by Judith Kusel
Just sharing –
I went out into the countryside this morning, with my heart and soul just overflowing with love and gratitude.
During this time, I was just blessing everyone and everything, and the more I did this, the more revealed itself, for which I could be grateful for, and blessed.
We so often forget that the greatest of all gifts, is love, gratitude, and joy. And Mother Earth and Mother Nature, abounds with all of these. And how she always blesses us, yet, so many are blind to all of these gifts.
I am always being told by my Ascended Masters, to every day and night concentrate on what I truly wish to manifest into form and being in the New Earth. This is where my focus and attention lies, for the seeds for the New Golden Age, are there already within your own soul.
Whenever something seemingly negative happens, I breathe deeply, and then ask myself: “How is this serving me? What is this reflecting back to me, which I have not loved nor owned within myself?” This immediately shifts everything, for the old 3D in her last moments will always reflect back to us, the wounds we have not yet healed, and what still needs to be dissolved, forgiven and the memory banks wiped clear.
More than this, to affirm that all of life is sacred and holy, you are sacred and holy and so am I. We are all Sons and Daughters of the Prime Creator, the Father/Mother God, and infinitely loved into depths of our core infinite souls.
When we become aware of the sacredness of all life and forms of life, we become harmless to all whom we encounter. We exude love and light and it is then, that Mother Nature, and Mother Earth, reveals her most exquisite bounty to us.
I have had communications, and moments with animals in the last few years, which brought to me such a depth of respect and understanding for how the animal kingdom is already ascending, and how much they have to teach us, if we would be only open to listen with an open heart and love. This includes all life and life forms.
We are meant to live life, with love and joy! Joy is the highest attribute of enlightenment. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that when you shed the physical vessel, the first thing your soul is asked: “Did you bring joy? Did you find joy? Did you live joyfully?”
This is why I love quietude, moments when I can just be in nature, and open my ears and inner ears to listen, open my heart to just love, and open my soul to soar and to fly, and to become AS ONE with all around me. Such moments transcend words.
As a child I remember sitting under the vast expanse of the Milky Way galaxy at night time around a camp fire, on my dad’s lap. He was pointing out the Milky Way galaxy to me, and showing me the stars, and all the expanse of heavens. To me, the expanse of heavens, was home. As a three-year-old I knew this, for sure, even as I know this today. And then my mother (we are a musical family and always sang together, started singing one of the most beautiful of evening songs, and everyone joined in. To be able to sit under the African sky and sing, is indeed being in heaven.
As a young adult, I remember, as we lived in the heart of Zululand then, how I fell asleep with the beat of the Zulus drums and their singing around the camp fire. It lulled me to sleep, for it always brought that sense of deep love for Mama Earth and Mama Africa.
In Zulu the word for God/Divine Source is UMKHULUNKHLULU, the Greater-than-Great, and indeed that is an apt word to describe creation and the Creator.
Yes, my heart and soul overflows with love, joy and gratitude.
To be alive on planet earth right now, and to be able to witness the transfiguration process and experience it, into the New Earth, is a privilege and a great blessing!
Lest we forget! We all signed up for this, and now is the time to truly step into our soul purpose and calling with even greater love and joy!