I’m a few chapters away from completing a second e-book, which I’ll be selling as part of our work to ensure the financial viability of the Nova Earth Foundation team. It includes a chapter on NESARA.
As part of the research, I’ve just been re-reading Nancy Detweiler’s history of NESARA, (1) which I heartily recommend to anyone who wants to know how NESARA evolved. When I first heard about Ascension in 2008, Nancy’s work on NESARA was one of the first I consulted.
NESARA is only one source of global abundance. NESARA encompasses such sources of wealth, according to Nancy, as “trillions of dollars of gold stolen by the Federal Reserve System from strategic gold reserves.” But other sources include the returns from a trust fund established by St. Germaine back in the Middle Ages, intended for release at this period in time, reserves of gold and other precious metals sunk to the bottom of the sea in battleships off places like the Philippines, warehouses full of gold in Asia, and even gold brought to this planet from other planets as part of the global-abundance effort. (2)
Gold has a usefulness and significance in life that is little understood; hence the usefulness of monatomic gold taken internally. If time allows I may post some articles on it.
But there’s more gold on this planet than anyone imagines and all of it will become part of the NESARA or global-abundance endowment. The term NESARA stands for the “National Economic Security and Reformation Act,” which was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2000, but became identified with the entire global prosperity program.
Nancy publishes a list of the provisions of the NESARA Act and it’s that which I’d like to post here. The NESARA Act was due to be announced at 10:00 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001. Well, you know what happened at 9:00 a.m.
“Just before the [10:00] announcement at 9 am, [George] Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.”
Here’s the list of the NESARA Act’s provisions.
NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.
NESARA implements the following changes:
1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
2. Abolishes the income tax.
3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.
6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.
8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.
9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
14. Restores financial privacy.
15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
17. Establishes peace throughout the world.
18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.
(1) Nancy Detweiler, “History of NESARA,” at https://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/history-of-nesara/),
(2) See “Evidence Corroborating David Wilcock’s Recent Allegations: Philippine Gold, Platinum, and Cash, Dec. 30, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/12/evidence-corroborating-david-wilcocks-recent-allegations-philippine-gold/ ; “Treasure Hunters Declare Their Find and Offer to Return It,” Jan. 1, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/01/treasure-hunters-declare-their-find-and-offer-to-return-it/ ; “Udo Continues the Story of the Filipino Treasure,” January 1, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/01/udo-continues-the-story-of-the-filipino-treasure/ ; “Who Wants to be a Trillionaire?” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/05/who-wants-to-be-a-trillionaire/; “Transcript of David Wilcock Interview on Whistleblower Radio, Dec. 14,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/world-disclosure-day/the-time-of-troubles/transcript-of-david-wilcock-interview-on-whistleblower-radio-dec-14-2011/; “Follow the Gold,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/12/follow-the-gold/
“As we have told you many times, wealth also will be re-distributed and we are already starting to recover hidden caches of valuable metals. Add to it St. Germain’s World Trust Fund, and you will have sufficient to ensure that everyone is above the poverty levels that so many are experiencing now.” (SaLuSa, Dec. 14, 2012, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.)
“In 1938, there was gold – seven giant US battleships’ worth of gold that was held by the Asians, that was shipped to the US, that was put on deposit secretly with the Federal Reserve. And bonds were issued in exchange for this money. There was supposed to be a plan in Bretton Woods that this – the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 is when, after World War Two, all of this gold confiscation was complete. One insider told me that he toured a facility personally in which you walk down the hall, it’s a mile long, there are doors on either side of the hall, [and] each of those doors leads into a room the size of a basketball gymnasium in which there are gold bullion bars, in bricks, stacked floor to ceiling. …
“It’s apparently the biggest secret there is. And they don’t want you to talk about this, but it appears that, you know, there’s…. The gold is kept in underground facilities. It’s kept – there are sunken ships at the bottom of the Marianas Trench and elsewhere throughout southeast Asia, where this gold is being kept. There is a treasure room on the island of Taiwan, underneath the island, that was hand dug by laborers. It is 40 miles by 50 miles wide and seven terraces deep. Apparently half of this entire room is filled with gold on one side and the precious treasures of China on the other side.” (“Transcript of David Wilcock Interview on Whistleblower Radio, Dec. 14,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/world-disclosure-day/the-time-of-troubles/transcript-of-david-wilcock-interview-on-whistleblower-radio-dec-14-2011/.)