by Caitlin Johnstone “Relish the gaps,” said the old woman at the nursing home, grabbing at my hand as I walked past. “I’m sorry… do you need your nurse?” I said, reluctantly giving her my hand to hold. Her bones felt frail. I wasn’t there to see her. I didn’t know this woman. “Everyone […]
Unprecedented Times Call For Unprecedented Measures
by Caitlin Johnstone Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child, Listen to the DON’TS Listen to the SHOULDN’TS The IMPOSSIBLES, the WONT’S Listen to the NEVER HAVES Then listen close to me — Anything can happen, child, ANYTHING can be. ~ Shel Silverstein Whenever I talk about the kinds of changes human civilization is going to have […]
Rabbit Holes And Men Behind Curtains
by Caitlin Johnstone You dive down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, searching for the man behind the curtain. You’ve seen enough to be convinced that everything you’ve been taught about the world is false, and now it’s just a matter of finding out who’s really responsible for making such a mess of things. And […]
De-Gamify The Earth
by Caitlin Johnstone Basically the problem is that our whole planet has been gamified. All the Earth’s life, resources and geography have been folded into this sick game where people commodify them into points called money, for no other reason than to score as many points as possible. A tree is worth a set […]
Caitlin Johnstone: Just Beneath Don’t let the fraudulence of this civilization eclipse the supernova of authenticity hidden just beneath that thin membrane. Don’t let the vapid artificiality of mainstream culture cause you to miss the weird magic of life as it actually is. Don’t let the barrage of advertisements screaming “THIS IS NEVER ENOUGH” distract from the symphony […]
In Times Like These
by Caitlin Johnstone, Jan. 20, 2023 Note: Harsh language. This article represents how people who have looked deeply at current social questions and do not know the Divine Plan can see matters. In times like these when nuclear warheads are being moved into position, when weapons manufacturers can’t keep up with the demand, when the […]
You Are Home
by Caitlin Johnstone It can be hard to feel your roots as a westerner. Many of us live in countries built on relatively recent colonization by Europeans, so our ancestral connection to the land only goes back a few generations. Our spirituality is generally expressed in religions which originated thousands of years ago in […]
Caitlin Johnstone: We’ve Been Dominated by Narrative Control Since the Dawn of Civilization
by Caitlin Johnstone The science of modern propaganda arguably got its start over a century ago during World War I when a young Edward Bernays was recruited to help sell the conflict to a reluctant American populace, after which he took what he’d learned on that front and folded it into a lifetime of work on the study […]
I Support Western Values More Than The West Does
by Caitlin Johnstone I’m often criticized as being “anti-west”, but I am not anti-west, I am pro-west. I am so pro-west that I want our values of peace, freedom, democracy, truth and justice to be real life things that exist in actual western civilization and not just a fiction that is taught to western […]
War Is Over (If You Want It)
by Caitlin Johnstone War is over If you want it War is over If you want the health of your people more than global domination, War is over If you want everyone’s prosperity more than you want to be richer than others, War is over If you want peace more than the illusion […]
Caitlin Johnstone: Awakening Awakening from the lies of the news man, the lies of the politician, the lies of the teacher, the preacher, the pundit, the parent. Awakening from the authorized worldviews, the authorized narratives, the authorized information, the authorized ideas. Awakening from dead thoughts written by dead men on sheets made from dead trees. Awakening […]
The Biggest Obstacle To Real Freedom Is The Belief That We Already Have It
by Caitlin Johnstone If you live in one of the so-called free democracies of the western world, the worst mistake you can make is to buy into the hype. To believe you are a free individual in a nation that respects and protects your freedom and individuality. Whenever I broach this subject I always […]
I Don’t Want A Sci-Fi Future
by Caitlin Johnstone I don’t desire a future for humanity like the ones imagined by our culturally designated future-imaginers. I don’t want humans living in Elon Musk Mars colonies or Jeff Bezos space cylinders. I don’t want us to fly out into the stars, to disappear into virtual reality universes, or to move away […]