Audio version. Video version. We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, […]
Suzanne Lie: Advanced Arcturian Lecture Highlights
July 13, 2016 ~ Important Points from the latest Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series Dear Readers, There are so many wonderful points made by the Arcturians that I wanted to share some of them. Also, then you will better understand the Arcturian message in the next AALS, Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series, which will be offered in […]
Suzanne Lie: Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 16. Shelia’s Story
Beloved Earth Citizens, Sharman is “on assignment” orbiting Earth. Therefore, I will take over his role of sending regular messages to our Earth friends and family who are currently on planet Earth. We/I speak for all our Galactic Family, as we all lovingly embrace Earth and Her transmuting inhabitants. We see that many of the […]
Suzanne Lie: Important Points from the latest Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series
Dear Readers, There are so many wonderful points made by the Arcturians that I wanted to share some of them. Also, then you will better understand the Arcturian message in the next AALS, Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series, which will be offered in August. The illusion of perceiving yourselves as “ONLY third dimensional beings” is leaving […]
Suzanne Lie: Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 15. Being An Agent For the Arcturians
Greetings, We the Arcturians wish to share a message with you within this NOW. We see that many of you are being awakened in a manner that you can better remember your nightly meetings with your higher expression of your SELF and, also, your night body meetings with us on our Ships. Sometimes, such as […]
Suzanne Lie: A Blast from the Past – Living Your Highest Point of Perception by the Arcturians. Dec 28, 2012
Sue: Having some Summer Guests and Summer Fun, so I am sending out an Arcturian message from Dec 28, 2012. Was that over three years ago, or was that just yesterday?? You may think that your world is the same, but if you look deep into your consciousness you will find that it has greatly changed. […]
Suzanne Lie: Featured Meditation by the Arcturians – From the Previous Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series
We the Arcturians want you to know that all your needs are always met, but you must remember to ask because Earth is a free will planet. Therefore, you will be called upon choose the reality in which you wish to experience. You actually did choose your reality when you first took embodiment on Gaia, […]
Suzanne Lie: Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 13. The Arcturians/Pleiadians – Merging With Your Fifth Dimensional SELF
Greetings, we your Arcturian, Pleiadian, and higher expressions of your SELF, are in the process of joining with your fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. This joining, which will occur only when you are ready, will flow into your third/fourth dimensional energy fields. When you/we blend that which is an octave jump beyond your present […]
Suzanne Lie: Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 12. The Arcturians – Your Expanded Sense of SELF
We, the Arcturians, would like to ask how YOU are doing? When we say you, we mean the “Awakened humanity,” for unawakened humanity is unable to even imagine that anyone would be able to communicate with Beings that are invisible to their third dimensional perceptions. In fact, there are still many humans who can only […]
Suzanne Lie: Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 9. Arcturian Transmission – Calm, Grounded and Connected to Higher SELF
The Arcturians: We are within your NOW to remind you, our fully Awakened Ones, that those of you who are calm, grounded and connected with your Higher Self will be called on to give rational explanations for what is occurring during our First Contact. You will be asked to find the balance between those people […]
Suzanne Lie: Message From Your Inner Whale – The Arcturians
Sue: Dear Readers, I received this over a year ago (May 25, 2015), and somehow it came to my attention today, so I decided to finally post it because it is information for the NOW. Dear Arcturians, I woke up with a message from you. If I repeat what I remember, can you complete the message? […]
Suzanne Lie: Preparing For First Contact, Chapter 8. Multidimensional Energy Streams – The Arcturians
Dear Ascending Ones, We the Arcturians wish to send this Transmission to Earth. We see that many of you are beginning to remember how YOU create your reality. Therefore we wish to remind you that three powerful tools of creating your reality are your state of consciousness, your perceptions, and your attention. The focus of […]
Suzanne Lie: Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody – The Arcturians
More and more people, especially those who meditate on a regular basis, are beginning to have their initial experiences of Lightbody. The Light of your Lightbody is within yourself, within your spinal cord, within that Kundalini energy that is within the core of your spinal column. The Kundalini energy is stored at the base of […]
Suzanne Lie: Morning Conversation with the Arcturians.
Sue: Dear Readers, to my surprise the below message flew through me this morning as fast as I could type it. My guess is that many of you are getting similar messages from your higher guidance. Sue Dear Arcturians, Do you have a message for me today? Arcturians Yes, Suzille, we do have a message for […]
Suzanne Lie: The Fountain of My Soul.
My mind was sweeping through reality after reality, as if I was searching for something or someone. It is as if I was running a holographic reality within my own mind. I knew that I was creating this experience because I could hear the Arcturians reminding me that I AM the creator of my life. […]
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