God: I Know that You are Hurting Right Now, channeled by Heart Song Meditation, October 21, 2013 at https://heartsongmeditation.wordpress.com
Just because you haven’t seen the results you would like to see doesn’t mean that you have failed or that you will fail.
I know that it is hard for you to keep the faith. I know that it is hard when failure seems so much more real to you. I know that you are hurting right now.
I have told you before that if you want to walk away for the moment I understand. If you want to focus your time and attention on the physical world as opposed to on spiritual growth and development I get it. I do not blame you. I do not love you any less: not for thinking it and not if you do it.
My Love is not dependent on you achieving any goal.
My Love is unconditional, Child. You don’t have to earn it. You don’t have to change the world. You don’t have to save everyone. You don’t have to save anyone.
You are My Child. You are My Beloved. No matter what happens you are still My Beloved Child. Whatever choices you make, whatever path you walk you are still My Beloved. My Love does not depend on such things. My Love is infinite and inviolable.
You think sometimes that you are betraying Me when you think you should spend more time focused on the physical. This is not the Truth. I do not feel betrayed by your desire to provide well for your family. I do not think that you are greedy. I do not think that you are selfish. I do not think that you are weak or that you are a coward.
I think you are human.
I think you see a limited amount. I think you’re doing your best. I think that you don’t always know what to think or who to trust. I think you are hurting and scared. And I don’t think that there is anything wrong with you being scared when you don’t know what the future holds.
I know you would rather feel more in control; but, honestly that’s not life. You cannot control outcomes. I understand that you wish you knew better what would happen if you continued trying to become a professional spiritual teacher. I understand that you are concerned for the wellbeing of your family. I understand that money problems are often stressful to you and to all of My Children.
I know that it is not always easy to believe that telepathic communication is real. And I know that you sometimes mistake your desires and dreams for real spiritual communication leading to even greater confusion. Again I tell you, it’s alright. If you need a break take it. If you feel the need to walk away and focus on the physical I understand.
The one guarantee I give is My Love.
That is immutable. That is unchangeable. If you want it, it is yours. If you don’t want it, it’s still yours. If you deny it, it’s still yours. If you forget it, it’s still yours. If you run away from it, My Love is still yours.
There is nothing you need to do to earn My Love. There is nothing you must avoid to ensure that I continue to love you. Sin does not affect My Love. All My Children make mistakes. My Human Children wander and are often confused. Some deny Me; but, I never deny them and I never deny you. I know the Truth of you when you forget. I will be here waiting for you when you decide to look.
Maybe you look again today or maybe you decide that I am a fantasy and dig into searching for a new job. The choice is yours. I will be here waiting regardless. I will love you regardless.
Let go of the fantasy that I can be or will be disappointed in you. It can not be. It will not be.
In your heart you know the Truth. You know that I am real. You know that I love you. You know that I am with you; but, it’s not always easy to listen to your heart when logic and reason keep telling you otherwise. I know how powerful a force fear can be in your life. And I know that there are others who depend on you in the physical world. I see your great love for them, Child. I see the love that lies within you.
Take your time.
It is OK.
There is no rush.
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