January 3, 2025, via email
Can you feel the quickening of the energy? There feels to be an electric charge in the air, tension, and excitement.
The energetic wave that has been gathering for months is now moving forward.
Our energy bodies are undergoing a tremendous upgrade. The incoming energy’s tone has changed, and these octaves activate cellular memory. We will begin to remember more and more of our soul’s truth.
This remembering will ignite a significant unraveling of all that is not our truth. We will look deeper into our shadows (individual and collective) and be triggered to highlight the wounds that need to be healed and reconciled.
Incredible expansion is taking place within our energetic fields, particularly the heart and higher heart chakras. As the heart cracks open even wider, we may experience incredible grief, moments of joy, and even moments of intense anger. Our task is not to assign value or meaning to these emotions but rather to let them flow through.
Physically, we may experience rib pain, mid-back pain, and lung congestion as we open up wider than before and transmute powerful emotions.
The heart expansion and the myriad of emotions that arise are helping us process the enormity of our entire human experience.
Understand that while the human is in an ascension process, the Soul is in a descension process. Where they meet is in your heart/higher heart space.
As the soul descends into our bodies, it requires greater presence and connection. Simultaneously, the world is becoming louder and more on edge. There are moments when it seems as if timelines are colliding and then having to re-order themselves.
It can feel like we are on a see-saw: one minute up, the next minute down. With all the chaos taking place, the enormous plasma and codes coming in, and our own expansion, we can feel battered and bruised. Often, our energetic field takes the brunt. It can become weak, cracked, and even have holes in it. When this happens, we can experience the intrusion of energies that are not ours.
When our energetic aura and subtle bodies are not clear, we can experience looping thoughts, fears, and worries. Anxiety can escalate, as can body pain from blockages in the energetic field. Many are feeling bombarded right now with the energies coming at us, and some have felt psychically attacked. Maintaining good energetic hygiene helps to keep us balanced and centered so that we can better navigate the increasing energy.
When I asked my team to show me what is taking place energetically, they showed me a train. It has begun to move along the tracks. It is not up to speed yet because it will stop at other stations and pick up other passengers. (Each station has a different vibrational level). Once all the stops have been made and the people picked up, the train will then go to a wide-open area with unobstructed tracks and no more stations. Then it will hit max speed and move us completely.