I’ve just watched a TV documentary called Unsealed: Conspiracy Files, featuring, among others, Steven Bassett.
The program alleged that the gold in Fort Knox was probably missing, the alien spacecraft at Roswell was real, an alien survived the crash, Wright Patterson was where the remains and much other alien technology was taken. It described the U.S. government’s special bases at which bioweapons were developed, including pandemics like SARS, Ebola, and H1N1.
It highlighted Majestic 12, Operation Paperclip’s forgiveness of Nazi mass murderers and the Utah Data Center at which the National Security Agency is gathering a wide swath of information on all Americans and the citizens of other countries. The program looked at one issue after another, issues well known to us here but many of them never before broached on TV, as far as I’m aware. By the time it ended, my head was swirling.
It was followed by a second program called Unsealed: Alien Files, doing the same work on “alien” encounters. Nick Pope went farther than I’ve ever heard him, describing the modus operandi by which the British Ministry of Defence covered up galactic encounters.
Unfortunately he also feels that the possibility of an alien invasion exists. Even among those who are deemed “experts” on the galactics, a lack of understanding of our true situation is evident.
The galactics around the planet today follow the universal laws and are here to defend the planet against the negative aliens who were here previously and against the Illuminati, who would have reduced the population from seven billion to a mere 500 million – if they’d been allowed to get away with it. Fortunately they’ve been stopped.
These two programs were done in the manner of a typical believe-it-or-not crime expose but the range of issues presented says to me that there’s far more to these two programs than meets the eye.
Are we seeing the beginning of the new programs designed to break the truth to the public? Is it beginning in the manner of the investigative journalism we were once so accustomed and addicted to? I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
It may be that presenting it in this way allows anyone who wishes to to shrug the information off, while getting topics that have been heretofore unmentionable out in front of the public. I can’t imagine a program accusing the U.S. government of producing and launching pandemics being released to the air in years past. I think it would have gotten a person assassinated before the program reached the public.
Checking further I found that the program has had many episodes throughout 2012 and 2013. Various shows were on subjects such as America’s Flying Saucer, Global Depopulation, Secret Government Warehouses, Top Ten Secret Societies, Nazis Today, Time Travel, America’s Alien Wars, Fake World Leaders, Remote Viewing, Stargate Portals, Cloning, HAARP, New World Order, Mind Control, and Bio-Hazard Island.
Excuse me? Global Depopulation? HAARP? Stargate Portals? Bio-Hazard Island? Are no deep, dark secrets off-limits any more?
Well, there was nothing on 9/11. Curious omission.
But apart from that, apparently nothing is off-limits. Where this program differed from the series generally was that all the themes were covered in the one program. I expect it’s a round-up of the series.
What was so different from this series was that it didn’t offer the usual apologies for events, stop at some point and not go too far, or stay away from certain taboo subjects (manmade pandemics, stargate portals, global depopulation, the underground negative-alien wars). It said the things that I wondered would ever show up on the small screen.
It’s definitely a marked departure from everything that has been shown on TV to date, a watershed event in investigative reporting. And gone were the talking heads. Here was evidence being presented.
Welcome to the new world of accountability. Has the anticipated avalanche of truth-telling started? Unless I’m mistaken, it looks like it has. What can we expect on 9/11?