by Thea Grace Sirius Dearest ones the Archangelic realm have come together as One to encourage and help you all to find the LOVE within yourselves and for you all to become Superconscious within to be more able to create that amazing NEW WORLD of your dreams. As a Loving soul ready to move […]
Shanta Gabriel ~ Archangel Sandalphon and the Light of Wellbeing
November 16, 2021, At the heart of all your desires is the powerful calling of Wellbeing. Is there an area of your life that lacks Wellbeing? Perhaps it has to do with finances or health. These are the issues of a weak Base Chakra which lies at the base of your spine. Each […]
Archangel Sandalphon: It Is Time
by Galaxygirl Greetings beloveds. I am Archangel Sandalphon, twin brother of Archangel Metatron. I come through this one today for many reasons. First, it is time. It is time for the prayers that have been reverently uttered by the lightworker community to be fulfilled. Secondly, she is worthy. She struggles with typing this. You are […]