We all know that the intensification of the energies around the planet is bringing up everything unresolved to be cleared, as the culmination of the clearing phase in our gradual Ascension. Or at least I hope it’s the culmination.
Well, my stuff is coming up along with yours. And it is intense.
Yesterday I was awash in bliss (1) and today awash in defensiveness.
Nonetheless, this gives me the perfect opportunity to go through a massive core issue publicly. Nothing I enjoy more than this. You have my permission to use this as a cookie-cutter template if it strikes you as useful.
Jesus through John Smallman said recently:
“When ‘stuff’ comes up . . . rejoice! It means that you have made the decision to release all that is holding you back by opening to Love, your true and eternal nature.” (2)
I know you’re right, Jesus. But I’m in it. The stuff is really flying for me. I’m popping like popcorn over here. And I know it’s because of the increased energies.
My unfolding realization began when I saw today that the moment disagreement arises between me and another, I feel defensive. I push a button marked “I Am Now in Defensive Mode.” Previously that button had always been there but had been off and hence invisible. But it’s very visible at this time of intensified energies.
Other groups in the growth movement would recognize it as my ground of being, my always-already listening, my prearranged, rehearsed and intentionally-delivered performance designed to get me what I want – in the matter of social contact: security of person, inviolate personal space, well-respected boundaries.
For two days previously, I had been the world’s policeman, frowning on people climbing aboard the bus by the back door to avoid paying, smurking at line-jumpers in department stores, confronting people who blocked my way from exiting the subway, and so on. I was a menace to society.
It took time to see that a vasana had gone off. I so often fool myself into thinking that I’m standing on principle and am entitled to be righteously indignant. But almost always there’s a vasana underneath and I just projected it onto the other person. Shoot! I did it again!
It took until today to see its contours, the truth of it, with time out for an afternoon in bliss, for which I thank our celestial friends.
What I saw was that I don’t usually do things coming from love. Well, I do and I don’t. But I’m pretty weak in the area.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) “The Return of Bliss,” July 17, 2016, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=278904
(2) “Jesus: When ‘Stuff’ Comes Up . . . Rejoice!” Channelled by John Smallman. April 19, 2016. httpss://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/when-stuff-comes-up-rejoice/
For more along the same lines, see “OK, I Feel Upset. … Oh, Great!” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/ok-i-feel-upset-oh-great/ and “Yayayayay! We’re Reactivated!” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/on-processing-vasanas/yayayayay-were-reactivated/.