Credit: HuffingtonPost.com
I’ve been asked to say more about the time of separation, the so-called bifurcation moment.
Based on channeled sources, I’d say it isn’t so much a moment of suddenly going separate ways so much as a gradual pulling apart, with death providing the final shift away from Earth.
The Mother doesn’t want anyone to suffer so I’d expect her treatment of the Ascension decliners would be as generous and nurturing as it would be for those who chose Ascension.
Maybe I can be permitted to comment from my own understanding, just in the interests of time, rather than hunting down and organizing what the sources say. (1)
My understanding is that all the processes connected with Ascension are supportive, non-judgmental, and personally-determined.
Those who decline are treated with the same loving respect as those who accept Ascension.
Just as it isn’t the case that everyone will ascend at the same time, so it isn’t the case that all remainers who transition will leave Earth at the same time or in the same way.
Exits will be by any means available cor many, at the end of their natural life span for others, and from the astral domains the individuals will plan their next lifetime, continuing on in 3D, probably without too much of a recall.
For them, if they recall at all, this’ll be like another failed Atlantis. For us it’ll be succeeding at what Atlantis failed to do. It depends on where we sit how we’ll view the events of this time.
I’d like to say a word about death, the exit means for remainers, those who don’t ascend and put an end to death altogether.
There are so many misunderstandings we have about the subject.
I’ve been outside my body so that the fear of death has gone. I know by realization that I’m not my body. Once you know that, you can’t unknow it.
And I wrote a book on life after death called New Maps of Heaven, (1) which dispelled a few myths for me.
One myth is that death is painful. In some tragic circumstances, the body may writhe but the occupant of the body will have already left. (2)
Generally we’re removed from our bodies before death in such painful circumstances as a car crash or falling off a cliff. We don’t need to go through the experience except if doing so fulfills a karmic lesson; say, an arsonist in a past life needs to go through death by fire.
Because this generation is the wrap up of Third Dimensionality for all who wish and can hold the vibration, karma stops here. What we don’t finish up is forgiven. Karma operates far less in the higher dimensions, I’m told.
Given the love and bliss that are as common as air or water there, I can imagine that the Karma custodians in the higher dimensions are like the proverbial Maytag repairman – left with little work to do. Because no one has a harmful thought there.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) For what the sources say and further on this subject, see:
- “Is the Time of Separation Approaching?” , at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/12/13/315598/
- Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us: The Time of Separation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Time-of-Separation-5.pages.pdf
(2) See “Death Is Painless,” June 30, 2015, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/06/30/death-is-painless/ and “Do We Need to Fear Death?” April 9, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/04/09/do-we-need-to-fear-death/.
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