I want to acknowledge the articles I’m receiving saying that a major mobilization of National Guard (and possibly others) may be occurring at this moment. (Thanks to Bonnie.)
One report says that convoys with U.N. markings have been observed in Pennsylvania. Aaron McCallum in his Project Camelot video said that convoys with U.N. markings are often used to carry black ops. soldiers into missions that are usually unconstitutional. I think this is the implication of the blogger who writes at https://beforeitsnews.com/story/45/494/Unitied_Nations_Convoy_sighted_in_Pennsylvania.html. I have no idea of the reliability of the blogger.
Another report at https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/breaking-reports-surfacing-of-multi-state-national-guard-mobilizations_05212010 states that “eye witness reports from Georgia, Minnesota, Alabama, Kansas, and perhaps Texas suggest large scale mobilizations and deployment in progress for National Guard Units.” Again, no idea of the significance or accuracy of this report.
This report also cites a further one at https://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2010/05/20/guard-deployment/ that says a largescale Minnesota deployment is in the works.
The Conservative Examiner carries a report as well: https://www.examiner.com/x-37620-Conservative-Examiner~y2010m5d24-AlertCitizens-report-nationwide-mobilization-of-National-Guard .
It’s too soon to say anything definite on the validity or significance of the reports. If they were true, the troops could be our guys or theirs, so to speak.
Matthew had this to say in 2008 on the subject of martial law:
He has said nothing on the matter since then. To the best of my knowledge, neither has SaLuSa or his colleagues.
These reports may be true; they may not. We’ll have to wait for corroboration. My thanks to Bre for the original report.
(1) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.