(Continued from Part 1.)
Illuminati Perpetrators
What old leaders will be removed from power? Not just governmental leaders, Archangel Michael informs us. Moreover, he confides that most if not all of them will be placed in one form or another of containment in light boxes. (1)
“You can look to the removal of effective power by many who have been in positions of leadership. And we don’t just mean the heads of state. We also mean those in positions of social leadership [and] financial leadership, because that is very connected to the equalization of resources.
“Similarly, those who have positions of power in the military, all militaries, who have been fully aware of your star brothers and sisters but who only wish to engage in warring scenarios – well, that is never going to happen. So they are also on our list of containment.” (2)
Saul says that many of the Illuminati perpetrators will be forced into retirement.
“The truth about the deceits and betrayals that have been inflicted on people everywhere will continue to be made public to ensure that those who perpetrated them are recognized and consequently do not obtain positions of leadership or influence again.
“Integrity, honesty, and openness will be the hallmarks of society instead of the meaningless rhetoric of a dishonest and discredited leadership which will now go into retirement, where it can learn the true purpose of human existence – to evolve spiritually, thereby bringing love and joy to all human activities, and ensuring that everyone, without exception, has all their true needs abundantly provided.” (3)
Notice that Saul affirms the “true purpose of human existence – to evolve spiritually.” To evolve spiritually until we know our true identity, our essence, our true nature. So now the Illuminati will be introduced to the quest and they may start over in the spiritual journey of life.
Sheldan Nidle’s Agarthan sources, somewhat bombastically, suggest that the present regimes will be discarded.
“This [global] transformation will consign the present governments to history’s dustbins. Replacements exist that allow for a most needed and grand makeover. The dark can no longer maintain its game of mischief. There is a spiritual need to dissolve their long, disguised leadership. It is the moment for bravery and for acts of needed kindness.
“This realm is headed toward the Light. Those who condone the dark can no longer be permitted to rule. Those who comprehend this are required to disclose what is needed and to act quickly.
“This ‘quiet revolution’ is happening slowly across this reality, and a grand move will bring this magnificence to the fore. We expect this and many wondrous events to occur, to bring into being what the people of this surface world have long required. We fully support all events that lead to such a successful ending!
“In conclusion, the time is indeed ripe for a non-violent revolution of immense proportions. Your world has long waited for changes that have yet to become visible. Behind this veil is a vast movement that needs to become the present way of your world.” (4)
That doesn’t preclude existing leaders having a change of heart, Archangel Michael tells us, a little more gently than Sheldan’s Agarthans.
“I will tell you this. There is phenomenal — and I use that word in the true sense of the word — phenomenal progress being made on the forefront of changing — what you call cleaning up — world government, government in general.
“This is happening, a great deal is happening, on the unseen level. And what do I mean by that? It is exactly the same as what I’ve been speaking to each of you, my beloved friends, about in terms of finding your heart, your balance, your worth and eradicating doubt.” (5)
The old leadership is being worked on, he tells us, some of them being in containment in light boxes.
“Do you not think that every leader — and we use the term not simply to represent the official leader of a government, of a nation, but the leadership in terms of the collective — [is] being worked on, some in containment, some not?
“Some are already very clearly having what you would think of as a change of heart, an awakening. The face of leadership is changing, period. And what you think of as leadership is going to shift back to the collective, to the people.
“And that is true not only in what you think of as, oh, very violent, controlling, subversive, suppressive, dictatorial, whether it is declared as such or not, situations. It is also going to shift in what you’ve thought of as perhaps more liberal or open societies. Because even in what you think of as the open, clear, democratic nations, the cadre of the inner circle and the back-door politics have to shift. …
“It is changing one heart at a time.” (6)
It’s staggering to think of how all this could be changed one person at a time and not take a hundred years.
I asked him how the celestials and ascended masters were going to do this. He responded:
“Each of you, at different times in your life, has experienced a change of heart. And there have been the changes of heart that have taken a long time, in your view, perhaps years or even a decade, but each of you has also experienced a change of heart because your perspective, the lens of your consciousness perceives differently, has informed your heart and allowed your heart to see the truth. And your change of heart happened in a moment, in a millisecond, in a heartbeat.
“So don’t think in terms of shift of leadership that we’re talking decades. Don’t forget, Gaia is anchored in the fifth. Do you really think — aside from anything we would do — do you think that Gaia or your star brothers and sisters, all of whom are existing in a higher dimensional reality, can or will tolerate government that is not based on love, on fairness, on serving the people, not taking from the people? They will not.
“So you’re talking rapid change. You’re asking timelines. Next year when we speak on this very program — so let us mark the day — your world and government will look very different.” (7)
The heart opening that I had on March 13, 2015, changed my life in a heartbeat so I can imagine what he’s referring to.
Tomorrow we’ll look at the model of lightworker leadership as stewardship and what will signal that the change has begun in earnest.
(1) On “Containment,” see https://goldengaiadb.com/Accountability#Containment , “The Process of Containment Explained,” Sept. 30, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/30/the-process-of-containment-explained/ and “Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal,” July 3, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/the-process-of-accountability/archangel-michael-on-the-containment-of-the-cabal/.
(2) “Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal,” ibid.
(3) Saul through John Smallman, Feb. 22, 2011, at https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com.
(4) “Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update,” as received by Sheldan Nidle, October 29, 2013 at https://paoweb.com/uf102913.htm.
(5) “Archangel Michael: Prepare for the Celebration – Part 2/2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, August 19, 2013 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/archangel-michael-prepare-for-the-celebration-part-22/.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.