This is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Enlightened Afterlife, my new ebook centered on Spiritualist philosophy on life after death. In this section, we learn about the death of Spiritualist W.T. Stead, who returned through a medium to share the details of his passing.
You can purchase a PDF file of the book at the bottom of this post, or you can check out the Kindle version by clicking on the book cover below.

Well-known Spiritualist W.T. Stead, channel for Julia Ames and others, passed away aboard the Titanic. He returned shortly after through a medium (more on that below).
Believe it or not, through this medium Stead provided a full account of what happened. He says in his account that when he saw what was happening, he realized he could be of service to the other victims:
“I was still so near the earth that I could see everything going on there. Where I was I could see the wrecked ship, the people, the whole scene; and that seemed to pull me into action – I could help! …and so in a few seconds – though I am now taking a long time to tell you, it was only a few seconds really – I found myself changed from the helpless state to one of action; HELPFUL not helpless – I was helpful, too, I think. (1)
Together with his group of now-discarnate spirits, Stead made his way to the other side.
I pass a little now. The end came and it was all finished with. It was like waiting for a liner to sail; we waited until all were aboard. I mean we waited until the disaster was complete. The saved – saved; the dead – alive.
Then in one whole we moved our scene. It was a strange method of traveling for us all, and we were a strange crew, bound for we knew not where. The whole scene was indescribably pathetic.
Many, knowing what had occurred, were in agony of doubt as to their people left behind and as to their own future state. What would it hold for them? Would they be taken to see Him? What would their sentence be?
Others were almost mental wrecks. They knew nothing, they seemed to be uninterested in everything, their minds were paralyzed. A strange crew indeed, of human souls waiting their ratings in the new land. (2)
Some in Stead’s group tried desperately to save their possessions. For him, it was “heartbreaking” to witness the effects of a mass number of people being jarred from their bodies at once.
“There were hundreds of bodies floating in the water – dead – hundreds of souls carried through the air, alive; very much alive, some were. Many, realizing their death had come, were enraged at their own powerlessness to save their valuables. They fought to save what they had on earth prized so much.
“The scene on the boat at the time of striking was not pleasant, but it was as nothing to the scene among the poor souls newly thrust out of their bodies, all unwillingly. It was both heartbreaking and repellent.
“And thus we waited – waited until all were collected, until all were ready, and then we moved our scene to a different land”. (3)
Despite the agony involved, it’s intriguing to imagine a large group of people passing into spirit at the same time by working together to shift their reality – an ability they were unaware of before.
It makes me wonder if the shift would fail without willing group participation. I’m sure plenty of spirits were too traumatized to play their part; this could perhaps be another problem transition guides help with.
Pardoe Woodman Predicted Stead’s Impending Death
Apparently, Stead’s daughter Estelle was informed of her father’s impending death by the man who would go on to channel him.
When the Titanic went down, Estelle, Stead’s daughter, was on a tour with her own Shakespearean Company. One of the members of the touring group was a young man named Pardoe Woodman.
According to Estelle Stead, a few days before the disaster, Woodman told her over tea that there was to be a great disaster at sea and that an elderly man very close to her would be among the victims.
In 1917, shortly after being discharged from the army, Woodman began receiving messages from William T. Stead by means of automatic writing. Estelle Stead then started sitting with Woodman and observing.
She noted that Woodman wrote with his eyes closed and that the writing was very much like her father’s. Moreover, the writing would stop at times and go back to dot the ‘i’s’ and cross the ‘t’s,’ a habit of her father’s which she was sure Woodman knew nothing about. (4)
Stead told his daughter through Woodman that his arrival in the afterlife was “gloriously beautiful” despite the circumstances that caused it and the gloom that initially overtook his group.
“Stead informed his daughter that there were hundreds of souls hovering over their floating bodies after the big ship [the Titanic] went down, some of them apparently not comprehending their new state as they complained about not being able to save all of their valuables.
“After what felt like a few minutes, they all seemed to rise vertically into the air at a terrific speed.
“‘I cannot tell how long our journey lasted, nor how far from the earth we were when we arrived, but it was a gloriously beautiful arrival,’ Stead recorded through Woodman’s hand. ‘It was like walking from your own English winter gloom into the radiance of an Indian sky. There, all was brightness and beauty.’” (5)
Even when it comes to war or other things responsible for mass death and suffering, there are guides present and prepared to help. Not to mention that the place the released spirit goes is well worth the struggle endured beforehand.
Suffering is relieved once the spirit is free from the body, and those who lived negatively or selfishly on earth are given the chance to make up for it.
Negative karma is dissolved through service to others, and in some cases, this service begins right after the moment of death.
As we learned, some spirits’ assistance is immediately requested once they cross over and gain some awareness.
This doesn’t apply to cases involving long periods of rest after death takes place, but it seems to apply to a lot of soldiers and citizens caught in devastating circumstances.

- William Thomas Stead, The Blue Island. Experiences of a New Arrival Behind the Veil. , 38.
- Ibid, 38-40.
- Loc. Cit.
- “William Stead,” Red Pill, downloaded from, 3 Feb. 2008., n.p.
- Loc. cit.
About the author:
I’m a twenty-something writer & blogger with an interest in spirituality, revolution, music and the transformative creative force known as love. I run The Culture of Awareness, a daily news blog dedicated to raising social and spiritual awareness and supporting the evolution of the planet.
I also have a personal blog, Openhearted Rebel, in which I share writings related to spiritual philosophy, creativity, heart consciousness and revolution (among other topics).
I write from the heart and try to share informative and enlightening reading material with the rest of the conscious community. When I’m not writing or exploring nature, I’m usually making music.
Follow me on Facebook (Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness) and Twitter (Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness)
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Featured image: W.T. Stead and the Titanic.
Share freely with attribution to Wes Annac and the Culture of Awareness.
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, December 8, 2016 –