I have a request to make. I request that anyone who wants to consider keeping at minimum a scorecard, but preferably a journal or a diary.
I request that some of us, anyways, keep a record of the times we say “yes” and the times we say “no,” from here ad infinitum. And describe the situation and record our reasons. I think if we do it’ll show us a number of things to us and serve a number of purposes.
One purpose it’ll serve is this: I think we’re going to be called upon to relate what happened for us in this Ascension. Our is the first Ascension in this current wave. It’s the first physical Ascension, mass Ascension. We’ve been told many times that other civilizations will want to know our experience. We might as well have a record of it.
One thing we may notice is that the “Yes” column will get longer and longer and the “No” column will get shorter and shorter. I can’t see how it could be otherwise.
These are unprecedented times. There’s increasingly more to say “yes” to. The Tsunami of Love, the Reval, Ascension, Disclosure, Cities of Light….
And there’ll continue to be things we say “no” to: the depredations of the Illuminati, things we don’t want in our lives, unwise courses of action … there’s a lot that remains to say “no” to. Harmlessly and maturely of course. And practice will make perfect.
If you take me up on this, then let’s be honest. If we’re a “no,” we’re a “no.” We need to practice saying it, hearing it, and coping with the aftermath if we’re going to be leaders, as was our original assignment.
Look also for the barriers to saying “yes.” The love of drama (one of mine), an attitude that life is not worth living, feeling of despair, whatever it is.
Why can we not be working out? It beats waiting. And it’d be such a shame to let these unprecedented times go by without remembering them when we come to recall them later.