(Continued from Part 1.)
Heavenly Blessings: Yeshua, June 11, 2013, Part 1/2
SM: Thank you, it’s so lovely to have you with us again. What I’m wondering is if part of the process of the reunion with our star families is in making peace with our family of origin – like trusting that we were born into a specific family of energy signatures that would create an environment perfectly designed for our own soul growth and expansion?
J: And the answer is, yes, you were born into your family of origin with a very specific mission and purpose and design. Now, part of that which I haven’t touched upon, is that it was not simply to open their hearts, but also to help you flourish and grow. To support you in your journey of becoming.
You all came, even those who are naysayers, with the absolute knowing and understanding that this was a time of phenomenal, massive change. So there was no one who came during this time of ascension, transition, shift, whatever you choose to call it, that was not fully-equipped and aware.
And so the combinations of families of origin were not only to bring love but the supports that were necessary to catalyze you on your journey. Now let me say, because this is important, no one came and said “I will be put in a family that is abusive and brutal and this will help me on my journey.” That was never part of your plan or the plan. These are human free will choices. This is the plan gone awry at the worst level. Yes, let me be clear about this.
Brutality, abuse, hatred, greed, meanness within families is the most egregious act of all. Because it is personal. It is directed. It is cruel. So you may compensate and say “Well, that brutality or abuse or just being ignored or not being seen made me stronger” so what you did, dear heart, was make the best of a bad situation. But we would never suggest to you that that was the idea of what you would bring forth on this planet.
So do you need to make peace with it? Yes. And for some of you, that means leaving it behind, and for some of you it means leaving the door slightly ajar, and for some of you it means building bridges. But those are your decisions and those decisions are based on two factors: what is of love, and what assists you and the collective in moving forward on your journey of ascension.
SM: When we think of the galactics as family, is it literally a case of shared biology on another planet or solar system or galaxy? Like in higher dimensions aren’t all beings of a group mind?
J: there is an interconnectedness of minds, yes. But there is also the uniqueness and individuality so it is incorrect to say that the higher you go yes, well it is actually two-fold. Now, there is a complete group unity consciousness and yet the preciousness, the gift of individuality of uniqueness of your spark of love being different, say from mine or from anyone’s, is treasured. So it is both.
But, is there shared biology? More than biology, there is shared energetic grids. Yesterday on An Hour With an Angel, you discussed with Michael a great deal about the changes in physicality, DNA, chakra systems, crystalline bodies, but one thing has been missed. No, I am not critical, I am simply adding to the mixture. And that is soul design. So think of it as your template. Your template is your point of reference and connection with many of your star family. And for many of you, your strongest terms of reference are with that soul family that is galactic or star being rather than human being. So again, it is a matter of who do you relate most closely to. Who do you yearn for most deeply.
SM: So, there will be a difficulty for our human vessel to be up on board ship in physicality because of the difference in frequency. That’s correct, yes?
J: There is an imprint of your body that can adjust very easily. Do not forget you are multi-dimensional. If you are talking about the body that you have carried in the third dimension that is correct. If you are talking about the body that you are carrying as you shift into the fifth, sixth and seventh dimension, it is incorrect.
SM: So, I guess the real question is, is the difference in frequency something that keeps us from being able to have a face-to-face reunion?
J: What I am suggesting to you in this day is that you begin, yes you might begin with a more etheric or esoteric reunion, but you begin those reunions, do not restrict yourself by thinking that somehow the physical dimension of the third dimension which does not even exist any longer, it is a hologram, but that what you think of as physicality, that that kind of face to face reunion has greater value or greater impact than a different kind of face to face reunion. There is a difference in frequency. For example, and what we have said to you before but I repeat, is that your star brothers and sisters, particularly those who are can we say are very close at hand, are fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensional, a little bit of eighth, dimensional beings.
Now the tolerance level in that frequency for anything that is of the third – well, there is zero tolerance. So it would be like exposing a child to tuberculosis. So you cannot have that. It cannot deal with that lower vibration. It is literally not possible. It would destroy them.
SM: So we need to raise the frequency here.
J: You are, dear heart. We would not be having what we are calling on this side fifth-dimensional conversations if you were not already there.
SM: I know several people who feel that they knew you as a friend or family when you walked the earth as Jesus. I am wondering if those memories or feelings are accurate or if there’s a collective memory in human DNA that brings us to see ourselves as part of those times.
J: It is both. There are many of you whom I have known and touched and laughed with and broken bread with. And that I have always thought of and known you to be part of my family. And it doesn’t matter whether it was a distant cousin, or one who stood on a hillside as a deaf child waiting to be healed.
So, yes, many of you have known me. The world was quite literally a smaller place then, so many of us have agreed to reunite in this way. Much the same in different traditions and in different religions, and I do not mean the dogma, I simply mean the practice of spirituality, that they are re-encountering their beloved masters as well.
But is there a connection in the human DNA that we share? I do not exclude myself, nor would Saint Germaine or Maitreya or the Buddha and the answer is yes. We do share that memory which is literally part of the DNA. Yes, it was part of the promise that you would not forget. Because you said “I will go and I will have many of the memories veiled, but I need to know of this very important connection. I need to know that that support and that love is there.” And so, yes, it is embedded in you the same way it has been embedded in me.
SM: So are we ready for some callers?
J: Yes, we are.
SM: Area code 248 you’re on the air.
Caller 248: This is Jilena again. And I am quite aware now in the news, yes, I keep my eye to the news more than I need to, of the whistleblower who has brought to the world’s attention the amount of surveillance of data that has been in place. And will continue to be in place and I don’t know if it’s a question or perhaps another way to hold the higher vision of what’s possible, given that it feels as if there is so much more imbalance in this area now.
J: There are many mythologies and many stories that have come and surrounded the recounting of my life. And one was the requirement of my parents to return home to their hometown as it was to be counted, to report in. Now, this, what we regarded as an oppressive regime, continued on long after Herod; where the Romans required an accounting – that is the argument about rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s because it was interference in parts of our lives that had nothing to do with government. This is not a new phenomenon. It is a control phenomenon and it is an invasion of privacy, but I want you to deal with it in this manner.
I want you to look at this not as dismissive and, yes, the whistleblower has done a good deed, but do not buy into the drama of this, my friends. Look at it, dismiss it, think “well, this is the old antics of government” and let it go. Laugh at it.
Because they cannot interfere and stop you. You are far too advanced on your journey and it matters not what they know or do not know. Let them listen to what I say this day. And let them broadcast it all over the world. The reason for incarnation of all beings at this time is the re-anchoring of love on the planet. So actions that are not of love are simply to be dismissed. They do not count. Period.
SM: Thanks for your call, Jilena. Area code 619, are you with us?
Caller 619: Oh, hi, this is Tony. First, Jesus, thank you so much; I just appreciate all you’re doing. My question is, I’m from a big Italian family, I have five siblings and they’re all married and they have kids, so I have a lot of cousins. I don’t know if this affects a lot of families. I got sober fourteen years ago from alcohol and I’m literally the only person that’s sober. I thought they might follow me, but it’s been fourteen years. So, what is the role of alcohol in ascension? How can people be advancing or moving forward when they’re under the effect of alcohol or drugs?
J: You have really asked several questions, my friend. And I welcome you. And it is important for you and all beings to understand that there is a difference between addiction and balance. And you have freed yourself from a family pattern of addiction. Now, let me be clear. As I said before, all addictions are addictions to pain. So it is the pain and the ability to try to numb the pain that results in drug abuse, sex abuse, gambling, alcohol, and then it becomes a physical need. But that is not really the crux of the matter, as you well know.
I also remind you that one of my first acts, and it was not simply allowing residue from the barrels to penetrate water, it was to create wine for the celebration of matrimony in Cana. And it was the balance of this.
It is not the abuse of any substance, but to know that in physical form, that you are given gifts; whether it is delicious food that nourishes your body or excites your senses or a sip or a cup of wine, then this is not detrimental to your process of Ascension. It is the process of addiction that is detrimental to Ascension. Your body, your physical vessel, is undergoing massive change. And because of that, you need to be vigilant about what you are putting in your form, what you are welcoming into your field.
So if it is excessive anything, then it is going to interfere with the flow of energy. But what you are also doing – I return to you, Tony, and to your question, you say that none have followed you. But look to the upcoming generation; that is where you are teaching. That is where your example is truly being anchored. They are seeing that there are choices. So good work, my friend.
Caller 619: Will there be any Ascension process, will there be help for people in addiction?
J: That is why you are seeing so many in turmoil. Because this issue of pain is being brought to the surface. It is not being brought to the surface as an act of punishment or cruelty but rather as an opportunity for release. So it has already begun. And that is why, my beloved friends, that sometimes it is very important, I cannot emphasize this enough, to stand back. Be the observer. Erect your shields if necessary, send love, send support, send light. But do not allow the chaos to enter.
SM: Thank you for your call, Tony. So, Karen, are you with us?
Karen: Thank you. Hi, Jesus.
J: Welcome dear heart.
Karen: Everything that you’re saying is so powerful. When we have that pain, when you are that person in pain, in my case I’ve prayed and I’ve handed it over and I still find myself in deep sorrow and wanting to release that so that I can do the work; you know I created you as my guide, and I just need help. I’m not sure what to do. What am I not seeing?
J: You are hungry for love. So, what you are doing, and this is a very important question for many people because it does not matter whether it is food or alcohol or cigarettes or drugs, it matters not. What you in your situation are doing is you are asking for help with control of the food issue, but what you have not done is think of it as balance. Both hands up – so you are giving away, you are giving away, you are giving away the issue of food, which dear heart we have taken; but what you have need to bring in is to begin to eat love.
Now you say to me, Yeshua, Yeshi, how on earth do I eat love? And I will give you the secret, dear heart. Eat green, breathe green, and bring in a touch of pink and red as well. So, change how you think about food. And this is true for all of you. This is the nova being, this is the new you. Always, not in a flamboyant manner, but in a very quiet private manner, pray over your food, over your drink, over whatever you are putting in your body. And in that prayer, transmute anything that is not of wholeness, that is not for your highest good, simply transmute it into love.
And then be cognizant of what you are putting into your body. Take that moment before you put something in your body; look at it, whether it is in your hand, or on a napkin, or a plate, or in a carton. And say does this food look like love. If the answer is yes, then eat it. But be honest with yourself. If the answer is no, set it aside or if you are in transition, add the green. Yes, even if it is a bowl of ice cream, partner it with a bowl of salad. The color of green is the color of love. It is the ray of love. If you do this, you will see the struggle cease. Be very conscious with yourself; I am giving away the addiction and I am eating, smoking, drinking, ingesting love.
SM: We’re on to area code 206. Are you there?
Caller 206: Yes. It’s always a pleasure to listen to you and you’re a great teacher. My question is about when you have bad acts or bad thoughts, will repentance help in the case of final judgment or will it not help?
J: Oh my beloved brother and friend, the worst judgment you can ever receive is the judgment you pass on your sweet self. What you think of as a final judgment, it is more like a collaboration and a meeting when your life is complete.
There is discussion after the welcome home party, in celebration, after you have had a chance to embrace those you have missed and loved, after you have had a chance to do a little rest; then there is a review, not a judgment. And it is not a judgment, as many think, at the doorway of heaven that you are not allowed to return home. That is not of love. We are waiting for you. We are not suggesting you come prematurely. But there is a review then of what occurred. Did you accomplish what you had hoped for? What did you learn, what do you understand, what do you wish your next steps back to the eternal light to be.
Now you have touched on a very important issue, that the human beings call repentance. Repentance as you think of it means reparation. And part of reparation is forgiveness. And it is forgiveness of those who’ve done you harm, and it is forgiveness of yourself for being harmed, and for doing harm – for not acting in a way that is in accordance and alignment with the truth of who you are. Because all you are is love.
That is why you feel badly. When you feel that you’ve lost your way, or you have erred or you have either advertently or inadvertently harmed another. It is because it goes against the grain. You have injured a member of your human family or perhaps even your divine family.
But there is not a thundering god, a punishing father or mother. The most severe punishment that is meted out is what you do to yourself. So, it is a matter of practice, forgiveness, compassion, which eliminates the element of judgment; of prudence and fortitude because what happens my dear heart is so often when you lose your way, when you misstep, you don’t want to go on. And it takes fortitude it takes valor, to continue on. To forgive yourself, and to say, “I will continue to try and be the love I am, to be in the alignment of my truth.”
I wish to say something. And it may shock some of you. I hope not. There is no difference between you and I. None. We are both born of the Mother. We are both the essence of love. We are both in service to the Mother and in service to one another. So I ask of each of you to think of me as the brother that I am and call on me. Call on me when you think that you have erred, call on me to share your victories, call on me to share your joys and your sorrows. I am here.
SM: Okay, Cherise, you are on the air.
Cherise: I am Cherise Magdalena Kaiser, and thirty five years ago, Jesus, in my whole life there are very few things in my life that have scared the hell out of me, and in the most loving way and such a peaceful way, you spoke to my deepest heart and said I was becoming a modern Pharisee in my perfectionism and my extreme born-again Christian judgmentalism. And underneath it I was fueled by not loving myself. And that’s what I’ve done. I’ve gone back to my inner child and received such depths of love so I’m doing it. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
J: And you are doing it, dear heart, and for this I bless you. And I give you my love. Go in peace.
In closing, love your neighbor and love your family. Do not forget what I have said. Begin to visit with your star brothers and sisters. They are waiting, they are yearning, they are on hold.