September 22, 2022, My beloved Children, consider this: there is a storm raging on your planet. There are many people saying they know this or that. They have the truth. At best, they have a partial insight. Don’t get caught up in the drama, in being ‘right,’ because ultimately that is about ‘power […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian & Alesha: How to Navigate Disclosure
September 4, 2022, Note: Well, here’s something of a ground-breaker! Those of you who know Ashian’s energy will recognise there is a different tone to this channel. It’s because it’s not just Ashian, he’s joined by Alesha. Alesha has come through in private sessions before, but not publicly like this: she is “Ashian’s […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Claim Your Freedom Now
August 30, 2022, Jennifer: Ashian, hello! Ashian: And a glorious greeting to you all. J: Oh no! I’ve just seen the word ‘hell’ in hello. I never noticed that before: it’s rather dampened my enthusiasm for the word. A: Which leads up beautifully on to that which we wish to discuss today. Normal: […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Shadows Show Imbalance
August 24, 2022, Jennifer: Greetings Ashian! Ashian: Greetings and blessings to you all. Today we wish to discuss shadow energy. Any energy can be shadow energy if it unbalanced. Generosity can be a shadow energy, if you feel it is a sign of weakness, or a virtue you cannot or should not […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: The Low of Flow
August 18, 2022, Greetings and blessings to you all. We wish to begin with a question: do you feel stuck? Does nothing feel ‘right’ anymore, yet you don’t know where to go or what to do? These are extremely good signs that you are ~ perhaps to your surprise! ~ in your flow. […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Jumping Timelines and Lion’s Gate
August 12, 2022, Jennifer: Greetings! Ashian: We extend our blessings and love to you all. You are in a sacred time. The Lion’s Gate portal is the Galactic new year, it is a reset and an evolution. The practice of making ‘New Year’s Commitments’ reflects your inner knowing that a New Year marks […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Walking Between Two Worlds
July 27, 2022, Jennifer: Greetings! Ashian: And blessings to all who feel these words. J: I want to explore how we live between two worlds at present, and the best way of navigating that spaciousness. A: We love that you call it ‘spaciousness.’ J: To be honest, I was surprised by that myself! […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Do YOU (with Bonus Video)
July 20, 2022, Jennifer: Greetings! Ashian: And blessings to you all. We bring forth so much love for you, to you, through you at this time. There is so much afoot at present, seismic shifts are occurring in every sector of every country and all of it ~ all evidence to the contrary […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Galactics are Always Here
July 14, 2022, Jennifer: Greetings Galactic! Ashian: Greetings Earthling! J: Well, we’re in great form today! A: We would hesitate to say that we are always in great form! Great form on earth is a far more fleeting, transient affair ~ for now. J: For now? I love it, go on, do tell…! […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Further to the Divine Mother’s Words on Perfection (Video)
July 2, 2022, via email I struggle with the idea of perfection for myself, but this is an alternative vision of perfection which the Divine Mother has shared with me for my myself and my clients, and I believe it’s definitely worthwhile softening into it. In short, we aren’t here to be some distorted […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: Everything About You is Divine Perfection
July 1, 2022, My beloved children, aspects of my Divine Essence, you are truly the offspring of the union of the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Without that seed, that essence, You could not exist. Your soul is the manifestation of Divine Love. You are the fulfillment of the promise of the sacred […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Unsealing our Crystalline Codes
June 28, 2022, / The New Moon of June 28th would be like any other new moon, or so I thought. To be honest, I don’t really follow the moon and – perhaps embarrassingly – I seldom think to use its energy to let go of what no longer serves me, and intend to […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Conversations with Ashian: Be Yourself
Jennifer is back with a lovely check-in and a message from Ashian.
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: Come into the Flow
June 10, 2022, My beloved children, flames of my heart, embodiments of my spirit. You are me: you have my power, my creativity, my abilities, you have simply been trained to forget. You are powerful creators and manifestors. You. Yes, my beloved heart, you reading these words. You are magnificent; unspeakably magnificent. I […]
Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: Arise, Pheonixes of the World
June 3, 2022, Jennifer: Hello! Well, this is a first, I can see lava and fire when I tune into you. Ashian: Hello and blessings to all hearts who vibrate with this transmission. The time of transmutation is upon you. Fire cleanses, it burns off all impurities, it clears away everything in its […]
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