Gold bars created from 1% gold and 99% tungsten are showing up in different places around the world. Last year the Chinese were the victims of the largest tungsten scam ever, but the following videos show the scam turning up in Germany, India, and elsewhere.
To begin with, here is a video giving an overview of the whole scandal, traceable, the source thinks, to the U.S. Treasury. Apparently the tungsten bars were created during the Clinton era. Remember that Governor Clinton was making money through cocaine importation through Mena Airport, as reported in an earlier post on the CIA. (1)
Here is a report on scamming the Germans.
The tungsten fakes in the next video were sold to India by the International Monetary Fund. The blame is laid principally on American central banks and secondarily on British. The question is raised: Are any of the gold bars in Fort Knox worth anything?
This is a four-part series: double-click on this first video to take you to Youtube and the other parts of the series.
Is this the Illuminati eating its own? Is it evidence of Illuminati desperation? What does it say about the international economy, based as it is on confidence?
Readers of this site will know that the galactics and spiritual hierarchs have a “wisdom economy” or “abundance program” in the works that will kick in as soon as the Illuminati economy finally crumbles. (2) So there is no cause for concern as we watch different sections of the global cabal destroy each other.
(1) See “CIA: Cocaine International Agency”.
(2) On the “abundance program,” see “On NESARA”.