January 28, 2025, via email
Lately I’ve been unusually triggered, and it was just the other day, when I was at the mall confronting a woman who had shoved my daughter and the trolley she was pushing aside in her stampede to the till, that I found myself steaming in outrage.
What’s interesting is that sometimes, I can witness injustice and truly be in higher alignment as I witness it, alchemize it, and feel very non-reactive to it. Yet other times, the volatile reaction comes to the surface, bubbles over to boiling point and then slowly comes into neutrality and alchemy.
Alchemy is the transformation of one state of being to another. When you’re triggered, you have the potential to either go into shame and shut down, or use the moment as an opportunity to introduce higher light into a pain that has been hiding beneath the surface.
That’s what every trigger point is … a healing waiting to happen.
I smiled to myself after the confrontation, thinking, “Oh boy Kerry, what would your followers say if they could see you now, losing your sh*&t with someone at the mall?” Would they be horrified?Well, I hope not. I hope they would celebrate the opportunity that every trigger is.
Here’s what I would say about being triggered:
Oh, for heaven’s sake just risk it all and feel it all!
Everything that you deny robs you of authenticity, and authenticity is the highest vibe there is. Risk the discomfort of feeling angry or outraged when you’ve been taught that you should not. And no, being triggered does not equate to being bad mannered or punishing. It does not need to result in a lashing out at others, it can be a very powerful inner reckoning with a strong emotion that requires compassion.
I welcome my humanness, because I know that we are not here to reject it, but rather, to alchemize it, and in so doing, create space for our higher dimensional self to embody. We are here to embody love, but we don’t do that by disowning pain; we bring love directly into the pain that was once harbored.
To do this, yes…you will risk the judgement and condemnation of others. I could say a lot about that, but I’ll just say this: deal with it. Other people can call you any names they want to. Their judgement of you is their condemnation of themselves – leave them to it.
The dynamics behind people’s desire to shame someone who is triggered comes from an unconsciousness urge in them to shut down your healing. Those who are courageous enough to embrace being triggered create a ripple of healing, and those who are deeply suppressed are deeply afraid of the potential uncontrollable release of emotion that it might elicit in themselves.
Those who suppress themselves the loudest condemn the expression of others the most.
When you are triggered, you are creating a space where alchemy can happen. And where alchemy occurs, you ascend in consciousness to serve as an example of the light we all are becoming. You make it safe for others to feel and deal with their own pain. You become the ripple of higher alignment and radical healing that this world has been waiting for.
You can be triggered without the world needing to know about it. As much as I told you about me being triggered at the mall the other day, I don’t think that you’d have been able to visibly observe the enormity of what I was dealing with and alchemizing at the time. Our association of the raging lunatic is not entirely justified, a person can be triggered silently, inwardly and at the same time be experiencing the implosion of worlds within them.
Here’s what I do when I am healing the triggering. It starts with setting yourself up in your safe space. Feeling safe is essential, you can get triggered anywhere, but the healing is easiest in private, where you can be with yourself and whatever comes up.
- I let myself feel the raw unfiltered moment of being triggered, silently, inwardly and quietly.
- My safe space is my bedroom, and specifically my bed. To avoid drifting off, I won’t lie down, but rather I’ll sit up so I can remain focused and attentive, yet at ease.
- Breath becomes my focal point as I let the feeling of the trigger circulate.
- In my head, I’m usually saying a thousand articulate things that I wish I would have said at the time, but couldn’t think of.
- I try to gently turn my focus onto my breathing.
- I do not deny the upwelling of energy I am feeling.
- Mental chatter is there, but I do not bring my attention to it, I just leave it in the background.
- I choose to remain present with my breath, no denial, no pushing away, fully present and breathing.
- I become aware of the universal consciousness interwoven into my breath, and I let it meet my raw pain.
- Keeping my eyes closed, I remain inside myself.
- Being fully aware that these feelings are my own, even if someone else catalyzed them, these are my experiences. I can only resolve what is mine, so I’m careful to not disown anything.
- This is usually the point where I begin to bring in my higher alignment. This is the alchemical energy work that I teach my community, and it is where the real transcendence takes place. Everything up until this point has been getting myself ready to receive the light that I’m about to bring in. The Plasma Light Tribe always gets me to talk them through these moments, but when I get to do it for me, it feels ultra luxuriant
- I sink into the moment deeply (this is called the sit-your-bum-down moment).
- Around now, my anger is melting, and I’m observing the waves of light coming into my anger.
- At no point did I lock my anger away and tell it that it was bad, wrong, and had no right to exist.
- I brought it closer and allowed it to transform while I stayed conscious, and felt the transforming energy of my own light being breathed into my own pain Release.
- Freedom
- Elevation
- Gratitude
- Healing is in motion
From my heart to yours,