Saint Teresa, Heavenly Blessings May 14, 2013
Part I is our intro, Part II is the channeling and callers.
Saint Teresa (ST): Greetings I am Saint Teresa. Welcome to you, my beloved friend, sister of my heart, and thank you for inviting me this day. For yes, I really was quite insistent. And I tell you why.
During my journey as Teresa, as Theresa, as Thérèse, I do not think I would have made it if I did not have the very visible and tangible help of my angelic guides; of the knowing of the gifts.
Your guides are the gift that the Divine Mother sends with you. It is her gift of love so that you know that you do not travel alone. And that you are helped at every twist and turn and in between.
There are moments in every life where there is a crisis of faith and it can take many forms but it is then when you turn to your guides, your guardian angels. And you allow them to lift you up out of that dark night of the soul, as they have for me many times.
I often lived with the misunderstanding and illusion that I was not worthy. That no matter how hard I tried, how much I purified, how could I ever be worthy of the love of the Mother. And yes, of Yeshua, the Sacred Heart of Yeshua.
Of course this was not of truth. But that was my journey of discovery of service, of becoming. But I could not do it without my guides. Without my sisters, my friends and family.
What you think of as the unseen realm is more tangible than you think. And as you’re shifting dimensions, my friends, that tangibility, that sense of form – of accessibility – is becoming clearer and clearer to you.
And now when we are speaking of tangibility, know that your guides will overlight or operate or be in human form, many times pointing the way – as the stranger that you encounter on the street, as the panhandler that you give a dollar to, as the merciful nurse or doctor who heals a wound, as the friend who holds you as you cry.
So it is not simply the matter of seeing the angelic beings but it is also seeing and knowing that energy as it overlights humans as well. These beings never leave you. And they sustain you.
Yes, they are in service to you but more clearly, they are in service to the Divine Mother. And they are her sentinels and her gift to each of you. There is no one who does not have a retinue of guides. And their only purpose is to love you. To help you remember that you are loved and lovable and that you are the essence of love.
There can be no more precious gift than this. And the thing that is often overlooked and what I wish to draw to your attention before I step aside is that you must celebrate with them. So yes, they lift you up in the darkest night of your soul but when the victory is achieved, when the breakthroughs come, it is not that they are standing there waiting for a thank you – although I strongly advise it.
It is that they want to share your joy. They want to be part of the joyous victory. Sometimes the victory is just getting through the day or the night. And sometimes the victory is going through the portal to the new reality.
SM: I am looking forward to that.
ST: You are mostly there, dear one. All of you in one way or another are progressing through this portal of Ascension. And I will be there waiting for you with a bouquet of roses. Yes, you may ask your questions. I read your heart.
SM: Thank you so much for being with us today. I really love this opportunity to speak with you again. What is occurring to me is that it’s been vital before now to ask for protection and clarity when seeking guidance from the currently invisible realms. I’m just wondering if that has shifted in any way with the new energies and the continual rising of frequencies here on Earth.
ST: It shifted some time ago. But the reason that we still suggest that you ask for protection and guidance is because your belief system is not completely free of the belief that you need protection. So therefore, when you ask for it, and you know full well it is there, you feel safe to proceed.
It is one of those cases of “no harm done”. But is it necessary as you are entering into realms that do not have the same frequencies, energies, beings, as what you have encountered on old Earth? No, it is not.
Now because so many of you are straddling back and forth – and I say this in the most positive of ways – that you are helping many through the portal, sometimes you are caught in the detritus of the old Third and in those situations you always want to have a little extra layer of armor on. But dear hearts, make no mistake about it; you are mightily protected.
SM: So at this point it’s only in our perceptions that, say, a lower Fourth-Dimensional entity would come in and try to disguise themselves as a light being with true guidance.
ST: That is correct. It’s only your fear. Now I say “only” – of course that is what we’ve been talking about – fear is a true enemy, the real lower vibration. It is not a being, it is a belief that you are in jeopardy and that you are not tended to. And that your vulnerability leaves you open to abuse.
SM: So once we see ourselves as the incredible light beings that we are there is no darkness that could even come into our field without being transformed.
ST: That is correct. And that is why all of us have been saying to you that the work that you are doing with your fields of light is what is transforming the planet.
SM: Awesome. I love that. When there are aspects of us that live on ships, are those aspects serving as guides? Does starting a dialogue with them help to facilitate the integration process taking place in the Ascension of humanity?
ST: It is important that you are in what we would call a unified field, particularly at this time, with all of your aspects. So, yes, it would not do to leave a position on ship unmanned as it were, so we are not saying bring them entirely within you. But make sure you are forming a unified field of knowing, of connection, of love, of clear determination of purpose, singularity of purpose together.
SM: Thank you. I’ve been speaking to many people who used to feel contact with their guides but I was wondering if you could speak to what might be going on when we feel that our guides seem to be gone from us. For some it seems that the usual avenue of communication is no longer available. For others it might be that what used to be a dialogue has been replaced with silence. Can you say what might be going on there?
ST: Some of what is going on is that you are going through this transition and through the portal and what you are to know is the beautiful magnificence of yourself. So have your guides disappeared? Of course not. They are right next to you as you are going through this transformation.
But what they are asking of you, what they are teaching you, what they are silently assisting you with is the fact that you are learning to listen and to trust and know yourselves.
Now for others it is completely the opposite. The guides have never been so vocal and chatty and available. So it is actually happening on both ends of the spectrum, simply depending on where you are in the process.
SM: Are we ready for some callers?
ST: Yes we are.
SM: Area code 727 are you there?
Caller 727: Yes, I’m here. I’m just going through a little bit of a rough spot. I just became unemployed. I may be looking for some hints or clues from my guides on a neighborhood or a timeline in which I should look for employment.
ST: The timeline is to give yourself a moment to breathe. Yes, you are going through a rough patch, dear heart, but you are also worn out. And so for you to jump immediately into another job would further exhaust you.
Give yourself a little break. Not one that will break your bank. But a little break. Think in terms of a month or so.
And do not hesitate to ask your sweet ones for help. Now, in this break, and I speak to many of you who are in this position, even if you are not unemployed you are in a situation and I know what this feels like of being in a job that you despise. Well, what are you doing there?
That is not the service of love that you agreed to honor. So take time to also think, not in ways that are completely unrealistic, not that you are deciding that you are going to be the next President of the United States, and truly who would want that job? But that is a whole other conversation.
But assess what job you want and think of it – a job. What does this mean. It is an expression of your faith and your love for the Mother.
So, if it feels like drudgery, then that is what you are offering up. And that is what you are saying you are worthy of. And, dear heart, that is simply not true. So take time to assess about your joy job. And then decide. Get the help and go forth.
SM: Area code 586, are you with us?
Caller 586: Hi. My question has to do with an experience that I had about ten years ago. I woke up and came out of an experience where I think there was some type of visitation.
But the last thing I remember is sort of a three-prong electric type cord going into my abdomen, and around that time it developed into a tight band around there and spread through my body. And I got very sick and no one could tell me what it was.
I’m still now dealing with this pattern in my body and I feel that I’ve asked again and again to be released from it and I keep hearing that all I need to do is breathe and ask for release and it just seems like I’m not getting any help or at least maybe I’m not receiving it but I’m not sure what I can do differently.
ST: Dear heart, it is time for you to unplug. Now the energy that came to you was to increase the frequency and particularly what you would think of as the electrical component of your electromechanical grid.
But it has intensified and you have never truly become comfortable or tuned with these energies. So quite literally, I want you to go into meditation and simply see and feel yourself taking that three-prong plug, with the help of your guardians (who are not the ones who installed it by the way), and simply unplug it. It is as simple as that. And we will be glad to help. You will be well, my dear.
SM: Area code 724, are you with us?
Caller 724: Yes I am. I have a question. I’m hoping my finances pick up here soon, but I’m hoping you can answer that.
ST: Well, it is a big question and it is not. Because what you are really asking – I did not come to be the psychic on-call – but I tell you something more important. I want you to do this with me.
I know as founder mother of many orders what it is like to live shall we say modestly and in poverty. Now notice I use poverty or modestly, not lack. Because it is my choosing.
So with me right now, throw open your arms and your heart and simply allow yourself to receive the abundance of the Universal Mother and of Gaia in every form imaginable. And do this with me, my dear friend, every single day.
There is a movie, it is The Sound Of Music. It is quite a pleasant film; it has many messages within it. I want you to throw open your arms like that dancing and simply sing to the universe “I accept, I allow, I receive, I am whole”. And let the abundance flow.
SM: I love that image. Area code 949 are you with us?
Caller 949: Hello and good morning. I have a dream that I have had for most of my life about a project I want to do, but I cannot seem to get it started. But it never leaves me. Can you give me some guidance? Is this the time to start? Why do I have so much hesitation.
ST: It’s the fear of failure. And it is the fear of success. So you’re trapped at both ends. Dear heart, take your sword that Michael has given you and cut the cords to fear of failure. Then cut the cords of fear of success and allow yourself then to take that hesitation and throw it out the window.
There is no time during this reawakening for hesitation. There is nothing that you are waiting for anymore. So begin and begin today. Declare yourself the artist that you are. Do it in joy. Not in fear. Do it in creativity, in laughter, do it with a sense of “I am so glad I am finally getting to this. Look out world.” And start.
Caller 949: Do you think that people will benefit from this?
ST: Oh yes. It is not meant for you alone. You are building community and unity. This is to be shared.
SM: Area code 519?
Caller 519: I am. I’m a little lost at work right now and I feel I’m in the wrong place and I don’t know if I should stay nearby or go far.
ST: Your heart is telling you. Now you can create and have community and the work that you desire wherever you choose. But what your self is saying is that you want some change and you are hesitant because it means venturing a little into the unknown.
I understand this, dear heart. But also understand that you are creating a new adventure for yourself. You are creating a new opening for yourself. You have said already to your guides “I am tired of this same old same old” and they are listening and they are prodding and encouraging and supporting.
So it is not just about moving, it is about creating and going where your heart desires and then creating and locating effortlessly the job you desire. Go for it.
SM: Area code 248 are you there?
Caller 248: I have a question how to discern between our core self and our guides. Because we’re expanding and knowing who we are in more dimensional ways.
ST: This matters because it matters to you. But let us be clear on this. Yes, you are expanding? You are coming to accept your multidimensional self. And there are many aspects that you are coming to know.
For some, as we have spoken of earlier, that is why your guides have gone quiet. So that the knowing of your sacred self is expanded and embraced and comes to be known more intimately, more joyously.
The sense that you have with your guides, your guardians, is they are external to you. Now, are they felt within? Do they speak to your heart, to your head, to your ears? Yes. But there is a sense of differentiation.
So it is the feeling that your grid, even though it is all one huge massive grid of the multiverse, so your plot of grid ends and there at the edges, which is as close as your skin sometimes, do not think that your grid does not expand and contract as it does constantly just like breathing in your lungs. But outside that grid you will feel and sense your guides. The sensation is differentiation and that is how you discern it.
Now, can you make a mistake? Of course you can. But there is no such thing as a mistake. If you think that your guides would be upset by thinking that they’re an aspect of your sweet self, that is not so. They would be honored. Regardless they are going to help you.
SM: Area code 970 are you with us?
Caller 970: Good morning! I’m wondering if you have guidance for me, or any thoughts about my guides. Sometimes I think asking you what you would like to say to me is more effective than asking a question.
ST: What I say to you is the perfect ending to my sweet visit. What I say to you sweet angel and all of you angels – because don’t forget that’s where you started – is trust. Trust is the key and of course it is connected to purity, is it not? It is trusting your heart, your mind, your soul and then expanding that trust to trust your guides. Trust them and entrust them with the secrets of your heart’s desire. With tasks, with undertakings and to lift you out through the portal if necessary. Trust my sweet ones. It will never let you down.
Caller 970: I keep hearing living in a community of like-minded individuals, I keep hearing Sedona. Does that seem aligned? It’s what I hear myself saying.
ST: It is where you perceive trusting yourself. So proceed. Go with my love and thank you for having me here today.
LD: Hi, its Linda. Wow, what a great guest. You know she didn’t get to be where she is without the work. That was such a treat. So, everybody start working with your guides. And go back through that meditation which can just be in the silence of your own home or re-listen to this. Go back and bring your guides back in and just get to spend some time with them and come to know them. Because they’re only there to help you.
SM: there’s no judgment and only love.
LD: For those of us who have had wonderful mothers, and we all know what that mother love feels like, or wish we had experienced it, the love of our guides is like mother love times a million. So turn to them; they’re standing there waiting for you and they really want to help. Take them shopping with you. You’ll find yourself buying healthier food – and maybe some ice cream.
SM: I do invite my guides to be with me while I’m doing my life here on Earth. About the food thing. I’m just not that interested in food anymore and I wish I could just stop being hungry because I’d probably stop eating.
LD: It’s important to be eating while we’re in this transition period. I’m seeing people who don’t want to eat at all or they’re so hungry for sugar and carbs. I think it’s a grounding thing. They just want that. But you have to eat. And you can never eat enough green because green is love. And green is regeneration.
SM: Thank you so much, Linda, for a great show.