I’m hunkered down today, putting pieces of the bigger puzzle in place.
I may not get it done before I need to go to a Vipasssana Retreat this evening and through the weekend.
It also may be a good idea not to drop the puzzle on you today and then leave for a weekend retreat! I have to pick my way carefully through this complicated piece of business.
What’s happening for me is that a huge penny is dropping. (The metaphors are raging here, which i’m mixing freely – please excuse me.) I’m juggling a number of balls, all of which seem related.
Those balls are:
(1) The unsuccessful attempt to ship six nuclear bombs illegally by B-52 to the Middle East from Minot AFB in North Dakota in September 2007. This move was foiled apparently by Chinese cyberwarriors, according to Will Thomas writing at the time. The Chinese are alleged to have taken over the plane, forcing it to land at Barksdale AFB. Now, however, I see that the “Chinese cyberwarriors” could have been galactics or galactics working with China.
(2) A Russian shootdown of an American TR3-B over Norway with a “green laser” (scalar weapon?) reported by “Hawk” in June 2008 (the same radio talk show host who is reporting a military mobilization today), an event that caused the United States to launch an ICBM against Russia and nearly start WWIII. At the time a mysterious spacecraft, assumed to be another TR3-B, took out the Minuteman missile. But could it have been a galactic craft?
(3) The American invasion of Georgia two months later, which the Russians routed. At the time the U.S. Navy assured Russia that it would not allow further attempts to provoke Russia into a World War III and fired the naval man who carried the nuclear “football” (the suitcase used to launch nuclear missiles), replacing him with a fellow deemed more reliable (again it’s the Navy acting).
Were all of these last-ditch attempts by the American cabal to start a nuclear Third World War before the Bush Administration had to step down from power?
Were all these events some examples of the “second 9/11” attempts which Matthew, SaLuSa, and Ashtar say they foiled? (See bottom of page for their comments.)
Has the American Navy since some years back sided with the galactics and moved to contain the cabal, efforts which are at last bearing fruit today?
Is the American Navy leading the fabled “white knights” or “Earth allies”?
Don’t forget that the Navy (actually the Office of Naval Intelligence) played a role in the assassination of John Kennedy, according to Billy Cooper who worked for them and read the memos detailing the operation. Cooper quit the Navy after seeing what it was they were up to at the time and went on to become a talk-show host and whistleblower.
Don’t forget also that the Navy may have directed operations against the Twin Towers on 9/11 from the aircraft carrier U.S.S. George Washington anchored off Long Island Sound. The helicopter that set off the explosions appears to have come from the Washington and the Skywarrior that seems to have crashed into the Pentagon is felt to have come from the Washington.
So the Navy’s hands may not always have been clean. But those naval officers are not these naval officers. And I’ll forgive and forget the rest if the Navy is now leading the charge against the cabal.
There are many other pieces. U.S. attempts to build a missile shield in Eastern Europe. The U.S. supplying its NATO allies like Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Turkey, and even some of the smaller East-European nations with thermonuclear bumker-buster bombs. (What happened to nuclear non-proliferation?) The mutinous refusal of marine trainers to train army units for what they regarded as an Iranian invasion masked as an Iraqi operation in, I think, 2008. I recall others which I’d have to locate and study again before I comment comprehensibly. On and on the story goes.
I researched these subjects in 2007 and 2008 as a result of writing pieces on 9/11 and depleted uranium weapons. At that time, I hadn’t read anything about disclosure, First Contact, Ascension, 2012, etc.
But now all these pennies are dropping and the whole subject of the cabal’s measures compared with the Galactic Federation’s countermeasures is coming alive.
I have to ask myself if I should even be reporting on this. Remember that David Wilcock and Bill Ryan’s revealing the November date for disclosure at the Barcelona conference may have resulted in that date being scrubbed. Could commenting on the Navy appearing to take over Northcom also cause difficulties?
Could further commenting on the cabal’s earlier failures also bring unintended consequences? I don’t know.
I may have my nose to the grindstone today (nuther metaphor to mix in) and, even if I make significant progress, it may be better to postpone publishing till Monday so that I “get it right” rather than publishing in a hurry.
Here are the quotes in question from the spirit and galactic commentators:
How ironic this last comment is in light of the Gulf oil spill.
OK, back to puzzling. If you don’t hear from me until Monday, you know what I’m doing. And, if I have to stop commenting, and can’t comment on having stopped, it also may be for the greater good.
We will find our way home.
(1) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(2) SaLuSa of Sirius, Sept. 11, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) Ashtar, “Benevolent ET Presence can Assure Accurate Election Vote Count,” Dec. 22, 2007, channeled through Michael Ellegion, via Mark Huber Post, 29 Oct. 2008.