(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Committed speaking: How does it work?
To speak in a committed manner cuts through my fear, just as stamping my foot does. It calls Me forth. It presences the Self in a startling manner. I startle myself out of my lethargy in the same way that the sudden appearance of a commanding officer might.
That pulls me out of fear, depression, and dismay instantly.
The committed speaking in the Safeway pulled me out of the fear of survival that I had fallen into. Which happens every month round about this time.
And this “startle” effect set in motion a train of events.
The same thing (transformation) happened with blessing. First came committed speaking; then came blessing.
I was thinking about forgiveness regarding a distant relative; the next moment I heard “bless her.” I have no native concept of blessing so the suggestion must have come from somewhere else.
And I did bless her and everyone else I could think of.
I was amazed to find that my mood shifted from being the troll under the bridge to being a normal, useful, loving citizen of this land.
The shift in my attitude was instantaneous when I shifted my perspective from forgiving to blessing. (1)
“Forgiving” assumes there’s something wrong. “Blessing” is a pure bestowal of love energy on another, no fault, no blame, nothing wrong.
Blessing is the divine posture. The divine is a perpetual outflow of loving energy and sees nothing to forgive. (2)
Blessing as a mode of connecting with the world was so basic a shift in attitude for me that it utterly transformed my experience.
I was amazed at what I’d discovered … or stumbled upon … or been led to.
But as if that were not enough, the next morning I awoke to another miracle. I now had a quiet mind. And quiet emotions too. What a blessing that was. I who blessed the night before was blessed the morning after.
This progression of events, this unfoldment began with committed speaking and ended in a quiet mind (for however long it lasts). (3)
I don’t think this progression of events would have happened in Werner’s day (except very rarely). The vibrations were much denser than they are now. This for me shows up like distinctly-credible and -palpable evidence that the vibrations on this planet have risen.
I went through a process of unfoldment and thus can speak from experience. Committed speaking is the particular mechanism I used to call myself forth in this instance.
BUT at every step of the way, the leap vaulting I was doing was noticeable. The process was both faster and easier than it would have been thirty years ago. That may apply no matter what spiritual approach we use.
Another piece of evidence that the vibrations have risen – and again, as you’d expect with me, the evidence is internal – is the instant disappearance of feelings like worry, shame, and fear, perhaps a year ago.
Things are changing. In my opinion, the level of consciousness on the planet must be increasing for spiritual growth to be this fast.
For me, the important thing for now is to notice the mechanism by which spiritual unfoldment occurred: Through the use of committed speaking, I called myself forth or presenced my Self (my Higher Self, my soul, whatever it was) and thereby emerged (as my Self) from a Third-Dimensional funk over lack.
(1) My inner experience “moves me” to alter or switch – in a most genuine way – my attitude and spirit; i.e., to willingly undergo transformation.
I experienced transformation twice during this process. The first occurred upon the realization that “blessing” was a divine modality and the second arose from speaking my commitment. Both of these are for me transformational practices and ways out of fear, dismay, and depression.
(2) Although the Divine Mother does forgive everything:
Kathleen: You forgive everyone so we forgive everyone.
Divine Mother: That is correct. No matter how heinous the crime, the action, it is forgiven. (Divine Mother to Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, April 25th 2015.)
(3) In philosophy this line of evidence and inquiry might be called verstehen and “verifiable by me.” It’s inner evidence – discoveries, understandings, Aha! moments.