A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council February 4, 2025 through Valerie Donner
Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. This comes from your Pleiadian family, as well as, the Earth Council.
As many of you know, I have been working with the Earth Council for many years on a full-time basis to further the Earth’s ascension. It is a most worthwhile purpose. It is at its pivotal point because the shift is happening now.
I want you to know how wonderful life is going to become in the Golden Age on the New Earth. That which has been harmful and detrimental to life on the Earth is now being removed quickly and completely. You will not need to carry the fear anymore from what has happened in the past. We are with you.
The spells from the past are being removed. This includes individuals, families and all residents of Earth. It means bringing out the truth, including the hatred of the past. Locations and symbols are being cleared and their meaning brought to light. This can feel like it is all crashing down upon you, and the only thing you can do is protect yourself with the right thoughts, words and actions.
Getting caught up in the drama from the old material world is futile. It will waste your energy and keep you from moving forward into the Golden Age. Just see it as a deterrent and let it go. Some people enjoy being a part of the drama and that is their way of learning. It does not have to be yours.
You are following the stair steps to the beautiful new heaven that awaits you. It is here now, however, it requires you reaching up and looking at what is above. It is beautiful golden crystal light with edifices for all purposes. It is your refuge, your healing and your reward for all of the work you have done to assist the Earth to reach the place where she is right now. Reach for it!
Thank you for all of your generous, devoted, positive thoughts and actions for the ascension process. It is all paying off with miracle after miracle. Embrace your new future with rings on your fingers and bells on your toes. Dance the dance of freedom, sing and be happy.
We welcome you back home with our love and gratitude. I am Mira and look forward to meeting you soon.