I’m just checking in with myself after the realization I had two days ago that the cabal that wanted to dominate this planet had led our society to adopt a paradigm of conflict and retribution, instead of peace and forgiveness.
At the same time, I was writing the next instalment of “Introducing the Galactic Federation of Light” where SaLuSa says:
“For some time now whether or not you have personally realized it, your consciousness levels have grown and that process is speeding up until you acquire full consciousness.” (1)
And I do notice that the amount of love in my heart has greatly grown from the last time I checked in. It’s as if love is a liquid and I feel fairly filled up with it. Not filled up entirely, but filled up more than since last check-in.
And this love that I feel is not something that I detect coming and going. It’s there over time without diminishing but definitely increasing.
Why I write at this moment is to underline a few parts of that realization.
The realization came when, in the face of a stress attack that was primarily financially based, I resolved this time to get to the bottom of it, without freaking out and without needing to seek a listening ear.
Under stress, according to Beckow’s Theorem (when stress goes up, awareness goes down), (2) I had largely forgotten in the moment everything I ever learned about sourcing vasanas, etc., and almost had to start again like a kindergarten student and remember what I should do.
The thing that occurred to me was to go deeper and deeper with it.
So I began to go deeper, and what I saw was that what was missing from my life at a time like this was peace. I had just written an article on TV crime dramas (which I’ll post tomorrow) and that made me aware that the Illuminati who controlled the entertainment industry were pumping out dramas focused on conflict and retribution.
I hadn’t put it quite that way in the first draft of the article, but rather that the crime dramas had us believe that life was not safe and that action-hero movies reinforced in us an “us against them” view of the world.
I now saw that what was missing in our society was peace and forgiveness. I saw that we as a society either had bought into the model of conflict or retribution or else, as people who wished peace, had consented to hold our tongues but not to actively promote peace.
We had given in to the Illumninati’s desire to have us see life as a process of conflict and the need to get even or protect ourselves from more conflict. We never questioned that the Illuminati itself was manufacturing the conflict.
And the minute I saw that, I also saw that what was missing was people actually going first and initiating peaceful action.
I don’t know how I can underscore that enough. In a society that’s hypnotized into seeing conflict everywhere and addicted to demanding retribution, what is missing is people willing to actually go first and break the mold.
Without people leading, initiating, going first, the mold would never be broken. The world would simply keep going in the direction that our entertainment industry, news media, religious leaders and other figures suborned by the cabal were pushing it in.
Now I do not consider myself a leader. I’m a writer and leaders get bogged down in leading. Being a writer means staying away from coordinating things, answering phones, answering emails. Doing those activities is counter to my desires.
So seeing that what was needed was people willing to go first in initiating peaceful action to break the mold was confronting for me.
But nonetheless, the fact remained that if we wanted to break the mold, there was no way around needing to lead, to go first and to initiate peaceful action.
And not just once, but over and over and over again.
If we waited for others to go first, we might be disappointed because most people in our society have bought the model of conflict and retribution hook, line and sinker. If they don’t actually promote conflict and seek retribution, they at least do nothing to oppose it.
They allow the Department of Homeland Security to continue hoodwinking us that there’s a “terrorist” threat. The CIA manufactured the terrorist threat and continues to stage false-flag incidents and manipulate the terror threat alert to make it seem as if we’re under attack. We are not under attack, people, save from our own government. (And, no, that does not include President Obama. Sorry.)
We aren’t under attack. There is no war on terror save what we have manufactured ourselves for reasons so nefarious that the mass of the population would not believe it if we stated what those reasons were. (How about total domination of the world? No? Don’t believe it? See.)
We’ve been hypnotized into thinking we’re under attack by a steady stream of TV shows and movies that contain the theme. But it’s only hypnotism. It’s time to wake up from the nightmare.
What I’m suggesting here is the creation of a totally new paradigm for Planet Earth. It’s not new in the historical sense. What I mean is that it’s new in the sense that it bucks the model of conflict and retribution that all our opinion-shaping media and leaders are selling us. We’re the ones who’ll buck that trend.
That new paradigm is to go first and initiate peaceful action and to do it time after time, day after day. At the same time we need to raise consciousness by showing how the paradigm of conflict and retribution is being sold to us, force-fed to us, plastered all over our airwaves and signboards and newspapers, etc.
We need to awaken from the nightmare of a world constantly at war, economic engines constantly trying to subvert the nations of the world and rob them of their wealth and resources, impoverish and enslave workers, shred the social safety net, see that nothing like universal medicare actually gains a foothold, erode civil rights, and in many other ways ensure that an elite gains all wealth and power over others, forever after, amen.
That Gospel According to Self can no longer reign in this world. We must all be sovereign citizens of Planet Earth from now on, ensuring by our thoughts, words, and deeds that we observe the rights of others and work for peace, freedom and equality in our world, a world that we wish to see work for everyone.
The last thing I saw was that every single person is responsible for reversing this paradigm. The person that does not take peaceful action will not live in a peaceful world. He or she will live in a self-imposed and self-enclosing world of conflict and retribution.
This is a responsibility and a necessity that faces every single human being on the planet. We all must choose whether we want to live in a world of peace and forgiveness or a world of conflict and retribution and it’s our thoughts, words and deeds that will express our choice and determine the outcome.
That’s the assignment that faces us. We must go first. We must go first continuously. We must take peaceful action. And every one of us must do it. That’s the opportunity and that’s the challenge.
(1) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(2) I observed back in the mid-Seventies that awareness varies inversely with muscular tension in the body. When stress goes way, way up, we may not be able to remember our own name. The more we relax, the more knowledge increases or returns to us.