[Drunvalo’s eight-part video series appears at the end of this article.]
Drunvalo Melchizedek occupies a special place among 2012 commentators. Himself a highly-evolved wayshower, he’s been given an honored role by the Mayan elders to interpret their calendar and the coming events of 2012.
Drunvalo was, I believe, a Pueblo Indian in his last lifetime, during which he agreed to come back and play his current role in 2012 events. Again he forms one of the contingent of souls whose role during these momentous times has been predicted. (1)
It may be that Drunvalo is a walk-in. His nephew, Ken Page, has this to say about his uncle:
“Ken’s uncle Drunvalo is only about four years older than Ken. They had grown up together, often living in the same house for periods of time. During those years, Ken knew his uncle as Donny or Don. Because of their age, Ken thought of his uncle more as his brother. In the early 1980’s eighties, Ken and Drunvalo had not seen each other for a number of years.
“Ken regularly traveled to Taos, New Mexico to see his good friend, Cradle Flower, who was from the Taos Pueblo. On one occasion, Ken learned that ‘Donny’ / Drunvalo was living near Taos in a converted school bus out in the middle of a field full of sage. Ken says he will never forget sitting there and talking to Drunvalo that day. He told Ken that the uncle Ken had known was dead. He said that ‘Donny’ had died in Canada in 1971 and a new soul had come into the body. This soul was now named Drunvalo Melchizedek.”
Drunvalo says that his name is druidic in origin. chosen for him by others. A “drunvalo” is a little tree that grows by a creek. “Melchizedek” refers to the first diminution of consciousness from the Void or “zero point.” I would tentatively call this Parabrahman. (I thought it would have related to the “Prince of Peace,” Melchizedek, who met Abraham and received a tenth of his wealth, but apparently not.) (1)
According to Drunvalo, we’ve descended as low as we’re intended to and now we’re going back by leaps of consciousness. According to him, there are over 100,000 levels of consciousness before we come to the place where we are one and creation is within us.
From that place we can go back to who we were before creation or we can take another cycle around.
A this moment, we’re about to go through a tremendous dimensional change. At this juncture,”Melchizedek consciousness” is trying to find ways to get every single person possible through to the next level of consciousness.
Drunvalo makes a distinction between creation from the brain and creation from the heart. Creation from the brain brings the thing desired as well as the thing not desired. Creation from the heart brings only the thing desired.
He discusses the sacred geometry of life, the succession of warm ages (10,000 years) and ice ages (90,000 years). My understanding is that the Galactic Federation and spiritual hierarchy will mitigate this cycle, but Drunvalo discusses the historical succession of these ages.
Part 8 discusses the fall of the dualistic institutions and the rise of the unitive institutions associated with the evolution from polarized consciousness to unitive consciousness. The entire video is well worth watching.
So here it is, is an eight-part feast in which Drunvalo serves up dualistic and unitive life and the events of 2012.
(1) See “Enlightened Teachers and Leaders Will Arise”.
(1) See (a href=https://www.kenpage.com/a_collection/walkins.html>”Walk-ins”.