By Morag, May 1, 2019, Love is a vibration, a frequency. Everything we are is vibration, frequency. Our cells, atoms and quarks, the tiniest particles that make up our being, vibrate. Everything is vibrating from micro to macro, the cosmos is ever expanding, never still, always moving. The spectrum of vibratory experience is quantum, […]
Upgrades, Karma and Manifesting without Fear
By Morag, January 29, 2019, httpss:// 2019 the world is going to be lit with warriors taking a stand. Holding their light high, a beacon of hope, peace and harmony. January’s blood moon eclipse gateway has unleashed intensive lightworker upgrades. We are being levelled up, ‘I know kung fu’…kinda thing. When uploads come a […]
Divine Intolerance and Energy Wizardry
By Morag, November 25, 2018, httpss:// We are experiencing tremors filtering through the energetic landscape. Quantum calling cards heralding the coming great shift, the release of many, many souls from dark to light. The process has begun. The game has changed. We are no longer operating in the third dimension, the material plane has […]
15 Signs we have Transitioned to the Fourth Realm
By Morag, October 30, 2018, httpss:// We have entered a new paradigm, a new dimensional space. The third dimension is fading as we try to fathom the fourth. We are now operating in the fourth dimension. The rainbow children, indigos and light workers have raised the vibrations beyond the 3d matrix. Phase 3 the […]
50 Signs of Quantum Upgrades
This is a blog post from early this year that our friend DT the ET offered as a juicy reminder on his own blog, and it resonates beautifully for this week as well. Several of these are already a given for happily a great many of us. There are some, though that we may read […]
Energy Update Upgrades
Energy Update Upgrades By Morag, July 22, 2018, httpss:// We are moving through a profound portal of light. If you resonate with these words you may be experiencing timeline slippage synchronicities low energy expansive thought hyper sensitivity to people and places dehydration disturbed sleep stomach irritability heightened dream state Portals, gateways, tidal waves of […]