Reports are coming in of excess deaths demonstrating that Covid 19 isn’t and wasn’t killing people. It’s the Covid 19 vaccine that is decimating – “murdering, “a Japanese oncologist recently said – (1) the population, something that most of us here knew back in 2020.
Moreover, other reports predict a staggering death rate in the years ahead. Unless med beds can stem the tide, we face a sobering prospect, whoever leads whatever nation.
It presents us lightworkers with dilemmas. Or perhaps challenges is a better word.
One is that most people with various vaccine-caused conditions will be hoping against hope that we don’t forget about them and their plight. Or, worse still, they may fear that we’ll say to them: It serves you right. Signed, A Conspiracy Theorist.
But I’m hoping that, by now, we’ll be humble enough to see that there’s no profit in getting even or standing by and watching others die.
If we intend to ascend, what most profits us is to open our hearts, as widely as possible. A full and permanently-open heart is what Ascension is. (2) The Mother tells us: “Love will sweep you and the planet [away], and in many ways, dear heart, that is Ascension.” (3) Ascension is love and love is Ascension.
In my opinion, our “getting even” would simply prove futile; it won’t affect the outcome. As I understand it, if people died from the vaccine, every person with sufficient light would ascend, if not immediately, then perhaps when we do, but from the other side.
Meanwhile if we resent the vaccinated and express our resentment, well, from my experience, I’m pretty certain that, by doing so, one is saying goodbye to their ability to experience transformative or higher-dimensional love for the time resentment lingers.
It’s a little like, as someone once said, swallowing poison hoping the other person will die. We’re the ones who die, inside.
Expressing hatred and resentment – unless we’re clearing it – closes down our emotional space. To experience higher-dimensional love, we need to open up the space for love inside, as Michael made plain to me after my own heart opening.
Let me quote that passage at length because all of us may experience a fourth-chakra heart opening (and some may experience Ascension itself) with the arrival of the Ring of Fire. (4)
Archangel Michael: [This heart opening happened] because, you have said yes! …
[It] occurs, not merely because you have asked for it, but because you (and this does apply to the collective) have done your, can we say, your homework, your due diligence. What we mean by this is simply, think of it in spatial reality, time and space reality: you have created the space for this [energy of love] to, not only pass by you like a passing breeze or a rain [what I call “wisps” of love], but to anchor within you because there is a sense of this spaciousness within thee.…
When one is clinging to core issues, to fear, to lack, to limitation – you know the list – there is not that sense, not only of spaciousness, but of acceptance, allowance, readiness and even permission. Because as you know, we continually say that we will never override your free will.
So, if the will, either actively or subconsciously, is actually choosing to still engage in the issues or the drama, then although we are standing at readiness and still penetrating you, that open door is not there. (5) [My emphasis.]
I’ve said in the past that vasanas are the only obstacle to enlightenment. What Michael is describing is a heart space that has been cleared of a few vasanas: “There is a sense of this spaciousness within thee.”
Jesus tells us that the Ring of Fire will be more glorious than any other event humanity has ever seen. He says we’ll experience a temporary heart opening and, with it, higher-dimensional love:
Jesus: We are approaching the Grand Finale of this stage in your awakening process [i.e., the Ring of Fire]. It is not the Magnificent and most Wondrous Event of the Great Awakening in all its glory [i.e., Ascension], but it will be the most exciting and uplifting event that humanity has ever experienced. …
Heart-centered consciousness is the state [you will then experience] in which, as humans, you feel only love for all life, knowing that you are one with all life, and in which you love and accept yourselves in your human forms without any reservations whatever, knowing, as you most definitely will, that you are following your divinely-guided path Home to Reality, and that all that occurs is part of the grand design you planned for yourselves before incarnating into form. (6)
“Knowing that you are one with all life” – I do not know that I am one with all life. But I can imagine a state of love so intense that it would blow all sense of separateness from me.
“Following your divinely-guided path Home to Reality” – The purpose of life is that we should realize our true identity and, when one of us does, God meets God. We do so by following our divinely-guided path Home to Reality.
If everyone gave the matter thought and realized what they’d be risking missing out on (transformative, transfigurative love), would anyone want to withhold the hand of help from the vaccinated?
The direction, the trend, the tide in the affairs of humanity is in the direction of love. The Mother has made that clear:
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (7)
Love can only live in an environment of forgiveness. Forgiveness after all that we’ve been through? The mere thought of it shows the challenges that we’ll probably face in our near future.
(1) “Top Japanese Oncologist says COVID-19 Vaccines are ‘Essentially Murder’,”
(2) Ascension is a full and permanent heart opening, called sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi. See:
- “The Ridgepole Broken, Bereft of Body Consciousness,” August 1, 2024, at
- “Ascension is a Series of Heart Openings,” August 23, 2023, at
(3) “The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” at
(4) An intuitive and a channel have discussed the Ring of Fire recently:
- Tiara Kumara, “The Great Solar Flash,” September 22, 2024, at
- “Angelic Update on the Flash of Light: Prepare For a Massive Shift in Humanity!” via Angela Tucker, September 25, 2024, at
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
(6) “Jesus Through John: Nothing can Forestall or Circumvent the Divine Will,” May 1, 2021, at
(7) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.