It doesn’t exactly seem like the work of a spiritual warrior, but I’m finding that creating from recipes, instead of relying on premade anything, feels expansive. It feels light. In a word, it feels happy.
Light, expansive, and happy are all higher vibrational states. In this homely, homemaker fashion, the current curve on the path of my spiritual wandering is providing more fun than I would have imagined, as well as some truly tasty comestibles.
There is something deeply nourishing about eating food we have prepared ourselves. Even exquisite restaurant meals or takeout from Gelson’s high-end deli doesn’t carry that connective energy between the person creating and the person consuming.
I continue to go through spells of closely monitoring current events. There’s usually some family-member health issue that I’ll fret over unless I’m diligent with deep breaths and “all is well, always.” And I perpetually curate a largely subliminal task-list for being “a good spiritual person.” But my inner nag has simmered way down.
All of us face constant choices with “what should I do next?” Since I’m in a relatively quiet realm of life, I have the luxury of options. It’s curious, and curiously liberating, to discover that it’s easy and relaxing to choose purposeful activity that is also frequently a delight. When homeopathy coursework beckons, or I get the urge to shuffle through my tarot decks, I do that. Or I might do Reiki for a bit. But none of it feels dutiful, chosen because those are things I should do.
It sounds haphazard and disorganized. But there’s an underlying integration going on between the speaking of the soul and the reception by the self. The conscious, active self.
The conscious self almost always wants orderly progression. The soul speaks in random blips of intuition and shines a golden spotlight that will land on “what I should do next.” My job is to heed the blips of intuition and notice the golden spotlight. Acting on anything is still a choice, and that, too, is a component of this recipe for spiritual-physical integration.
Is this readjusting of how I am in the world the result of a goodly amount of spiritual and emotional work? Is it because it’s just time, astrologically, vibrationally, or in accordance with Earth transitioning into its next, more-beneficent-for-humans preordained cycle of time?
Whatever the cause, at this moment, I am happy to be cradled within my current reality. And now, I think it’s time to look up a blueberry muffin recipe…