Yes, I do know that Pope Francis delivered a stunning message to the UN and kicked off Agenda 2030, the Sustainability Agenda.
I know that the Illuminati intended to use this agenda to create a world government, which they have no intention of living up to.
I also know that they won’t succeed so I’m not worried. The chaos will continue but the Light has already won out.
I know that the meeting of Barack Obama and Pope Francis is fraught with significance and promise. Two leading lightworkers on the planet are strengthening their bond. John Boehner will resign, and on and on.
But it isn’t my work right now to be following these events. It’s my work to be following the course of the rising energies of the Tsunami of Love and describing everything I can about how they’re resonating and rebounding with me.
So I’d like to repeat what I said yesterday that the awakening and balancing of the divine feminine and divine masculine within the individual is the work that needs doing to allow the kundalini to rise. Once these energies are balanced and the kundalini completes its course, we find ourselves alive and awake. Our sources have indicated as much:
“Are you aware that as one who wears a female body that you carry the energies of the divine masculine within?
“Are you aware that it is through the ‘marriage’ of these two energies that you come into unity again, into wholeness? (1)
“To ascend one must ultimately balance male/female energies, as well as mastering the lower bodies (emotional, mental and physical) and mastering relationships in the real world, i.e., through daily living.” (2)
Is working with the kundalini the only way to ascend? No, it isn’t. Meditation, service, devotion – there are many pathways to Ascension and all are valid. Say the sages:
Sri Krishna: “Whatever path men travel is my path: No matter where they walk it leads to me.” (3)
Sri Ramakrishna: “The mother cooks different dishes [creates different spiritual paths] to suit the stomachs of her different children. Suppose she has five children. If there is a fish to cook, she prepares different dishes from it — pilau, pickled fish, fried fish, and so on — to suit their different tastes and powers of digestion.” (4)
Sri Ramakrishna: “I had to practise each religion for a time — Hinduism, Islam, Christianity. Furthermore, I followed the paths of the Saktas, Vaishnavas, and Vedantists. I realized that there is only one God toward whom all are travelling; but the paths are different.” (5)
My divine feminine was dormant and the clairsentient’s exercise of having me feel her love, which she was sending me, awakened it. That had the kundalini leap to the sixth chakra.
Why leap? Well, I’ve had so many other experiences – of the Seventh-Dimensional Oversoul at the Vipassana meditation retreat, (6) Ascension, apparently, in May 2014, (7) numerous clearings such as the “System Restore,” (8) a heart opening, (9) etc. You’ve been with me all the way. I’ve shared about all of them.
So it does make sense that the kundalini passage up the Sushumna Canal has been cleared and offers no resistance to the kundalini.
The sharing of feelings, back and forth, each of us asking “How do you feel?”, caused those feelings to release, one by one, in the dissolving power of Awareness. I felt my vibrations elevate with each feeling that was cleared.
The deepening experience of love was also central. At first, love is just felt coming from the heart and out. Then, the love is felt in more and more parts of the body, filling one up, so to speak. When love filled me up, the kundalini jumped to the sixth or brow chakra.
Once I assimilated the clairsentient’s love, it flowed to the seventh or crown chakra.
Many of us don’t have access to a tutor as I did. Many of us aren’t in a relationship either and, even if we were, our partners may have no interest in assisting us as I was assisted.
What to do?
The most important thing to do is to ask.
Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and the door shall be opened.
If you’re a reader of this blog, then it should be apparent to you that the Company of Heaven are active players in our spiritual unfoldment. To those who don’t have “another,” ask of the Company of Heaven. Never has it been easier – because of the Tsunami energies and because of the role the CoH are currently playing – to ask for spiritual gifts and have them be given.
The experience was stable all through the day. I noticed that I was exuberant, out there, insightful, a good listener. I also noticed that people seemed to feel confronted at how awake and alive I was so I soon resolved to tone it down. Then in the early evening the mood began to subside.
No spiritual experience short of Sahaja Samadhi, (10) which happens deeper into the Fifth Dimension, is permanent so I didn’t try to hold onto it.
I’m back today with the residuum of the experience, which is a quiet mind, quiet emotions, lesser levels of bliss, and a feeling of happiness and wellbeing.
Dear Mother, what’s next?
(1) “The Sirians and Higher Self: A New Year – A New Self,” channeled by Eliza Ayres [aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara], December 30, 2013 at
(2) “The Council of Nine via Tazjima: Change as a Pathway to Growth,” Feb. 19, 2013, at Obviously I ascended in May 2014 without balancing the divine feminine and divine masculine energies so that part of this source’s statement does not seem entirely accurate.
(3) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 51.
(4) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 81. [Hereafter GSR.]
(5) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 129.
(6) “Move without Moving: Be the Stillpoint Flowing,” at
(7) Steve: X thinks I have ascended. Have I?
Archangel Michael: Yes, you have.
S: I have ascended? (laughter) I must have fallen asleep at that moment.
AAM: You have fallen asleep. When we have been working … this is about seven weeks ago … and in one of your moments of despair, of deep questioning, you have said, Michael, take me, and you have gone through the portal to receive an infusion of the energy of what to look forward to. to bring you greater peace, serenity, tranquillity, knowing. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.)
(8) “System Restore,” May 10, 2014, at
(9) “Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2,” March 14, 2015, at; “Activating the Wellspring – Part 2/2,” March 15, 2015, at; “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, at; “Learning the Ropes,” March 24, 2015, at
(10) After Brahmajnana or seventh-chakra enlightenment, the kundalini doubles back and reaches the spiritual heart aperture or hridayam, which it permanently opens. In olden times, this would be called moksha or lioberation. But now we call it Ascension. It happens some subplanes after we enter the Fifth Dimension. This is the end of our vasanas or core issues.