October 19, 2019, awakeningspark.com https://awakeningspark.com/blog/the-spirit-or-astral-world As a part of the weekly Meditation & Mastery classes for which I am a co-host, we have just instituted a voluntary Book of the Month Club which encourages members to read beyond the material presented during the classes and share their experiences. Our inaugural book for this club is […]
Fluid Vision World with Sue Lie and Oscar Bustamente
httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a4juDJnOV4&feature=em-comments Oscar Bustamante writes: Fluid Vision World on 2019-09-25 has a discussion about current esoteric subjects with Suzanne Lie of https://www.Multidimensions.com The Arcturians are channeled within the conversation, where they contribute their perspective of humanity’s ascension process. Suzanne and Oscar exchange their ideas, feelings and perspectives on the evolution of humanity’s consciousness of Earth and […]