Many of us complicate life for no good reason. We expect too much from the world, and we forget that to be alive at all is a gift. We’re always looking for something more. We want things to be better, faster, more impressive; and we’re in a mad dash to get everything we feel entitled […]
My Line in the Sand
The election season craziness here in America exemplifies the need to return to the heart. Most of us, including me, have been caught in the maelstrom of American politics. I’ve repeatedly argued my side and found unsurprisingly that I’ve brought nobody new into my corner. For someone with liberal and conservative values, I find it […]
More Kindness, Less Hate
I don’t have an answer for the world’s problems. It’d be deluded to think that any one person does. I do have an idea of what we can do better, and it’s a simple and sensible solution. Although I think we should be more peaceful and try to love everyone, that’s not what I’m recommending […]
Suzanne Baker Hogan: Feel
During these times of great transformation, we are being called to feel everything we haven’t allowed ourselves to feel before. We are being asked to feel the emotions that we have denied and shunned deep inside. And this is because feeling allows us to heal our emotional wounds. You see, as we go through life, […]
Zak Ebrahim: The Power of Empathy
I’m frankly not sure whether Zak Ebrahim’s father really was a terrorist or whether such organizations as the FBI and CIA set him up. But it doesn’t detract from Zak’s accomplishment. Thanks to Margo. The power of empathy: How tolerance transformed two lives wrecked by terrorism Kate Torgovnick May,, Sept. 11, 2014 Zak […]
Archangel Gabriel: On Empathy
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL, March 17-24, 2011, through Marlene Swetlishoff, Beloved Ones, In this discourse, we wish to explore the quality of Love called empathy. Empathy is a feeling that automatically comes into play in those who are centered within their heart rather than through the intellect and is a ‘soft’ but decisive knowing that the […]