(Concluded from Part 1.)
What does the Company of Heaven say about whether one’s beliefs about the nature of reality, Jesus’ mission, etc., influence ascension?
SaLuSa of Sirius tells us that:
“There are in fact beautiful souls in all walks of life, yet they do not necessarily have the same consciousness levels of those who have already awakened.
“They are by no means excluded from the process of Ascension, and will easily accept whatever is necessary to change their direction. That is possible because they already have the basis for a greater expansion of their consciousness.” (1)
“They live in a way that respects nature and all life, and understand its cycles and the energies all around them. Their needs are few, and when they leave there is no trail of damage and pollution. They may not have your awareness of the end times, but lead a highly spiritual life and have every opportunity to ascend.” (2)
Thus it isn’t necessary to accept Jesus as our savior to ascend. It isn’t necessary to be a Christian or a Muslim or any other organized religion to enter the Fifth Dimension, also called by early Christian fathers “the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Even a lack of a belief in God is not something that would keep decent and sincere people from ascending, according to SaLuSa.
“A lack of belief in God is not necessarily preventing people from ascending, as many of them are at heart very kind and decent people. It is what you are inside that counts, but we always come back to the need to treat others as yourself.” (3)
It’s what’s inside that counts. It’s the quality of our heart.
Meanwhile, why are we all doing the work of clearing ourselves of our core issues and the resulting conditioned behavior? Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman tells us:
“Most of you who have followed our teachings are aware that you must clear 51% of your negative frequency patterns and attune your Soul Song to at least a portion of the lower sub-level frequencies of the Fifth Dimension in order to begin to receive the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light.” (4)
Fifty-one percent is not a difficult goal to achieve. And there will be plenty of help for the stragglers, as Sananda through Eric Klein, writing in the early 1990s, explains:
“You do not need to be one hundred percent healed and whole emotionally and spiritually in order to ascend. … We can work miracles with each of you. This is our intention.” (5)
Now to the second part of Anonymous’ allegations:
“Only an open acceptance to a radically new existence conceptually as well as a sincere historical review of your past will allow your eternal truth (soul) to continue with its current temporary human form.”
The “sincere historical review of your past” is a routine feature of the afterlife. (6) There’s no requirement for a full-life review before Ascension.
Moreover “an open acceptance to a radically new existence conceptually” is not needed to allow us “to continue with [this] current temporary human form.” There’s nothing needed to allow us to continue as humans. Many will alter and some will retain their belief systems before and after Ascension. No danger of liquidation or devolution results.
Thus liquidation is reserved only for those human beings who’ve chosen relentless evil over many lifetimes and is not something visited upon people for their beliefs, their degree of acceptance of a radical new existence, or their lack of a full-life review attached to this lifetime.
(1) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm .
(2) SaLuSa, March 15, 2010.
(3) SaLuSa, Oct. 3, 2012.
(4) Ronna Herman, “MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – LM-03-2016,” at https://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/messages-aam.html?start=3.
(5) Sananda in Eric Klein, The Crystal Stair. Livermore: Oughten Hosue Publications, 1992; c1990, 34.
(6) There are two forms of full-life review. The first is the brief but comprehensive review that happens just before or immediately after “death.” See
“A Full Life Review Occurs” at https://goldengaiadb.com/The_Borderlands_-_Awakening#At_Some_Point.2C_a_Full-Life_Review_Occurs.
A second form of full-life review, much more extensive and carried out with the assistance of our spiritual mentor, occurs after entry into the Mental Plane/Fifth Dimension. On that subject, see “The Judgment” at https://goldengaiadb.com/TheJudgment
Neither of these has any bearing on our Ascension.