Reprinted from Dec. 20, 2012
I’ve just been reading through Stephen’s transcript of his interview with Archangel Michael and I emerged bubbling with laughter and joy.
And I began to think back over the wonderful years of this journey. It began for me, and pardon me if I wax a bit nostalgic on this last day of duality, when I watched a Youtube video called In Plane Site in July 2007. On that day I realized that 9/11 was an inside job and something snapped inside of me.
I had retired earlier that year from the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada where I sat as a decision-maker on refugee claims.
While I had written dictionaries of enlightenment under a pseudonym, and had a previous career as a writer on a particular spiritual leader (he’s since fallen from grace), again under a pseudonym, I had never attached my name to much and had never published anything for payment. But writing on 9/11 demanded that I come out of the closet, or what I wrote would have no impact. So I began to expose the conspiracy that underlay 9/11 and to take the cabal behind it on.
From there I graduated to the exposure of the omnicide promised by the cabal’s knowing use of depleted-uranium weapons.
A year later (on August 29, 2008) I went on a trip to Bellingham, WA, with Len Satov and D’Arcy, to see Mother Meera who was visiting the Pacific Northwest. My wife is the scout in the family and introduced me to Len (and Adyashanti and Andrew Cohen, etc.)
D’Arcy had already told me about Jean Hudon, who put out such a valuable compendium on a regular basis. So I already knew a little about what was happening. But Len brought me into the picture on the Mayan Calendar and what was expected … tomorrow, Dec. 21, 2012.
My wife and Len decided to stop in to the duty free shop at the border, which, as it turned out, added perhaps two or three hours onto our trip because there was such a huge and slowly-moving line out of the shop and back into traffic at the border.
But it gave Len a chance to tell me absolutely everything to do with 2012. And I said to Len that I would do what I have done so often – I’d start a website on 2012 (First Contact: and see what I could turn up. I have to thank Len and D’Arcy for making me aware of all this.
The website led me to Mark Huber, who, like Jean, put out all-points bulletins on what was going on. Pretty soon I was doing my first compendim for Mark of his own coverage of the 2012 scene and not long after he asked me to open up a discussion group for him. All of us had been huddling on an existing discussion group up till that time but there were a couple of really negative types on that group and we were looking for more satisfying digs.
While Mark gave us “intel” on what was happening, I began writing articles on 2012 and on emerging as leaders in the New Age fast approaching. There I met many of you, many of whom remain readers of this blog and members of the second discussion group.
And then I fell sick and had to leave the first discussion group. Really, really sick, with colitis, for six dreary months. And so I had to stay in the apartment with no ability to answer email in a timely manner. Some of the members of the old discussion group, most notably Noeline, assisted me to start a blog, which I named the 2012 Scenario.
There have been so many people who have helped over the years with this site – I can’t remember everyone – Ann Pomazal, Natasha Beckow, Melinda Carter, Pat Donworth, Laura T., Ryan Vaughan, Casey Plummer, Stephen Cook, Anthony Morrison, Suzi Maresca, GD, Vina Vongsaykham, Alice Cull, Sage Hawkwynde, on and on the names roll.
No one that I can remember ever complained about the fact that it was all volunteer, that nothing was ever charged for, that no one sought credit, that we worked every day of the week, etc. I can’t believe what a blessing it has been to know and work with all of you.
I cannot forget to thank the Observer Corps – Roth (actually Fay), Janis, Julie, Genele, Gene, Shaunie, Ramona, Jeannie, and so, so many others – who helped us find the stories we print. And I have to thank Ellen and Mary on transcription! Without you, we could not have done this.
We held World Disclosure Days, World Freedom Days, supported President Obama when so many lightworkers were convinced that he was an incarnation of Lucifer (the cabal did their job well), tried to bring in NESARA funds and faced never-ending postponements, Disclosure dates that never happened, and grew as wary of predictions as anyone else.
Our darkest day was the day we heard that the Neptune expedition would not go ahead. Of course I had been inept in my organization of it and doomed it from the get-go, but everyone else worked very hard, only to find our hopes dashed. No one was probably as disappointed as Linda Dillon was. Poor Blossom, who had suffered through her own espousal of Oct. 14, 2008 as a massive decloaking, only to find the galactics postpone that event as well, seemed to know best of anyone what we were going through.
But, as Morgan Freeman said in Deep Impact, “we survived.” But I get ahead of myself.
Len and I had been getting together at Starbucks and he’d been reading me his personal readings with this incredible medium on the East Coast, Linda Dillon. And maybe a year after I first heard of her, when I awoke from a dream I had of meeting my twin flame, I called her and asked for a reading myself. After meeting Annastara and my other guides – Windthrow, Phoenix and White Cloud – I was told that Archangel Michael wished to chat with me.
Now a discussion group member, Betty Salye, had told me in 2009 in a channeled reading: “Now we leave you with this thought. You have an intricate connection with the one called Michael and his ‘sword of truth.’” And this came to mind when I first spoke with the Boss. He very gently and gradually woke me up to what I was doing here and our past relationship. Of course all this sounded way far out to me.
He wouldn’t tell me who I had been in past lives, saying it wouldn’t help. But he did tell me about two lives – one assisting with the development of the printing press (it figures) and another as a non-dual priest in Atlantis (again it figures). And later he also told me that I had been here with St. Francis, which explains why I love to feed the birds!
There arose a close co-operation between Linda and I, both of us comforting each other after many slams from various quarters that followed on from the Neptune incident and other times.
During this time, I was dragging my jets, there being so much work to do to answer email, comments, etc., that I asked AAM what I should do about it. And he suggested I close comments and open a second discussion group, attached to the blogsite – “his” discussion group. I was joined by Andrea Scully and Barry Kapp as co-owners, as well as Deva, Libby, Allen, JD, Sage and Mryddin (I apologize if I’ve missed anyone) as the Mod Squad. The 2012 Scenario discussion group has passed 1300 members recently.
We started meet-ups at this time and perhaps I’ll open comments here to hear how that went for all of you.
In late 2011, I was approached by Les Martz to assist a friend who needed $6,000 worth of urgent dental repairs which could prove fatal if she could not find the wherewithal to get the repairs done. Would I assist to fund raise?
At first I said no and then I discussed it with you and, before I could even make up my mind, Lawrence Vendetti (Vendo) sent in a $1,000 cheque and I knew it was meant to be.
So I now said yes and there began the Lightworkers Fun, renamed to the Hope Chest. We were at the time the only charity assisting lightworkers and the support that you the readers gave so many people who faced homelessness, the loss of electricity and heat, the loss of their car, or similar situations has inspired us and warmed our hearts.
Soon after founding the Hope Chest, we were approached by a NESARA custodian (she doesn’t like her name used) and asked to start the Bridge Fund. Another team arose and has gone through several incarnations, but, as you see, NESARA too did not eventuate.
That NESARA custodian started out a wealthy person and spent her entire substance supporting the effort through the past year. Some day I hope her story can be told. K? And others also supported the effort liberally, allowing members of the team to remain out of normal jobs to work the project. C and R?
But that didn’t mean we weren’t super busy getting our end set up. I have to thank Casey again, Karen, Christina, and D’Arcy. We’ve been super-busy behind the scenes even if nothing actually physically came of it. And all the time we’ve been guided by the Boss. (You think you’ve heard “soon” enough times? You didn’t hear anything!)
In late 2011, GD broached the idea of starting a radio show. I had already done one interview with this really bright and irrepressible light in Australia named Stephen Cook, who gently nudged me out of the closet on the subject of the galactics and got me over the I-just-sealed-my fate-and-future stage of things. Graham suggested interviewing me on a weekly basis and I suggested interviewing Archangel Michael instead. Fortunately Graham did not consider that a whacko idea and An Hour with an Angel began, with Linda channeling the Council of Love. (Rosy bore the cost for InLight Radio all this time.)
Graham, who is a joy to work with, expanded his radio shows, with Geoff West, Stephen Cook, Suzi Maresca joining us and soon we covered six days of the week. Then, tired of waiting for Disclosure, Graham took up a chance remark I made that we should disclose the presence of the galactics ourselves, and organized and produced I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do You? (In two weeks, by the way.) Luisa Vasconcellos’s global team of transcribers translated the video into many languages, making it perhaps the only worldwide disclosure event that we’ve had prior to Ascension.
And on top of all this, Sierra organized us to do a conference which all the InLight Radio team, but mostly Stephen, worked tirelessly to bring about. We made our mistakes, it being our first time doing this, but the conferences themselves, or more accurately, the love fests, made it all worthwhile. We so much enjoyed meeting all of you and only wish there could have been no costs involved so we could have met many more of you. But we will – after Ascension.
My wife D’Arcy has been super-patient through all this. It’s been hard on her and I acknowledge her willingness to love me through it all and wait. At times I’ve been pretty darned grouchy (my vasanas) and made it even more difficult for her. Archangel Michael has promised us a 200-year vacation and then we do it all again, with many of you, on the Seventh Dimension. Imagine!
I know you all have stories to tell as well and I’d love to hear them through your comments. I so much enjoyed playing my role in all of this. I’ve been enriched meeting you and hearing your histories.
This has been a long, long journey, for us as it’s been for you. It’s now approaching a kind of end point, though I suspect it’s more of a new beginning. D’Arcy and I plan to get away to a remote part of India where I will sip coffee milkshakes and eat kalamari and D’Arcy will get a good tan and enjoy the Lonely Planet Restaurant.
But we’ll be back to work again with you lovely people. Enjoy your Ascension. You worked hard for it and endured a lot to reach this point still smiling. Thank you for working for the Light all these years alongside of us and the various teams who have served the Light Agenda, as Stephen calls it. I would not have traded these experiences for all the gold in China, under the ocean, Thailand and wherever else it’s stashed. Thank you as well to so many others – Wes, Kauila, Lucas, Quinn, Suzy, Blossom, Michael, John, Genie, Marilyn – to all of you.
Thank you to all lightworkers everywhere, those we’ve agreed with and those we haven’t. Thank you to the celestials and galactics and ascended masters. Thank you to everyone who has brought forth this wonderful release from duality and are opening wide the doors for us into the New World. I hope that everyone walks into the Light and has a day so transformative that it wipes away all our tears and leaves us in bliss forever.