We talked about those who are with us being stronger than those who oppose us. (1) Let’s take a moment to look at the assistance of the archangels. What was it Michael said about when they get involved?
When do the archangels resolve to act?
Archangel Michael: Our tipping point is when the darkness becomes far too powerful and too strong – it has to be within the purview and choice, the Dream, of the Mother – it has to be exposed and destroyed, and that point was reached some time ago. (2)
How then do you come forth? Thunder and lightning?
AAM: We do not come forth like a raging force of avenging angels. We do not come forth in what many have described as ‘Armageddon.’ No.
We have come forth, yes, in exposure, but also in sacred union partnership – that is why there are so many angels on Earth at this time – (3) and it is a sacred partnership to, quite literally not just stem the tide but to turn the tide. (4)
It is not about to happen. It has happened! What you are seeing is what that looks like. So pay attention, bright one. The little signs and the big signs are all around you. (5)
How do you work with your sacred partners?
AAM: One of the things we do is we … plant the longer view, so that a person who is involved in a highly complex situation — which [the Reval] is, by the way; because it is not just about money; it is not just about currency; it is about values — in key people we will plant the longer view.
We will inspire, if you wish to use that word, the longer view so that they have, like a flash of lightning, the understanding and all the steps to what can be accomplished many steps out if they simply do A, B, C and D.
And then what we do is we create circumstances — again, beyond the number of variables that you can humanly juggle, although there is that part of you that can assist, and does — but we create situations and combinations of energies that then allow that to come to fruition.
So it is akin to laying out the banquet table, knowing it will be a delightful feast — everything is prepared. Now, can we make you eat? No. But usually — not always, but usually — the inspiration, the vision, the unfoldment that has been planted within is so beautiful and so clear that it is almost like a compulsion on the part of the individual, or in some situations, the group, to proceed in a certain direction. (6)
Do you work with everyone?
AAM: Are we [archangels] in partnership with every being on the planet? Yes. But it is difficult when you are in a partnership and the other person does not realize it. So we are working with those who realize we are in partnership. And so that is why we are having these conversations. (7)
How do I know when you’re inspiring me?
AAM: When you feel that your fingers are itching and there is nothing that can stop you: that is me. …
Stop assuming that you aren’t there. And allow the expansion to be completed. I am not asking you to do something that you are not equipped to do. (8)
Does the Divine Mother work with us? And, if so, how might that be?
Divine Mother: Think of it this way. Say someone comes across your application. Now, we are not overriding the individual’s free will, but when they look at the page, at the screen, it is infused not only with your energy but with mine.
Very often, they will have a feeling – and sometimes they understand that feeling and sometimes they don’t – but they think “hah, this kid has something. I feel there’s potential here.” And it isn’t simply because of what you have written or your grades or your courses. It is more of an infusion into that person of a ‘wanting to know you more and to explore who you are.’
Now the variable in this is that, for some, it will knock them sideways and they may feel, because of the energy, slightly… I guess you would say ‘floaty’ … but for others, there is a feeling of “we have to look at this further.” So it is a very positive influence – and this influence is exerted not, as we say, to override someone’s intelligence but to complement it, and in that, they also get an infusion of my love.
Now let us be very clear. Both Michael and Gabrielle, particularly Gabrielle, and your own beloved guides are very much involved in this process. (9)
Much more has been said, but all is haste in the middle of the storm.
(1) See “The Storm Before the Calm,”
(2) “Archangel Michael on Our Power to Create and to Co-Create,” October 10, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/10/10/archangel-michael-on-our-power-to-create-and-to-co-create/.
(3) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/An-Explosion-in-the-Meaning-of-Humanness-13.pdf
(4) At this level of reality we are turning the tide. At the Mother’s level, her tide cannot be turned. All yield to it.
(5) “Archangel Michael on Our Power to Create and to Co-Create,” October 10, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/10/10/archangel-michael-on-our-power-to-create-and-to-co-create/.
(6) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 1/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-the-global-reset-of-values-part-12/.
(7) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/archangel-michael-a-global-reset-of-values-part-22/.
(8) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 10, 2014.
(9) “Linda Dillon: Divine Mother – A New Realm of Consciousness,” July 26, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/07/26/linda-dillon-divine-mother-a-new-realm-of-consciousness/.