” (2)
From Blossom’s sources we’ve been hearing much of “the Event.” However, on Nov. 13, 2013, the Divine Mother reminded us is not simply one occurrence.
“The event is not simply a singular moment. And you already have been experiencing these waves. And what I suggest to thee, all of you, is as you experience these waves, return to them, bring them back, call them forth again and again and again. You will feel in and out of body, and there is nothing to fear about that. It is the process of becoming.
“So the event as you are referring to it is the wave of love that is sweeping the planet.
“You have only begun with my gift of clarity to have a tiny baptism. Think of it as a drop on the forehead. Well, get ready for the tsunami.” (3)
The Pleiadian, Electra Ossara, speaking through Natalie Glasson, tell us that the recent downloads are affecting the way we work and process energy and information.
“Many of your energetic systems and bodies are moving through major transitions in the way that they work and process energy, wisdom and the reality you are now experiencing. Each of your systems is preparing to embody, hold and allow a greater flow of light within your being.
“Each time your energetic systems and bodies prepare for a new light surge, this attracts a light surge of a quicker vibration and heightened awareness to you which in turn creates a reaction of a new process of preparation. It is a continuous process where your energetic systems and bodies are constantly recalculating and recalibrating in order to become truly aligned and grounded into the new era of love that has manifested upon the Earth.” (4)
For many, life will seem like a struggle. But we are not being beaten down, Aisha North’s sources say; we are being lifted up.
“As you have perhaps already ascertained, this quickening comes in many shapes and forms, and for some of you, it has been almost overpowering at times. Again, we hasten to remind you all that even if you at times may feel like you are down on your knees, unable to even think about getting up again, you are not being driven further down by these energetic shifts that keep battering you ceaselessly.
“No, you are simply being elevated further in vibration with every single blast of these energetic missiles, but still, it might not be as easy to remind yourself of this selfsame truth. For many will be struggling with themselves now, and so, it can be hard not to look into the seeming abyss in front of you and think that you are heading ever deeper into it. But this is not an abyss dear ones, no matter how deep you find yourself sinking as these energies keep swatting you around the ears.
“For what will seem as an endless quest for retaining your balance, is simply a sure sign of energetic upgrading, and as such, the elevator is indeed going up all the time, even when you feel the surge in your stomach that seems to signal you are in a free fall ever downward.” (5)
Wes Annac’s sources tell us that “upon evolving you’ll find your desire to serve increase dramatically.” (6)
Aisha’s sources agree.
“Through this process, so many new connections were secured and opened, and now, the light will have a much easier time reaching the targets, and so, it will be able to deliver much larger quantities of information directly into you all in ways that will enable you to fulfill your quotas much faster. …
“You are all here to fulfill a previously agreed task of assisting in this whole process of literally re-constructing your whole planet, and each and every one of you will serve in one specific area, where you will be asked to perform according to your abilities and previously agreed upon plan.
“And now, as this last download was so successful, we will crank up the tempo of it all once again.” (7)
Thus a wave of energetic downloads and upgrades is hitting us initiating far-reaching changes, causing us to lose balance, and quickening our desire to be about our missions and serve.
(Continued in Part 2.)
(1) Personal reading with the Arcturians through Sue Lie, Nov. 8, 2013.
(2) “Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage, Nov. 8, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/notes-from-archangel-michaels-discussion-of-sacred-partnership/.
(3) “The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Novmber 14, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/the-divine-mother-you-are-experiencing-love-in-ways-that-you-have-not-known-before/.
(4) “Electra Osara: Freedom to the Mind and From Fear,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, November 6, 2013 at https://omna.org.
(5) “The Manuscript of Survival – Part 370,” channeled by Aisha North, November 16, 2013 at https://aishanorth.wordpress.com.
(6) “Our Universal Family: Rivers of Energy are Pouring into your Chakras,” channeled by Wes Annac, November 1, 2013 at https://aquariusparadigm.com.
(7) “The Manuscript of Survival – Part 369,” channeled by Aisha North, November 14, 2013 at https://aishanorth.wordpress.com.